Scrims/Granted system

I am warming up by taking shots and layups while some are stretching, and some are also listening to music to get their head in the game.

The coach and Lucy come to me as i'm in the middle of preparing to take a shot as coach Ivy asks "how are you feeling Yang? think you can handle today's scrim against Suna high."

Taking the shot from behind the 3 and facing them "i haven't felt better coach plus i made sure that i could be in the best shape that i could be in for today's scrim."

As the ball had hit nothing but net as i smiled at Lucy saying "after all i did tell someone that i would be playing the entire game with her."

Smiling Lucy says "coach see is'nt this the best! it's not often me and Yang get to play and that we get to play together after all. You'll let her play the whole game right!?" As she jumped up and down excitedly.

Ivy: "Well if she feels like she can...then...i won't stop her she is the vice captain after all of it is said and done...i mean she even rivals you Lucy."

Smiling, "let's have a good game Lucy" as we hear the whistle from the ref signaling that the scrim is about to start.

From the crowd you could hear "guys look Yang is playing in today's scrim."

A bunch of people gather on the top floor as you were able to hear them say "its Yang!Yang! playing with Lucy the ultimate duo are back together there no way we lose."

As they start to cheer "Luyan!...Luyan!... Luyan! let's go Luyan!" as Lucy smiles and says "it looks like the crowd are excited to see you and me back on the court together after so long. Isn't our ship name cute."

I say "it's always been a cute name i thought" as i smile to her.

The ref blows the whistle and throws up the ball as the centers jumped for the ball with ours tossing the ball back to me with that as the start of the scrim.

Dribbling the ball up the court as i looked at the court to see where everyone was i walk up to the 3 point line before i whip the ball to the paint. Passing the ball faster than the defender could respond.

With Lucy catching the ball with an smile on her face while laying up the ball giving me a thumbs up after she lands as she's running down the counter.

coach Ivy: "Their really the ultimate duo Luyang as their connection is so unreal".

Jane: Smiling "why do you think that they're called that all the time when they're on the court together."

Alexa: "Because no matter where they are on the court they can find each other their play style is so telepathic. But what makes them really unbelievable is that they're also just as unstoppable in their individual play."

(Back on the court)

I'm playing defense as i feel what Lucy's next move is going to be. With me being able to tell where the next pass will be. Moving in the way of the passes path before she passes it to its intended target. As she didn't notice that the pass she would be making would led to the pass landing into my hands. While Lucy had already ran down the court.

Passing her the ball as she reaches the 3 point line catching it and goes straight to shooting it.

Making the shot making the score 25-10 with the time only having 3 minutes left in the first quarter causing suna high to call a time out.

I run up to Lucy and we high five each other as she hugs me. "Yang! it's amazing when we're on the court together the game is so different as were always so in sync!."

Smiling, as i hug her back "it's only possible because of you if it weren't for your pathing the way you did that play couldn't have been possible."

Releasing each other we go to the bench giving the team high five as Alexa said "it looks like the Luyang combo is still invincible as ever."

We smile at her as, Jane says "what else would you expect from these two only the top players can give them a run for their money. Without them the Luyan duo would run the court every time.

Our high school Hygieia is still a power house because of them being that Lucy can get us to playoff as an middle rank team by herself. With Yang were in the top 5 of schools for the girls basketball teams. They're the reason we've been in the playoffs for 2 straight years as well."

I frowned and said "if i wasn't so limited Lucy wouldn't be having to burden so much.

The team goes quiet as the team atmosphere starts to turn, Alexa says "Yang we....didn't... mean it like that...or to make you feel that you're a burden."

Lucy: "Did you guys see that play with me and Yang! were just unbeatable hahahah!.." as i jump hug Yang as i hug her around the shoulders and say "it makes me want to marry you" as i rub our cheeks together.

Blushing, as she rubs our cheeks as they'd gotten even redder after what she said i shout her name as the embarrassment in my voice could be heard "LUCY!..."

Making the team laugh as the atmosphere returns to us being happy as the coach says "are you two ready to continue."

Going back to being serious me and Lucy says "yes coach" as the whistle blows.

Looking at Lucy as our gazes meet as we were turning to head back to the court "i'm counting on you to keep their shooting guard in check."

Lucy: Smiling, "with you at the helm i won't let anyone disturb our connection" as we fist bumping sideways while we head on to the court.

Suna high comes back on the court with their two players waiting to inbound the ball as our team sets up our defense as they're prepar-ing their offensive play.

The point guard brings up the ball when she hits the middle of the court their team starts to run their play.

'Even though this isn't their main lineup with some starts and bench players on the court we shouldn't take them lightly. Especially if their own duo decides to come out to play. As i don't know how long my body will last with my sickness.'

I get drawn out of my thoughts when i see the ball flying past me to their center because i didn't switch players.

Causing them to have an open shot which they make having the coach calling a time right away as the team and coach comes out to the court.

Lucy and the coach reach me as they both reach out one of their hands to place it on my shoulder with a worried expression. Seeing the worry in their eye's "i'm they'd just caught me in the middle of an thought i was having."

Still looking worried, Lucy says "you're sure that it's not that your pushing yourself too hard because of me wanting to play with you right."

Smiling as i twirl around and say "do i look to be uncomfortable or does anywhere look like i'm hurting...see i'm fine let get back to the game."

Lucy says with a questioning look "if that's true let's run that play then."

I nod as i smile with the look of "i accept your challenge" making her laugh.

Coach Ivy says "if the both of you can run your special play i won't take you out. As it should be ok, since their own duo won't be playing."

Saying "you got it coach" as the coach and the others members go back to the side lines waiting to see if i can do our special play.