The Accident

Chapter 6

The accident

Roslyn could scarcely believe it, when she slid out of the car; there, she stood at the front of her parent’s home. All memories of her old days at the mansion came flooding like early august rain, but David had stolen those happy years. “Oh, how I miss home,” she breathes.

The entrance door fleet opened, and Bella trudged out of the house, with a broad smile on her face. She missed her sister so much that she wished she could park her belongings and go stay with her sister.

“Roslyn” Bella screamed Roslyn’s name, scaring the older sister. With elevated enthusiasm, Bella leaped straight into Roslyn’s arms. Bella almost tripped to the floor but Roslyn was quick to catch her on time before she reaches the floor and Roslyn was marveled. She chuckled at her sister’s new behavior, feeling contention. It’s a noble thing to be with her family members once again. Wasting not much time, the two ladies walked into the mansion side by side. They passed through the narrow hallway and came to a halt in the living room, where they met with their mother.

“Oh! my dear daughter, you came to visit us. That’s so thoughtful of you; I missed you so much”. Said Roslyn’s mother, she opened her hands wide and Roslyn leaped into her mother’s arm, liking the warmed of her body as she nuzzled further into her mother’s arm with a broad smile scattered all over her face.

“I assumed you’re staying for lunch,” Roslyn nodded her head instantly

“Yes-s, I can’t say no to your food mother”,

“I know how you like my pasta. How is David your husband?” Roslyn’s mother asked as the three ladies matched into the kitchen. The smile on Roslyn's face disappeared at the mere mentioned of her husband’s name, but she tried not to make it obvious as the smile suddenly reappeared on her face.

“Well, my—my husband is fine, and he sent his regards. We could have been here together, but he has business to take care of.” Mrs. Williams nodded her head understandably; she opened the boiling pot on the fire and added small amount of salt in it before adding the pasta to the boiling water. She covered the pot and turned to Roslyn.

“Does he make you happy?” Roslyn’s mother asked. Her eyes darkened with unpleasant memories back at David’s house. Marrying David is such a tough experience for her and if this is what marriage is, she would advise her sister not to marry at all. Roslyn slowly nodded her head in response to her mother’s question, but of course, her mother knew she was lying just by the look on her face.

“You can talk to me. I’m your mother. I’m sorry your father and I forced you to marry the young man but belief me I care for your happiness”. A few minutes silent slipped by; Mrs. Williams continued to stare at Roslyn, urging her to speak to her. Roslyn sighed, she sniffled and closed her eyes shut, and trying to swallow backs the lump in her throat.

“Mother, living on the same roof with David is not an effortless task”, her mother squinted her eyes, looking at her toned daughter. “Can you even belief that, we hardly pray as a couple?” She continued, “And he treats me like a servant and not his wife.” Mrs. Williams listened attentively as Roslyn poured out her heart to her.

“You’re going through all this but you did not tell me?” she asked, looking at Roslyn with pity.

“Well, he’s my husband and is my cross to carry mother”, Roslyn began; her mother shakes her head in disagreement about what she just said.

“I disagree with you, my dear. You deserved to be treated better. Your husband should never be a cross to you. Do you want me to talk to him?” she bargained.

“That could’ve been a great idea, but as much as I want someone to talk some sense into my husband, I wouldn’t want him to think I reported him to you.” Mrs. Williams turned to the pot on fire; Roslyn watched her mother as she moved the pot out of fire and drained the pasta. She put the sauce on fire and adds the pasta to it.

“Smells delicious already”, says Roslyn. She went and stood closed to her mother peeping through the pot.

“I know, right, it’s your favorite,” replied Roslyn’s mother with a smile plastered on her face.

“Can I take some home?” Roslyn bargained, looking at her mother with puppy eyes.

“You know, I can’t say no to you right?” Bella walked into the kitchen with three glass cups clutched to her chest.

“I’ve—I’ve brought something”, said Bella, with a smile lingering on her face. Roslyn glance at her sister, her eyes darted between Bella and the glass cup in her hand. Bella shuffled her way to the freezer and removed an expensive wine. Roslyn's mouth hangs open when she sighted the wine. She wondered how her sister got that wine.

“How and where did you get that?” Roslyn asked, looking at Bella inquisitively. Bella dropped the wine on the kitchen counter and turned to her sister.

“Oh, Aunt Cecelia gave it to me,” she reiterated.

“No way, why will Aunt Cecelia give you this expensive wine? How did you do it?”

“What do you mean; she just gave it to me yesterday when I told her you’re coming over to the house.” Went on Bella,

“Food is ready”, their mother said, interrupting Roslyn from speaking any further.

Soon they all sat down at the dining table, and suddenly Roslyn remembered that one person was missing. “Where is dad?” she asked directly to her mother.

