Yang journey starts

As i'm staring at the screen in front me of not knowing i look dazed to everyone else.

I snapped out of it when i was able to hear as someone said my name "Yang!" Can you hear me looking at Lucy to see her worried expression that has me smile while i'd "i'm fine Lucy."

As i saw the tension in her body leave while she'd sighed in relief as the others did the same as it also caused the tension to had left their bodies as well.

Lucy: Stretching out my hand for her to take it she had reached up grabbing my hand as i pulled her in to an hug.

With Lucy hugging me "i'm fine...really Lucy" as i'd hugged her back with her saying "don't!give me that BS! i know you're not."

Making everyone that's looking at us widen their eye's in shcok and surprise...as i asked "Lucy...what's...wrong?"

As i had gotten nervous...'does she know my illness has been bothering me since...that time."

Lucy: "Yang...why won't you talk to me?... You know that i'm always here for you."


Lifting my head as i saw that everyone has regathered around us i push Lucy away as i had whispered "if...if...i don't push my body the way that i am...now...you won't even...be able to notice my feelings. You haven't even noticed them...even after all these years... so...why...why...do i...still even...do this to myself when...i."

Lucy: "Yang...i...." not being able to find what to say i reached my hand out to her as she had closed her eyes while she turns to run away with a tear leaving her eye. Making me widen my eyes while i had saw her running through the gym's door.

(In the bathroom)

I enter the stall as i had locked it as i close the lid to the toilet sitting on it with my knees in my chest crying as past memories of me and Lucy being together.

Wiping my tears away after finally being able to stop crying i see the screen again after forgetting it was there.

Still asking the same question "does the host accept the system known as sacrifice."

I say "if it will give me the power to stay with Lucy...i'm willing to sacrifice anything."

The screen changes to saying "if you accept this system you're sacrificing your well being resulting in never being able too walk along side your loved ones or pursue your dreams without the day that the one you love comes to notice your feelings."

Saying to my'self out loud "so unless...Lucy recognizes my feelings for her...i could...lose my life from the strenuous amount of stress that the system can put on my body."

Biting my lower lip "i accept the system known as Sacrifice." That's when the system turns into light blue particles that started to envelope me as they're entering my body making me feel a warm but also an tingly sensation.

When it stops it dings saying "host Yang has accepted the system known as sacrifice."

Hearing a soft but gentle and caring voice saying 'hello Yang i am your system known as sacrifice.'

Surprised from hearing the system speak i say 'hi...you can talk?...'

Hearing the system giggle as it says 'of... course...i can speak...i may be a system but i am an a.i. that has an free will that appears to thoses that're willing to give their own lives to pursue what they want.

You see i appear to people that are in varies fields...but...only to one person in each field as the person that i grant my help to they're watched by the government while they watch their progress.

They cannot interfere with my choices bein that i was once human an am what made all the break through that has been made today. And when i had agreed to become part of the A.I that would make possible all of the things that led to the achievements of today.

I had made an condition of where they would have to make an promise to where no matter the age or break through that they would had made in technology that humanity made.

I could not be controlled by them and that i'd have my own mainframe that would make them be unable to interfere or be controlled by outside influence of any kind that would interfere with my choices.'

Widening my eyes 'i don't...understand... everything you had just said but...i get that you're independent...and that you have your own self will away from the other major a.i's computers. That the government watches over an maintances. Is that right? Sacrifice system.'

Hearing it say 'my actual name is Suzy and sacrifice is just the program from my main body."

So asking Suzy 'did i get the gist of it right?' As she says 'yes...and i'm guessing you want to know how the system works.'

Nodding, she continues 'it works by giving you an status menu that allows you to see stats and the growth you under go as you only get sp (skill points) based on the field your in and base on the condition of your body.

Being that your in basketball wanting to join WSBPFWN and that you have a disease you will only get points based off of your very own training and regiment. While your will also get it from what experienced pain you had as well from when your illness that is sickle cell flares up.

So the more you cause it to happen the more sp you get. Also meaning that the harder your training is the more points you get too.'

Saying 'ahh...realizing why the program i got is known as the sacrifice and that she only appears in certain fields.

So the reason i got the sacrifice system is because even though it helps me pursue what i want...i will have to put my body through an extreme situation to be able too use it.'

Suzy: 'That's right normally that wouldn't be the cause with majority of humanity no longer having diseases so their trails are still hard but it wouldn't be to this extent' i said in a sad tone.

'But it varies based on field and the humans health condition but what is the same with the sacrifice system is that whomever has this system will be putting themselves at risk for the one they want to be acknowledge by.'

Nodding as i understand what she is saying, i ask 'do i have any skills points that i can use right now?'

Suzy: 'Yes, i am able to give you skills points even if i just connected to you. Sense you have been causing your sickness to effect you even before meeting me and with the recent increase of your workout regiment.

That started causeing your illness to flare up causing it to have bothered you for 1 week you get 500 sp and with the recent increase of your workouts another 350 sp totaling up to 850 points.'