Giving my feelings a chance

Blushing as me and Jane walk in to school holding hands were stop in front of my shoes locker as hers is two rows away from mines. But as we were walking from the front gate students couldn't help but stop and stare at as us while we had walked pasted them.

Causing them to whisper and gasped as they kept glancing at us. Letting go of Jane hand as i gave her smile as my cheeks had turned red "i'll see you at practice later then...J."

Jane: Nodding my head as i caught her hand before she turned to open her shoes locker having her blush even more...but she still turned to look at me.

"Have an good day, as i will come to your class and get you for practice later don't push yourself too hard ok. I know you'd taken the medicine already but...still."

Seeing the worry in her eye's as i heard the care in her voice it causes my heart to feel full of love and care causing to me smile again as it was even bigger this time "mhmm...i will... you to ok...i don't want you worrying about me so much."

Jane: Smiling, while i nod my head as i could hear how happy she was. I pull her in to an hug as she hugged me back "i love you so much Ang...more than you know."

Hearing everyone collectively gasp as they hear what Jane said i bury my face in her neck as i had to bend down a litte as she's shorter than me by 2 inches while i "...i...i love you too J..."

Leaning back a little as we both lean forward 'i may...not be able J the same way that she does me...quiet i might be how...Lucy is...towards me...but the warmth i feel.

From her words...actions and the show of her always letting her feelings be known to me... has me feel overjoyed akin to finally having the one you've always liked finally being able to recognizing your feelings.

And i want to discover these feelings and reciprocate J feelings...even though Lucy will always have an place in my heart as...she is my first love.'

When our lips finally met...her lips felt so soft as if...there clouds...trying to draw me in even more. As i had felt loved, care for, and the raw passion of her feelings. As it seemed that we got pulled in to our on world with me melting into her embrace.

Not realizing how long the kiss lasted for but when she started to pull away i felt an longing in my chest wanting it to last longer.

Jane: "I wish i could walk you to class but..."

Snapping out of my dazed state shaking my head "mhmm...that's ok. After all your class is on the other side of the building on the 3rd floor after all...and...even if we an... relationship now. I don't think...i'm ready to be seen with my upper classmen walking me to my class as your already going to be the one picking me up from my classroom."

Jane: Seeing her blush so much as she's being cute "ok...we can wait on me taking you to your class but..." i stand on my tippy toes again as she leaned down a little bit for me to give her an quick kiss on the lips this time. "I'm not compromising on these as you are willing to actual give me an chance."

Smiling, i nod giving in to her as we let go of each other as she turned an left my aisle to go to her's. Remembering where i was as the students were still gasping and whispering i let out an squeal before i hurriedly opened my shoes locker. While taking my shoes off and placing them in their before running off to my class.

Scurrying in to the classroom as i was trying to avoid the other students only for them to flock to my desk raining down questions.



While others were in despair that their ships were ruined as i could hear.


Starting to feel over whelmed an loud but playful voice could be heard over the crowd of rapid boys and girls "NOW....NOW...GIVE THE GIRL SOME SPACE TO BREATH."

Recognizing that the voice belonged to Alex i felt saved as she pushed her way through the crowd that was around me.

Alexa: Seeing the panic in Yangs eyes soften when she say me i smile while i turned to the crowd "i know that everyone is curious of her and my sisters i'm sure they will let everyone know before we start our practice later today.

So give Yang some space and look forward to having you all of your questions be answered later."

Seeing them nod and whisper before they'd dispersed Alexa turned back to me with an understanding look in her eyes.

Alexa: Smiling at Yang, "big sister finally gotten her wish granted as mom had told me everything when she gotten home last night.. are you ok?..."

Giving her a wary smile that was full of guilty back to her as she took her seat in front of mine "so...i'm guessing that when i was busy telling all of my worries and complaints to J... she was going to you."

Alexa: " behonest i never thought that big sis would be able to be in a relation- ship with you was...always just focus on i was worried.

That you were only agreeing to the option of having an fiance candidate because you felt guilty for not being able to notice her feelings as you felt were treating her as Lucy is to you.

But after seeing the display that the two of you showed this morning in front of the shoe lockers you're doing way better than Lucy as your atleast willing to give what your feeling a chance. Giving my big sister a chance of also having a place in your heart. As i know that it doesn't matter too her...who she has to go against. That she will do it even if it's Lucy.

Blushing, when Alex mentioned that she was also there at that scene i nod my head when she finished "y-yes...i do want to give...these feelings a i didn't know that...J... could have me feel these feelings for her. So...i do want to give her and these feelings what the chance...but....i...i'm..."

Alexa: Smiling as i pat her head before i had started to rub it " J...does as well that you...still have Lucy occupying...much of your heart but...being that i and J know that your willing to make room for others...for her she is willing to i'm willing to support whatever decisions you guys make."