“Out, working”, she retorted, serving the girls their meal. After she was done serving everyone, she sat down on the empty seat next to Roslyn. A comfortable silent settled among the three ladies at the dining, Roslyn salivated, when the sweet aroma hit her nose. “Is it okay if we eat already?” Roslyn bargained. The older woman looked at Roslyn and nodded her head slightly. They all bow their heads at once, and Roslyn’s mother prayed. After the quick prayer, Roslyn immediately digs into her food, a bright smile scattered on her face when she took one full spoon to her parted lips. “This taste really good”, she complimented, taking another spoon to her mouth.

“Jah, mother’s food is always the best”. Bella retorted, as she poured the wine into the three glasses on the table. The older woman smiled and looked at the two girls appreciatively, sitting on this table with the sweet smell of God’s promises in their presence, there’s this new joy inside of Mrs. Williams’ heart, she has missed having family dinner with Roslyn, she always stared at the empty chair beside her each time they’re having their family dinner but now that Roslyn is there sitting next to her, her heart is clouded with joy of the spring.

The ladies chattered about many things over their luncheon plates; they were all uplifting to one’s spirit and they couldn’t feel any much better. After they’re done eating, Roslyn’s mother required that Roslyn join her in her room. Roslyn opened her mouth to speak but decide against it; perhaps she doesn’t understand why her mother needed her in her room and with no protestation, she nuzzled out of her chair, excusing herself and swiftly followed her mother close behind. The two women walked in silent. They entered the semi-dark room and Roslyn’s mother ushered Roslyn to seat on her bed. Roslyn went to seat, and she watched her mother foraged through her dresser. She’s eager to know what this mother and daughter moment is all about, “I want you to have this”, said the older woman, Roslyn stare at the old scripture in her mother’s hand, she didn’t understand why her mother is giving her an old bible even though she has a new one back at home.

“Do I have to accept that?” she bargained. She was befuddled and surprised at her mother’s need to give her old bible. Her mother sat down on the red brocaded chair beside the bed. She handed the old bible to Roslyn, and she reluctantly collects the old book from her mother with bewilderment. Roslyn could feel her mother’s soft look on her.

“I want you to have it; this was a gift to me from my mother when I first got married to your father, it’s yours now.” She said; Roslyn swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to encompass the tears in her eyes. This is the best gift she has ever received in her life; it might mean nothing’ to others, but this means so much to her.

“Thank-thank you mother, this is the best gift I’ve ever received.” She said sincerely. Her mother only smiled and nodded her head in response. She’s glad that her daughter likes the gift; Mrs. Williams finds it amazing that an old bible could make her daughter happy. She reached out to pat Roslyn’s cheeks, Roslyn nuzzled her head into her mother’s warm arm, feeling the warmth jolted through her body and she wished she could remain there forever. But their moment was soon cut short when Bella swiftly walked into the room with Roslyn’s phone in her hand.

“You have a call from a strange number,” she said, handing the phone to Roslyn. Roslyn reached out for the phone in anticipation. “Who could that be?” she inwardly asked herself. “You might want to call the person back”. Bella added. Mrs. William nodded her head too in agreement with what Bella said and Roslyn picked the phone from her thigh and dialed back the number while the other two women watched; the phone continue to ring but there was no reply from the other side and so Roslyn discarded the call and dropped the phone on the bed beside her.

“They-they might call back,” said Roslyn’s mother, sensing the sudden concerned on her daughter’s face. Roslyn shrugged her slim shoulder and watched her sister walked out of the room, the awkward silent that rest between the two women in the room was cut short again by the ringing tune from Roslyn’s phone, without wasting much time, she reached for the phone and immediately took it to her ear. Her mother’s eyes darted between Roslyn and the folded clothes on her thigh, “how can I help you?” Roslyn asked, and there was silent she opened her mouth to speak but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything’, Mrs. Williams squinted her eyes towards Roslyn trying to comprehend the situation.

“My dear are you okay?” she asked, Roslyn said nothing’ and her hand never left her ears, is like she’s in a great shock and Mrs. Williams pondered what the person told her daughter that make her shocked, she watched for Roslyn’s reaction after she finally brought her hand down.

“M-mother”, Roslyn whispered softly with tears streaming down her eyes. Mrs. Williams bristly flee to Roslyn's side and reached out her hand to pat Roslyn’s hand lying on her thigh.

“What happened?” The older woman asked softly as she continues to pat Roslyn’s hands in a soothing manner. She could see the panic, fear, and anxiety in Roslyn’s eyes. At this moment, Roslyn was glad that her mother was right beside her because she needed her. If she was to be back home; at her husband’s house, she wouldn’t know what to do or how to take the news. Roslyn stares at her mother as tears continue to drop from her eyes. “I beckoned you talk to me, please,” her mother pleaded with her because it hurt her to see how toned her daughter was. She needed her to talk to her so she can know how to console her. Roslyn sniffed and blow her nose into the white handkerchief her mother gave her. Taking the handkerchief down from her face, she glanced at her mother and opened her mouth to speak.

