
Chapter 5


Few weeks had passed, and the weather had become increasingly cold. David shiver as the early morning cold wind run through his body. It was piercing; he rubbed his two benumbed hands together, trying to create a little warmth for himself, and he sniffed repeatedly because of his running nose. He’d developed flu a few days ago and Roslyn has been helping him.

Roslyn could hear David from her room as he continued to blow and sniff. She just left his room a few minutes ago after making sure he took his medication. Roslyn felt unsettled. She didn’t want to live David alone in his room, but she couldn’t stay without his permission either. Standing there, at the hallway opposite David’s door, she heard him from the other side, rustling about. Roslyn knew it would be hard for him to sleep, because of the flu. She meticulously opened the door and peeped through the opened space. David was nowhere in sight. Roslyn welcomed herself in but stood at the doorway. Few minutes later, David walked out of the bathroom. He looked sick and warn-out. She felt pity for him and she wished she can take the pain away.

“I’m fine Roslyn, go back to bed”, said David. Roslyn stares at him; clearly, he’s not looking fine.

“You are not fine David; it is okay to fall sick and is okay to feel vulnerable too.” She told him. “I’ll get you sleeping pills,” Roslyn shuffled her way to his drawer where she kept his medications earlier.

“I don’t need sleeping pills by this time. I’ve work tomorrow morning”,

“How will you work if you don’t have a good night's rest; If you don’t sleep, you will end up doing nothing tomorrow.” David said nothing afterward. Is such a waste of time to argue with her at this moment.

She removed two tablets from the small container and placed them in David’s opened hand, pouring a trifle amount of water inside a glass cup. She handed the cup to him and he took it. Roslyn stood and watched him take the pills. She suddenly felt happy to have to convince David to take the sleeping pills. After he had swallowed the pills she collected the glass cup from him, placing it on the bedside.

“This should help you feel better by morning. I’ll go back to my room now”, with that, she turned her back to him, making her way to the door.

“Roslyn”, he called, his voice sank into an amorous whisper, and Roslyn slowly turned to face him. “T—thank you”, he continues. Not knowing what to say, she slightly nodded her head and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Roslyn woke up very early the next morning; she has no reason to stay in bed because she has a wife's duty to achieve and she planned on working in the garden today. She slighted her two feet to the cold floor and took in a deep breath as a shiver run down her spine. Without wasting much of time, she walked out of her room to David’s room; she knocked on the door and waited patiently for David to answer. There was silent, so she opened the door. Stepping into the room, she saw David still fast asleep, and a faint smile passed over her face. She tiptoed out, afraid not to wake him from his beautiful sleep.

The store was dark and Roslyn could hardly see anything’ inside store; she fumbled for a lighter inside her apron; Roslyn sighed with relief when her hand touched the little object. Removing it from her pocket, she lighted the room; she allowed her eyes roamed the entire room and suddenly she saw what she’s looking for. She took further steps into the room. Roslyn struggle with the wheelbarrow, it took quite some energy in her to remove the wheelbarrow. She picked a small hoe, gardening glove, spade, fork, shovel and a rake, dropping them inside the wheelbarrow. Her two hands were fully occupied and she couldn’t light up the dark room again with her lighter, so she blindly shuffled her way out of the room, hitting her leg at the process.

Finally, she made it outside the dark store without having a bruise. Roslyn wiped away the invisible sweat from her temple with a loud sigh. She continued her short drip to the garden; the sky has grown bright by the time she came out from the store. After wearing her gloves, she picked the small hoe from the wheelbarrow and went on her knee.

Two hours had passed, Roslyn continue to work in the garden, the sweat from her forehead dropped freely to the ground but she did not bother to wipe the sweat away, she was almost done weeding the garden when the maid came to tell her about their unexpected guest.

“Do I know who the guests are?” asked Roslyn. The two ladies make their way to the mansion.

“I do not know malady; perhaps you should go see the guest for yourself”. Roslyn passed through the back door; she fears that if she passes through the front door, their guest might see her and she was nowhere near perfection. Her clothes were covered with mud and she smells of sweat and mud at the same time.

