Chapter 1: The Suitcase

On that ordinary sunny day, when I went on shift, we were informed about an attack on a store located in an alley. I went on a mission with two of my teammates. On the way, I learned from the dispatcher that there were five armed thieves at the crime scene. It was unknown how many firearms they had, but I understood that this would be a difficult task.

When I arrived at the scene, I saw that there were no people around, as they immediately fled after the shots were fired. After assessing the situation, I looked at the store where the criminals were supposed to be. Noticing that three of them were armed with machine guns, I decided to warn them.:

— Surrender, and you will stay alive.

After alerting them, I took one of my employees and headed for the store, pointing the gun in the direction of the criminals. When they saw us, they immediately raised their guns.:

— Do not come close, otherwise we will shoot, we have a hostage.

When I heard about the hostage, I realized that they were not going to give up just like that.

—Okay, I get it.

Lowering the gun, I walked back to the car, wondering how to get them out of there.

While I was thinking, they started shooting at my partner. I reacted quickly and started shooting at them too, dragging my already wounded partner into cover. The exchange of bullets began, it was noisy. I didn't understand why they started shooting at us, and I started to worry, looking at my wounded partner. Thinking to myself that it was a mistake to go as a team, I saw an employee whom I had left in the car heading out of the car to our shelter.


After I fired all the bullets from my pistol, I realized that they were waiting for us, trying to take us by surprise. We are working hard to contain them until help arrives.

After reloading the gun, I realized that there were too many thieves.

Looking at my injured partner, I realized that the three of us couldn't stop them.

- Call the department, we need help!

- I already called, and they said they were coming.

- Where are they when we really need their help?

"Where are you now, William?"


7 kilometers from the crime scene.

"Can you drive faster?"

- Yes, I'm going as fast as I can.

"Why did you leave without saying a word to me?"

Looking at my old partner, I realized that I shouldn't have brought him with me. He's too old for this job.

The thieves and police were not noticed when they arrived at the crime scene.

"Stay here and notify the department if you hear gunshots."

I need to see the crime scene.

When I approached the police car, I saw bloodstains and bullet marks. Realizing that a massacre had taken place here, I decided to ask the witnesses.

Feeling someone's eyes on me, I turned towards the store. There was a woman standing there, and it was obvious from her face that she was scared. Looking around, I realized that she was the only one left at the crime scene.

I approached her and asked her to go to my car. When we got to the car, William, that was my name, offered her a glass of coffee, which had already cooled down. After taking a sip, she looked into my eyes and asked:

— Why did the policeman shoot at his partner?

Hearing her words, William's eyes went blank.

"what? Who shot at whom?" he thought. Realizing that this case was complicated, I decided to take her to the department for further clarification of the circumstances. We invited her to get in the car and went to the department.


At the police department, in the interrogation room, William was sitting at a table across from a witness to the crime scene. Looking into her eyes, he felt his head hurt from her words.

Getting up from his chair, he walked over to the door where a department employee was standing. After looking into his eyes and shaking his head, the employee left the interrogation room. Only William and the witness remained in the room.

Looking at her from behind, he wanted to break everything here from her words.

"What did that bastard do?" he thought.

"I have to figure this out and beat that bastard to death."

- You can be free, thank you for your cooperation.

- Of course, if you need anything, please contact us.

The witness left the interrogation room, and only William remained in the room. He stood with his back to the door, his eyes trembling with the realization of what he had just heard.

Hurriedly opening the door, he left the interrogation room and went to his office.

As he approached him, he heard someone call out to him from behind:

- William, how is the case of the assault in the store progressing?

Turning towards the voice, he saw a woman who was above him in rank.

She had bright red hair and eyes like the sun, tinged with orange.

Looking into her eyes, he gave a fake cough and said:

- Ahem... We have some problems, can we discuss them in the office?

She looked in his direction and nodded in agreement.

Entering the office, William sat down and invited the woman to sit next to him.

"Sofia, would you like a cup of coffee?"

- I think I'll decline.

- OK.

Getting up from his chair, he went to a table with a coffee machine and, having made himself a cup of coffee, took a sip. Feeling the bitterness from the coffee, he looked into Sofia's eyes.

"We've lost the thieves' tracks,— he said, pausing for a moment and looking out the window. — These thieves have taken our employees hostage.

"What are you saying?"

When she heard William's words, she closed her eyes, thinking about what she had just heard.

Taking a sip of coffee, William watched Sofia frown at these words. He understood her feelings, as he was in a bad mood himself.

