Saying 'ok...can you open the status menu for me Suzy' bring up the status it shows me my status menu.
{Player: Yang Pisces
Age: 16
Hight: 5'10
Position: point guard/shooting guard
Ranking: Top 5
Highschool: Hygieia
Year: 2
Scoring stats:
Assist: 9.50
Rebounds: 6.00
Blocks: 1.00
Steals: 2.50
Players ratings:
IQ: 85
SP: 77
STR: 78
AGI: 77
DEX: 75
CT: 80
Overall rating: 89
Skill Points: 850}
Seeing at my status "ok...i want to put 20 points in all of them."
Suzy: 'Upgrading stats for player Yang now, request is to put 20 sp in all stats. Upgrading is now complete players stats have now been increased.'
{Player: Yang Pisces
Age: 16
Hight: 5'10
Position: point guard/shooting guard
Ranking: Top 3
Highschool: Hygieia
Year: 2
Scoring stats:
Assist: 9.50
Rebounds: 6.00
Blocks: 1.00
Steals: 2.50
Player rating:
IQ: 85->105
FR: 70->90
DEF: 70->90
LAY: 73->93
STR: 78->98
AGI: 77->97
DEX: 75->95
CT: 80->100
Overall rating: 104
Skill points: 610}
Suzy: 'Now that you have increased your ratings your illness will not affect you during your games. will feel the brute force of it after you games or scrims.
But the government will provide you with the assistance you need after your games and scrims. When you have gotten home as for just today an government sport manager that has been assigned to you should be there to give you the necessary information that you need.
Oh an also your mother Gina was the previous host for this system so she can also walk you through this transition plus she'd might have an couple surprises for you when you get home.'
As I'm about to ask her what she means, a nock on the stall door draws my attention away.
Then i hear "Yang...are you in there?" hearing Lucy voice i say "go away...i don't want to talk to you..." in an sulking voice.
Lucy: Feeling the guilt that causing my heart to ache as it transfers to my voice "Yang.... please...i just want to talk...i don't want us to be on bad terms with each my heart whenever we get in to an fight with each other. Especially when i know that i'm at fault. When we are it kills me to know that your upset at me.
Yang if it's because of me getting that potential scholarship that you have been pushing yourself to your limits i'll turn it down.
Or if it's because i been saying that i want to be able to play with you again in our games and scrims that made you result to those methods i'm sorry.
Please just tell me what it is...i can fix it, i want us to go back to how we used to be. When we didn't hide anything from each other...when we could always tell each other anything."
I get up from the toilet to have unlocked the stall i was in. When i do the tears that i had let fall down on my cheeks as i started to cry as i stared at her.
While i said "Lucy" with an sad expression on my face.
"You still don't get it...none of those are the reason that our relationship has changed.
None of those are why i have been working hard and resulted to those's things Lucy."
As i lower my head and ball up my hands in to fists as i thrust them down frustratedly.
Stopping what i was about to say i look back up to her and see the expression on her face of that "i don't know what to say" with tears running down her cheeks.
I close my eyes and just run pasted her as i'd brushed past her going back to practice.
Leaving her standing there as i don't look back wiping the tears from my face with both hands as my running turns to speed walking.
I reach the gym to see everyone packing up as the coach spots me and walks over to me as i saw the worried expression on her face.
Coach Ivy: Reaching Yang...and as i saw her wiping the final tears she has away. I had asked "Yang, are you ok? do you need to go to the infirmary."
Shaking her no i said "ok" not wanting to pry into the matter more than i should while i ask as she raises her head to have met my eyes.
While our gazes meet " you think you can play-in tomorrow game against the Lahana high?"
I ask her after hearing what she asked "do... you want me to play the full game...or just an half like normal."
coach Ivy: "If you...feel that you can handle, the whole game i would like for you to play the full game. After all Lahana is the 2 best high school in the girls highschool league.
As were the 5th, if you play that makes us on the same level as the top 3 schools. Plus i'm pretty sure they will be playing at there full strength.
Because i know the rumor of Lucy having been offered an scholarship to Zodiac the number highschool for girls basketball. They're going to want to test what she's capable of and if... i'm being honest i don't like the fact that their over looking you because of my decisions of how much you can play when.
I know you can play a lot more i'm just scared that if i did i would harm your career. Because even with your situation big colleges would still want you. They may not be the top 5 ones because of the lack of games...but still the top 10 are still great choices for you.
And depending on how you do with tomorrow game i will cut back on how much i've been limiting the games you can play and the time as well."
With glee and happiness being shown clear as day in my eyes and expression "it's ok... auntie Ivy i know you were just looking out for me and still are you just want me to be safe.
Without you i'm sure any other school would have cut my game times to near none same as with the amount of games i play."