Roslyn opened the translucent curtains, revealing the elegant orange sun; the extensive glass wall allowed light from the sun to penetrate further into the room, illuminating Roslyn's face. She blinked her eyes repeatedly, adjusting to the sudden light in the room. Roslyn hurriedly slipped out of her dirty clothes and went to the bathroom for a warm bath; she smiled brightly as the hot water touched her weary skin. Roslyn felt more relaxed now. If not for the guest down stairs, she could have stayed inside the bathtub till she finally fell asleep. She continued to watch as the dirty water from her weary skin flow down the drain. “How I wish my problems will flow along with the dirty water”. She breathes. Roslyn hates to think of her problems because she believes God is the designer and the contractor of her life. In-order not to keep the guest waiting and not to invoke the wrath of David, she quickly slipped out of the bathtub and reached out for the towel in the bathroom, Roslyn wrapped the towel to her chest after drying her body and slipped out of the bathroom.

Frowning at her own self in the mirror, a frown passed her face. Roslyn is hardly to in the mood to wear expensive and fancy dresses. She thought of changing back to something’ more decent and less fancy when the door to her room were opened; she looked pass her shoulder and sighted Tessa at the door.

“Sir asked me to fetch you, my lady,” she secretly admires what Roslyn was wearing. “By the way, you look elegantly beautiful,” she continues.

“Oh, thank you, dear. But I feel so uncomfortable in it,” she complaint still staring at the mirror.

“Aye, sorry about that, but I think sir will love the dress”.

“Of course, he’ll love it, but not in exchange for my comfort”. She reiterated, “Can you help me with the zip?” she politely asked the maid. Tessa rushed to Roslyn's side and helped her zipped her gown.

“I’ll go now”, said Tessa, she nuzzled away from Roslyn and head for the exit.

“I’ll be right behind you please, give me a minute”. And with that, Tessa walked out of the door. Roslyn stares at herself in the mirror for the hundredth times, an inaudible sigh left her mouth. “David should’ve at least informed me yesterday about his guest”. She breathes; she paused, looking more worried and nervous. In-order not to upset David, she walked out of the room; Roslyn could feel her trembling leg on the stairs as she walked down the steps. Her gaze fell on the three figures at the dining, Roslyn tried to steer her thoughts concerning the guests sitting few fits away from her because the figures look kind of familiar to her but she hardly saw their faces, the only person she could easily recognized is David. David locked eyes with Roslyn and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Roslyn approached the dining table with her head bowed low. David smiles softly at her and she reciprocates with one of her sly grinned, they both look like a happy couple in front of their guest. Roslyn's gaze fell on the other two figures, and a broad smile appeared on her face.

“Woo John, nice to see you”, said Roslyn, extending her right hand for a handshake. John imitates her by extending his right hand forward.

“Oh mine, Roslyn is nice to see you too. What are you doing here?” Roslyn gaze fell on the other figure with a small smile before averting her gaze back to him. “David, don’t tell me she’s your bride,” he said directly to David. David smile and nodded his head in response.

“Fortunately, she is. Do you know each other?” he bargained, his eyes darting between Roslyn and John.

“Jah, we attend a same place of worship and Roslyn here is one of the best singers in the choir”.

“Hmm I see”, David hummed and nodded his head.

“Such a small world, I’m sorry I couldn’t attend your wedding, I travelled out of state.” Said John apologetically,

“Not to worry,” Roslyn replied, dropping her weight on the empty seat next to David.

“You look good,” David compliments. Roslyn flushed in embarrassment. David compliments her look for the first time.

“T—thank you,” she shuttered even though she never might to do it.

Looking at the table for the first time, Roslyn swallowed the lump in her throat. The food looks delicious and she can’t wait to have a taste. “Is it okay if we say a word of prayer?” Asked John; Roslyn pondered why David wasn’t like his friend John. It could’ve made life more for her.

“Sure, sure it’s absolutely fine”, said David. Roslyn glanced at him surprise to see the saddened change in her husband. For someone who didn’t like to pray had agreed to pray today, such a miracle. The four of them bow their heads low, giving their heart and mind to God. John started prayer and suddenly Roslyn remembered her years back at home. John continued to pray, thanking God for the provision of the meal before them, asking God to provide for the needy and the less privileged in the society. He also recited the scripture that has to do with God’s provision for man, how feeds five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fishes. As John continued to pray, Roslyn removed a hanky from her dress sleeve and softly dried her eyes. She missed home because of things like these and suddenly an idea rushed into her head. David wasn’t the only one living in the mansion with her and if he wouldn’t be available for her and God, she’ll get the maids to read the scripture and pray with her. She thanks the Lord for putting this brilliant idea into her head.

“Why didn’t I think of this earlier than now?” She asked herself inwardly. Soon, John finished praying, and the maid served their food. David and his friends were having a serious conversation about their business while Roslyn ate her food in silence; she’d no idea what they are discussing, so she thought is wise for her to remain quiet.

