I'm given the ball, i take a deep breath as i start to dribble up the court. Nodding my head as everyone gets in to position when i pass the ball to Lucy we begin our special play.
I get a screen and run to the corner as soon as the pass comes to me as i catch it wich lets me get another screen that has got me free to go to the top of the 3 point line passing back to Lucy cutting to the hoop as i cut to the hoop as well.
Where moving the ball to fast for them to keep up with Lucy going under the rim and she throws an alley oop that has me jump up and catch it doing a 360 spin layup.
When i land the ball goes through the net and Lucy runs up to me giving me a hug saying "your...really amazing! Yang."
I smiled and hugged her back saying "i told you i was fine, i just had a momentary lapse."
Felling her nod on my shoulder i tisk feeling my sickness starting to flare up in my legs.
Hearing the tisk, Lucy had moved away as were still holding each other as she says "Yang what's wrong."
Shaking my head "nothing i tisked because you doubted me when i said everything was fine."
She smiles and says "i'm sorry...i just didn't want you to be putting on an act just to keep playing with me because i'd asked you too."
I smiled and put my hand on the side of her face and said "i knew you were just looking out for me. Now being that i'm going too be playing the full scrim with that out of the way. Let's go show them what the Luyang duo can do."
Lucy: Pupping up my fist in the air "yea let's show them what the world best duo and future WSBPFWN stars can do."
As she's walking down the court i grab the side of my shorts letting the pain show a little on my face before hiding it away before i had thought to myself 'i can't slow down or they'll notice that something is off about me.'
Looking at Lucy i say to myself 'i've done too much to try and improve my illness from the increasing dosage of my medicine to even taking those numb bathes...that can cause it to even get worse.
Just so i could play this whole season with her and if i don't improve the amount games i play in i won't be able to get in to the same school as her. Forget me even trying to find an WSBPFWN team that would be willing to take me.
Numb bathes help numb my nerves of any pain for a few hours but it also causes what is the very damage to my nerves by me doing our special play. It caused it to wear off due to the stress of the movement for it.'
Sighing,"i will stay by her side no matter what i will while i also will continue to play the sport that i love. To grant my wish of marrying her and nothing is going to stop that from coming true."
(End of the scrim)
Walking out of the locker room after winning the scrim coach walks over to us with some-one with her.
Ivy: Standing in front of Lucy and Yang "this is Megan from the renowned all girls school Zodiac, she has an offer for you Lucy."
Lucy: Hearing what coach said i widen my eyes in shock as i..."you mean the...Megan... as in the...Megan the head coach from the school that has housed majority of the most dominant WSBPFWN players that has ever been seen in the history of the sport."
Megan: Smiling, "we would like to offer you a scholarship to be on our schools team if you lead your team to the playoffs. Or even more if you get this year's playoffs MVP it will be changed to an all paid one."
Lucy: I turn to face Yang hugging her as i'd jump up and down saying "did you hear that if we can make it to the playoffs and i can get the....trailing off realizing what she just said."
Letting go of Yang i look back at Megan and ask "what about Yang" in a worried voice.
Seeing the look in Megan's eyes, Megan says "i'm sorry...but even though she could even rival some of the top highschool girls with you due to the limitations and amount of games she has played we cannot make her an offer."
Turning to face Yang to see what she would say to have saw her smiling with her eyes closed.
I open my eyes and to see Lucy while she has a worried expression on her face while i think 'if...if...i don't keep smiling everything that i have been hiding from the pain to the sadness of me losing Lucy will show.'
As i am thinking about all the pain that i am going through as i have been trying to hide it as it's from sickness. Feeling as if i'm... going to faint now with this news it's all too much as the sight in front of me becomes blurry before it all turns black.
(3 hours later)
I open my eyes to see a white ceiling i quickly sit up realizing i'm in the nurses office. I turn my head to the right to see Lucy that has an angry look with tears running down hear cheeks.
I raise my hand to her cheek wiping the tears that are falling down her face.
Lucy: "Why! would you take such a risk with your health! knowing that you already have Sickle cell! and why did you hide it from me that it started to affect you after doing our OUR SPECIAL PLAY!
Plus Yang don't you know what numb bathes do to people in general especially athletes.
The nurse even said you were lucky that it won't cause any damage or have side effects if you stop doing them now."
Taking my hand away from her face i look away as i don't answer her questions.
She yells "Yang!" as look back towards her with tears running down my cheeks as i saw her eyes widen.
"Lucy i did it to stay with you, i knew that if i didn't improve the amount of games that'd i played. This season i would eventually lose you as no college team would want me with how many games i've missed and...with my limitations... even if they did...i wouldn't be able too go to the same school as you.
So even with all the risk i took on with raising the dosage for my medicine and taking numb bathes i'm still going to lose you...with you bein offered a scholarship at the end of the playoffs."
Lucy: "Yang i...i..." seeing her turning her head away from me as she again shakes her head trying to stop the sobbing sound from escaping while she's covering her mouth.
"Lucy" i lower my hand as a dark expression shows i get up and say "my driver should be here soon for me" while i turn to walk away as i pick up my bag.
When the door open and close behind me the flood gates opens as i can no longer contain the sobbing sounds from escaping. I had ran down the hall and then the stairs before i stop and lean against an wall.
"Wa...wa..." as it turns to me screaming in frustration as i clench my chest "AHAH!.... AHAH....AHAH...WHY!...WHY!...."
(One week later)
Me, and Lucy haven't spoken since then, i see her glance at me with worried looks my way during class and practice but that's as far as it has gone since then.
The coach has us break into 4 teams and play half court games where losers switch sides after each game.
Me and Lucy are on opposite teams as she on the other half of the court. Being since the nurses office my sickness has been a none stop with bothering me as of late a lot more. But of course i haven't told anyone besides mom and mother knowing plus they were happy with my scrim last week.
I didn't know they had came to the scrim back then i wish they would had told me they were.
Hearing the whistle blow my team starts the game as i go to the corner 3 as i do, i get past the ball and shoot the 3 hitting all net.
My teammate getting the ball and passing it to the opposite team the 5 of us get on defense. They start passing the ball while the player i'm on cuts to the basket getting the pass she goes straight for the layup.
We jump at the same time but when we do we collide making me hit the ground hard thankfully i avoided hitting my head on the ground.
But it knocks all the wind out of my sail as i clench my chest in agonizing pain i roll to my sides before resting on my back while i tried catching my breath. As i hear Lucy and my teammates as the coach scream "YANG!"
Opening my eyes to see a screen that asks "does the host accept the system known as sacrifice?"