“David-David was rushed to the hospital,” she shuttered as she tells her mother the reason for her tears.

“Oh! my dear, this is bad news; I’m awfully sorry about your husband,” said Mrs. Williams consolable. “May God have mercy on the young man and save his life”, Mrs. Williams began. Roslyn whispered amen as she tipped her chin, staring at nothing’ in particular. “What hospital was he taken to?” she asked.

“St. Luke Hospital.” Replied Roslyn, a flutter of sadness passed through her face seeing her daughter this way. One minute they’re all joking and laughing and the next minute in tears. “I need to go to the hospital now”, said Roslyn, with trembling hand she reached out for the gift her mother gave to her and put it inside her handbag, the older woman imitate Roslyn and she stood up on her two feet, she went to her dresser and picked her head tie.

“I’m coming with you,” said Roslyn’s mother. With no protestation, Roslyn nodded her head, and the two walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. Their foot hurried on the staircase. Bella, who was watching TV, stood on her feet the moment she saw them. The faint smile on her face faded away. Immediately, she saw tears running down from Roslyn’s red eyes.

“Something wrong?” she asked, her eyes darting between her mother and her elder sister. Roslyn slightly nodded her head in response; Bella looked at their mother inquisitively. “David was involved in an accident; I’m going with your sister.”

“Oh, no,” Bella hastened to say. “I’m awfully sorry Roslyn; I’m coming with you two.” Roslyn was quick to shake her head; she didn’t want to disturb her family. Her mother is already going’ with her and now Bella, that’ll be too much to ask. “No, Bella, you should stay and take care of father when he returns.” Bella immediately shakes her head in protestation. “Nonsense, I’m coming with you. Father can take care of himself. Beside we’ve the maid to help him out with whatever he needs”. She said convincingly to Roslyn. The mother strode out of the living room, leaving the two young women to their argument. Roslyn opened her mouth to speak, but Bella was quick to leave the room, following their mother behind.

Soon, they got to the hospital, and the nurse directed them at the front desk where David's room was. “Do you suppose, we could slow down for a moment?” Roslyn asked the moment they reached David’s hospital room. Bella and Mrs. Williams looked at her perturbed; they don’t understand her sudden hesitation to see David because she practically screamed at the driver to drive fast on their way to the hospital.

“Something wrong?” Roslyn’s mother asked. Roslyn joggles her head, saying no. Mrs. Williams took Roslyn’s hand, squeezing it slightly, and Bella watched with pity for her elder sister. Fresh tears swiftly escaped Roslyn’s eyes, and she hurriedly used the back of her hand to wipe it off. “Mother-mother, I’m scared, I’m afraid of what I’ll see behind this door.” She said, “dear, I know how hard it is for you believe me but I want you to trust God, whatever you’re going to see in there, just know that God has a purpose for it okay?” with grieve in her heart, she quietly nodded her head to what her mother just told her, Roslyn turned to the door and slowly turned the doorknob.

She entered the white hospital room, praying inwardly for a better result. Silently, Roslyn moved closer to the hospital bed where David was peacefully lying down. Another fresh tear fell to her cheeks when she finally has a clearer view of him. They placed him in life-support machine, with two casts on both legs and a few bruises scattered on his face. “He-he doesn’t look good, mother,” Roslyn said as she sat down on the edge of the bed staring down at her sleeping husband. “I see dear,” said her mother. Bella stood a few feet away. She doesn’t know how to express herself in such a condition. “Let’s wait for the doctor”. Her mother continues. “I know you are not a believer, but I know God will not abandon you, my dear.” Roslyn breathes.

Few minutes later, the doctor walked into the room and Roslyn hurriedly stood up on her feet, “hello doctor…” Mrs. Williams stretched looking at his chest for his name tag, “Doctor Dan, you must be David’s doctor,” she said inquisitively. The doctor nodded his head with a faint smile on his face. “I supposed you’re David’s mother,” Mrs. Williams waffle her head saying no, “I’m his mother-in-law, and this is his wife, Roslyn.” he smiled at Roslyn and she reciprocated with a sad smile.

“What’s his condition, Doctor?” Roslyn finally asked. “I’m afraid his-his legs are in a terrible condition. We’ve removed most of the broken glasses inside the legs, but I’m afraid we might have to amputate the two legs. Roslyn was ready to cry before her sister held her tight, stopping her from hitting the floor. She pondered why her marriage of three weeks has turned into a nightmare. She’s in total denial of what Doctor Dan told them about her husband’s condition.