Chapter 2: The Suitcase 2

The car was moving along the highway, William was driving, and there was a suitcase with money in the back seat. William watched the road, wondering where to get an explosive device. He noticed how the car pulled up to a multi-storey building. Apparently, it was a residential area.

Stopping in the parking lot, William picked up his suitcase and headed for the entrance. Entering the entrance, he rang the bell at the right apartment and waited for the door to be opened. When he heard the door open, he entered and headed for the elevator. After entering the elevator, he pressed the button for the fifth floor. As the elevator doors were closing, someone called out to him:

"Please wait!"

William pressed the door open button and looked at the panting boy.

— Thanks for holding the door, — William thanked him and pressed on the seventh floor.

Standing in the elevator with the boy, William ignored him, waiting for the elevator to arrive at the right floor.

When the elevator arrived at the right floor, William wanted to get out, but the boy called out to him.:

"Are you going to see Connor?"

William turned to the boy and looked into his eyes. There was curiosity in the boy's eyes. William nodded and wanted to go, but the boy said:

"And Connor's not at home."

"What?— asked William, surprised.

"He came out with a man who was wearing a business suit.

Realizing what the boy meant, William thanked him and, going back into the elevator, asked what the man looked like.

When the elevator descended to the ground floor, William was alone. There was anger and nervousness in his eyes.

It looks like I know who was with Connor, and it looks like he's up to something, William thought.

After thinking about everything, William decided to go to an acquaintance who is now in hiding. Maybe he can help him with the preparation.

After getting out of the elevator and hurriedly heading to the car, William noticed a suspicious car leaving the parking lot. Ignoring this, William got into the car and quickly dialed the number.

When someone picked up the phone, William said just one word. 

- The suitcase.

 It was a conditional word that only he and the person on the other end of the line could understand.

The word "suitcase" was reminiscent of a famous case involving suitcases containing explosive devices.

Then William thought that he might need such a person, and after securing the prisoner's release, he asked him to go underground and lead a quiet life. And that time has come.

A hoarse voice sounded on the phone, which apparently belonged to a man who had recently been ill.

—Um... meet me at the park."

After these words, the connection was interrupted.

Thinking about which park this man had in mind, William recalled an incident from his investigation when he met this man at the red park when he was wanted.

William won his first prize, grinning at how cleverly he managed to catch that man when he was walking his dog in the park.

Realizing where he needed to go, William started the car and headed towards the park.

It was getting close to evening.

Arriving at the meeting, William slowly left the car, taking his suitcase with him. On his way to the park, he looked around carefully, as if he felt someone's eyes on him. Quickening his pace, he walked over to the bench and sat down, waiting.

He learned from the case file that the man's name was Raion, but everyone knew him by the nickname "Chemist" because of his ability to create bombs. He looked to be about 176 centimeters tall, and he was wearing inconspicuous clothes: a gray sweatshirt and black pants. From his appearance, one could guess that he hadn't slept much, as there were circles under his eyes.

After the case was completed, he should have gone to prison, but William, realizing his value, dissuaded the judge from this by offering him money. So he stayed at home until William called him today.

Soon, an elderly man came out of the bushes, brushing off the leaves. He sat down next to William and looked away.:

"Well, what do you want from me?"

"You know what I need, don't you?" William replied, holding out the suitcase with the money. Without looking at him, he thought about it and asked:

"You haven't forgotten how to do that yet, have you?"

Hearing the question, the old man chuckled. Standing up, he looked at William, who was also staring at him questioningly.

— How can I forget what I've been doing almost all my life? I'm a former Chemist.

— There are no exes.

—Heh, that's right.

William noticed the man looking at the suitcase and asked one last question.:

"How long before you do it?"

Realizing what the client wanted, the Chemist looked into William's eyes and replied with a smile:

"Tonight." I have some unfinished projects for you, they explode very well.

William nodded approvingly and, getting up from the bench, went to his car, waving goodbye to the Chemist.

The chemist, looking after him, thought: 

"Something serious, or maybe..."

Pushing away his gloomy thoughts, he walked in the opposite direction.


After getting into the car, William thought about his next steps. He needed to find out where Connor was and figure out the problem.

As he drove towards the Department, he looked in the rearview mirror and saw that a car was following him.

"Maybe it's him..."

A thought flashed through my mind. Slowing down slightly, he looked to see if the car would overtake him. But she just increased her speed and drove past without slowing down.

"Did I make a mistake? Could it be the racers?" 

As he approached the intersection and stopped at a red light, he looked ahead and thought. He saw a light out of the corner of his eye, but he thought he was imagining it.

* Bang!*

A black car crashed into William's car, hitting the right side. When William came to his senses, he saw that it was the same car that had overtaken him. He noticed two guys coming out of it with abrasions, bruises and blood on their faces. Realizing the danger, he took a pistol from the glove compartment and started shooting at them. He shot one in the right leg, and the other managed to hide behind a car.

William felt that it was difficult for him to hold the gun. Looking at his hand, he saw that two fingers were broken, and there were scars all over his hand. After trying to start the car and getting nothing, he looked at the boy who had been shot and at the car with another one behind it.

After getting out of the car, he did not take his eyes off the prone man. After making sure that there was no threat from him, William shot him in the right shoulder to make sure there was no danger.

* Bang!*

The screams got louder. William wanted to shoot some more, but he didn't have much time. Turning away from the prone man, he headed towards the hiding boy. Pointing the pistol at the place where the boy was supposed to be, William shouted at him:

— If you want to live, come out with your hands up, but no kidding.

After waiting a few seconds, William saw the boy come out to him with his hands up. Seeing that he was unarmed, William began to ask a question.:

"Have you been booked?"

The boy shook his head vigorously.

"Who was that?" Was it Knight?

When the kid heard the customer's name, he jumped. Nodding his head, he looked at William with anger, fear, and despair.

William, seeing his enemy standing and glaring at him, shot him in the leg.

* Bang Bang!*

Having fallen, the boy, cowering and holding his leg, shouted:


Hearing the words that seemed strange to him, William squatted down and looked into the boy's eyes.

"What the hell are you talking about?" "What is it?" he asked, noticing how the boy looked at him with malice, but after the question he grinned.

Suddenly there was a crunch, and William realized that the boy had broken some kind of vessel with liquid. Without trying to stop him, he just watched as black smoke and black liquid began to come out of the youth's mouth.

Frowning, he realized that it was something terrible. Standing up, he looked at the lying boy, who was no longer breathing.

Realizing that he had not received any answers to his questions, but had only raised more questions, William headed for his car. After getting in, he tried to start the engine and, hearing the noise, drove off.


When he felt a vibration in his pocket, he looked to see who was calling him. It was the department's duty officer. Picking up the phone, he began listening to the department's business report with a serious face.

— Comrade William, there have been multiple explosions and a fire in the department. The epicenter was the assembly hall, where many people gathered. We are currently clearing the rubble and trying to help those who survived.

- what? "What is it?" he asked, stunned.

— After we heard gunshots in the auditorium, the explosions started. Many died.

"And Sofia?" Where is she? He couldn't contain his excitement.

"She is.".. The attendant's voice faltered, "she died from a bullet fired by a stranger.

Trying to make sense of what he had heard, William realized who was behind all this.

"Deal with all this,— he said firmly.

"William, what about you?" — the question followed.

After he hung up the phone, realizing the seriousness of the situation, he needed to deal with this person as soon as possible.

He remembered the first time he met Sofia, when she had just started working as the head of the department. It was his first day in the department.

Remembering their first meeting and subsequent events, he warmly thought about how they spent time together, treated each other with respect and mutual understanding. Sofia was the first person who was kind to William. He remembered how Sofia entrusted him with her first case, and how he beat up the robber, who subsequently wrote a statement. Sofia, although she scolded him for it, still helped him sort out the application.

William was like a wolf in uniform: short-tempered with those who offended him, but kind to his subordinates.

"I was too careless with this man," he thought, heading for the Chemist's house, overcome with anxiety and anger at what had happened.


As William approached his destination, he noticed the car driving away from the house, and this alerted him. He drove up to the house, got out of the car and knocked on the door. The door opened at a knock, which made him even more wary. He thought that maybe something had happened to the chemist, and ran into the house.

Inside, he saw a mess: all the cabinets and cabinets were open, and papers and pieces of microchips were scattered on the floor. It was clear that a search had been conducted here. Having failed to find the chemist, William thought that he had been taken by those people who had left this place. He was angry at the thought that his plan was coming to an end.

Suddenly, he felt a vibration in his pocket and took out his phone. When he saw the message from someone, he was wary, but he opened it anyway. The message read: "This is a chemist, I'm in the basement behind the closet."

After reading the message, he looked down at himself and saw a carpet. Realizing that there was a trapdoor to the basement under the carpet, William opened it and went downstairs. When he saw the closet, he pushed it aside and saw the door. When he heard someone approaching the door, he let out a sigh of relief. A familiar silhouette appeared from the door, and William was glad to see the chemist, who had hidden here from the people who were looking for him.

The chemist looked at William and said, "Come in, I'll tell you everything." Turning around, he went inside the secret room and sat down at the table. William followed him and sat opposite him, waiting for an explanation. The chemist looked away and said:

— When I was walking towards the house, I noticed that a car was following me. I tried to get rid of these people somehow, but it didn't work out. As I approached the house, I realized that I had to somehow organize my escape.

"And you opened the window?"

— Yes, but he hid in the basement.

After hearing the explanation, William looked towards the door. