015 Evolution, Kirlia With the Best Potential
Two days passed in a flash, and soon it was Thursday.
During this time, Qin Yun had been scouting for potential Pokémon. Most of the wild Pokémon he encountered had only basic potential. After analyzing their abilities, he decided not to capture them. His minimum goal was to find a Pokémon with at least mid-tier potential one that, with proper training, could develop into a high-tier battler, barely keeping up with Ralts.
No he should say Kirlia now.
Ralts had evolved into Kirlia just yesterday, significantly improving her strength to an intermediate entry-level. The evolved Kirlia had a more graceful and humanoid form, resembling a six- or seven-year-old girl. She often held Qin Yun's hand as they strolled through the forest, her steps light and elegant, much like the Kirlia described in research papers Pokémon that dance beautifully when exposed to their Trainer's positive emotions.
Moreover, Kirlia's evolution had also boosted her potential.
In the Pokémon world, high-top potential Pokémon have a chance to evolve into an ultimate potential Pokémon, giving them the ability to compete at the Elite level. It was a rare trait, making Kirlia one of the most promising Pokémon Qin Yun had seen.
Kirlia's Current Status
[Pokémon: Kirlia]
[Type: Psychic/Fairy]
[Ability: Telepathy] (Allows Kirlia to sense the intentions of allies, preventing damage from their moves in double battles.)
[Strength: Intermediate Entry-Level]
[Potential: High-Top]
[Held Item: Twisted Spoon] (Boosts the power of Psychic-type moves.)
[Moves: Disarming Voice, Growl, Double Team, Teleport, Shadow Ball, Psybeam, Psychic, Finger Gun, Shaving]
Kirlia had comprehended Psychic upon evolution a powerful STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) move with a base power of 90. When combined with the Twisted Spoon, its effective power skyrocketed to 162, making it Kirlia's strongest move to date.
Although Kirlia was still an intermediate-level Pokémon, Qin Yun was confident that, with her enhanced skill mastery and combat instincts, she could defeat entry-level peak Pokémon without much trouble.
Final Training Before Heading Home
Qin Yun gently patted Kirlia's head, making her close her eyes and lean into his touch. She loved his affectionate gestures the most.
"Kirlia, today's our last training session before we head home."
"We'll ease up on the training today. Instead of pure drills, we'll focus on practical combat."
For the past few days, they had primarily trained movement techniques, refining her Finger Gun and Shaving techniques. However, they had done very little actual battling, so today's plan was to improve Kirlia's combat adaptability.
After a short walk through the dense forest, Qin Yun took out a Pokémon Incense a special item designed to attract wild Pokémon. It had a particularly strong effect on Grass-type Pokémon, who were naturally drawn to its aroma.
Soon, the tall grass rustled, and a wild Oddish emerged, sniffing the air curiously.
Wild Pokémon Encountered
[Pokémon: Oddish]
[Type: Grass/Poison]
[Ability: Chlorophyll] (Doubles Speed under sunny conditions.)
[Strength: Intermediate Entry-Level]
[Potential: Basic]
[Moves: Absorb, Growth, Acid]
[Pokédex Info: During the day, it buries its head underground and remains still. At night, it walks around spreading seeds.]
Qin Yun sighed slightly. "A basic-potential Oddish, huh? Not bad, but not quite what I'm looking for."
Although Pokémon trading was strictly regulated by the Pokémon League, trainers were allowed to give Pokémon to family or friends provided they registered the transfer at a Pokémon Center. The League had strict rules in place to prevent unethical treatment of Pokémon.
Trainers who abandoned their Pokémon were subject to severe penalties, including having their trainer license revoked and facing heavy fines.
Only Pokémon Hunters, criminals operating in the black market, engaged in Pokémon trafficking.
Oddish vs. Kirlia
Rather than ignoring the Oddish, Qin Yun decided to use it as a sparring partner.
"Oddish, how about a battle? If you win, you get this Power Cube as a reward."
"Gaaah?" Oddish perked up, instantly motivated by the sight of the nutrient-rich Power Cube.
Qin Yun smirked. "That's a yes, then. Let's start!"
"Kirlia, Shaving!"
Kirlia stomped the ground ten times in an instant, using the reaction force to propel herself forward at blinding speed faster than a traditional Quick Attack.
Oddish panicked, unable to react in time. Desperately, it dug its roots into the ground and used Absorb, attempting to drain Kirlia's energy.
But Qin Yun was prepared.
"Use Finger Gun!"
Kirlia's index finger pulsed with energy, and she thrust it forward like a bullet, sending a concentrated psychic force straight at Oddish.
The tiny Grass-type had no chance to dodge.
Oddish was blasted backward, instantly knocked out.
Post-Battle Reflection
Qin Yun was pleasantly surprised. Kirlia had only just begun practicing Finger Gun, yet it was already this powerful.
Still, she lacked control. The attack had been too strong, causing severe damage to Oddish.
Qin Yun quickly pulled out a Potion Spray and treated Oddish's wounds.
When Oddish woke up, Qin Yun patted its head apologetically. "Sorry about that. Here, take the Power Cube as promised."
Oddish happily accepted the treat, munching away with a content expression.
Thanks to the Pokémon Incense, many other wild Pokémon had gathered nearby. One by one, Kirlia defeated them, slowly refining her skills through real combat experience.
By the time they finished training, her control over her moves had improved significantly.
(PS: The second Pokémon will appear soon any guesses on what it will be?)