“Roslyn, how’s your sister Bella?” Roslyn glance at John, she gulped the food in her mouth before speaking.

“Bella is fine. She’s busy studying for her final exams,” she answered.

“Is that so? How time flies; what is she studying?”

“She studies zoology.” Replied Roslyn; taking a spoonful to her mouth.

Fred hardly says a word since they arrived at David’s home. Roslyn sense that he’s not much of a talker compare to John and David; He only speaks when spoken to or when they are discussing business, Roslyn and David's eyes met and his lips tensed into a firm line, surprising Roslyn again, but she knows he’s doing’ this just for the show. Once their guests are gone, he’ll be back to his rude and arrogant self.

John and Daniel lifted their selves from the dining table, and David imitates them. Roslyn remained seated, looking at them inquisitively.

“Hope to see you in church, Roslyn,” said John. Roslyn slightly nodded her head and then opened her mouth to speak.

“Jah sure, are you living already?” she replied, wiping her mouth with the small napkin on her lap.

“We’ve some work to take care of in my office.” David answered. Roslyn nodded her head understandably; the three men strode out of the dining and living Roslyn alone. With nothing else to do at the dining, Roslyn shuffled her way back to her room, making sure she closed the door behind her. Staring across from her wardrobe, she thought it’s better to make herself useful by arranging her new clothes. Immediately she opened the dresser, something’ dropped on the floor. It looked like a picture, so she slowly went on her knee and picked the picture. “Forever in my heart”, she slowly read the notes at the back of the picture. She turned the picture around and was immediately astonished; Roslyn couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing and she can’t remember bringing any pictures of her and Dave. “How did this get here?” She questioned, to no one in particular. Walking back to her bed with her picture clutched to her chest, she pondered how the picture gets to her dresser; the old picture reminds her of her old love, which she’d tried hard to forget. The picture looked ancient and the date on it captured the day Dave left for the state with his parents.

“Should I ask David about the picture?” She asked herself, “but what if he knows nothing about the picture and thinks I brought my lover’s picture to my marital home?” her puzzle thoughts were cut short when she heard a soft knock on the door.

“Who is it?” she bargained, hiding the picture under her pillow, Roslyn willed her heart to stop it from beating fast, she wondered why she feel frightened by the sudden knock on the door, is not like she’s doing anything’ bad, anyway.

“It’s Tessa, malady,” said Tessa in a raspy voice.

“Oh Tessa, you may come in please”. The door slightly open and Tessa walked in with the house cell-phone clutched to her chest.

“Someone wished to talk to you, malady”.

“Who could that be?” Roslyn asked worriedly.

“Your sister, Bella”, the moment Tessa mentioned Bella’s name, Roslyn’s heart elevated with great enthusiasm. The last time she saw her sister was t2wo weeks ago after the wedding celebration. Roslyn collected the cell phone from Tessa with a broad smile on her face and it amazed Tessa to see her boss this happy. She has never seen her happy since she came to the mansion. She subtly observed her Roslyn as she speaks to her sister through the phone. Deciding to give her some privacy, she tiptoed out of the door, shutting the door behind her.

Tessa matched into the kitchen. She stood at the kitchen counter with her hands over her chest. “Have you seen how happy she looks?” asked Tessa. Mercy glances at her confusingly. “I haven’t seen her happy since she came to the house”, Tessa continued.

“Who are you talking about?” Mercy bargained. She rounded the kitchen counter and stood close to Tessa. From there, she could hear Tessa clearly. She doesn’t have to stress her ears. “I’m talking about lady Roslyn,”

“And what makes her lucky today?” asked Mercy, looking over her shoulder, afraid not to get caught talking about their boss’s wife.

“Because her sister called”, she paused and glance at the doorway, offering Mercy a faint smile.

“Oh dear, I pity lady Roslyn. The boss doesn’t seem to love his wife, and she’s such a wonderful woman.” Mercy said, Tessa agreed with her by nodding hear head in agreement.

“I heard his parents forced him to marry her,” Tessa whispered.

“No wonder he always looked glum since she came to the house”,

“Lady Roslyn isn’t happy either. If I was lady Roslyn, I would go back to my parents. Said Tessa; Mercy looked at her like she was crazy and she wondered why Tessa will say such a thing.

“Well, if I was the one, I would stick to my husband, no matter what, especially when he is rich like the boss”.

“I am still worried about her though”. The two maids became silent when they heard a rustling sound coming from outside the kitchen. Mercy rushed back to continue cleaning while Tessa roamed around the kitchen looking for what to do.