- I'm guessing who could have done it, and...

"Why didn't you go there right away?"

Sophia looked into William's eyes with a questioning look.

"I need you to do one thing.

"What's that?"

While thinking about how to tell him, he looked out the window.

- When I go to the place where these people are supposed to be, you need to hold a staff meeting and announce the highest security measure.

- Explain why?

- Please, no questions asked. They're very dangerous people where I'm going, so you need to secure the area and notify the citizens.

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

Shaking her head, Sofia stood up and headed for the door. Stopping at the door, she turned her head in William's direction and said:

"Be careful.

After saying these words, she left the office.

William, standing in the office, started calling someone.

- Hello.

 Who is this?

"You've already forgotten me, haven't you?"

 Wait, is that you, William?

"Yes, and I need to have a serious conversation."

 QUESTIONER: Well, come to my place, the same address.

- See you later.

After leaving the Department building, William went to his car.


Arriving at an old building in a remote area, William looked around. There were few people around, the sun was already setting below the horizon. After getting out of the car, he went to a cafe.

When he went inside, he noticed that there was almost no one in the room, but a man was sitting on the far table with a newspaper in his hands, sipping coffee. William's skin crawled as he approached him.

"I need to do this."

He sat down opposite the man, called the waitress over and ordered coffee. The man leaned forward and said

"I didn't think you'd come to me."

"It's urgent. I need information about a man who could threaten my partner's life.

Chuckling, the man leaned back in his chair and thought. William took a sip of coffee and watched his expression intently, waiting for an answer. The seconds seemed to drag by the minutes.

Finally, the man reached inside his jacket and pulled out a folder with papers. He looked at William and shook his head.

- Here's all the information about Knight. Of course, this information is not free, you know.

Realizing what the man was talking about, William pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to the other man. Opening the envelope, the man made sure that there was money and, nodding, handed the folder to William.

- Ahem... Be careful, this Knight is too meticulous a person.

William looked at the man and nodded. On his way out, he stopped, turned to the other man, and said

- Smith, go to your mother, she misses you.

"I'm sorry, you know why I can't.

Exhaling and shaking his head, he headed for his car. Getting into the car, he drove towards the department.


A message came from the speakers

 "Everyone gather in the assembly hall, an emergency meeting!"

Sofia, heading down the corridor to her office, met a young man who had been working here for no more than a year. It seemed strange to her that he was coming from her office, but she didn't pay much attention to it and went inside.

When she opened the door, she found nothing unusual. Picking up the documents from the table, she turned around and headed for the exit, but a man appeared in the doorway.

"Sofia, everyone has already gathered in the assembly hall, everyone is waiting for you," he said.

"Okay, let's hurry,— she replied.

On the way to the assembly hall, she didn't notice anyone on her way and thought about the events that had happened today. While thinking, she did not notice the man who was standing by the stairs.

After entering the hall, she looked at everyone present. When she came in, everyone stood up. After looking around, she headed towards the stage.

Standing at the microphone, she exhaled and made a welcoming speech.:

- Thank you for getting ready so quickly. Today I will tell you all the information and the reason for the urgency of this meeting.

There was silence in the hall. Sofia picked up and opened the document and said the text:

- You probably know about the attack on the store in the 12th district. I want to say that our employees who were sent to the call were attacked by thieves. The support team that left for support did not arrive on time.

Stopping at the word, she sighed and looked at everyone present, seeing different emotions in their eyes. Then she continued:

- A witness found at the crime scene said that they had been captured, and she was told to tell the staff who came: "If you want to get your comrades back, you must bring more than 5 BILLION dollars and a guarantee that they will not be persecuted."

Stopping, she looked at the document in her hands and remembered William's words: "Introduce the highest level of security."

- We will not make these concessions with these criminals, today we are introducing the highest level of security. William is already dealing with our captured comrades.

When she saw the employee raise his hand to ask, she nodded.

"Did he leave alone?" - he asked.

- yes. He has a plan in this regard, and we need to be on our guard. We don't know how many there may be or what they can do. We can only wait for news from William.

After finishing her speech, she thanked everyone for their attention and left the stage. A man was walking towards her. Stopping 2 meters away, she looked into his eyes. Her eyes were trembling with the realization of what she saw.

"Sofia, I'm sorry.

The man said, pointed a gun at her and fired.

* bang* — a shot rang out.

There was a commotion in the hall from what he had heard and the realization of what had happened.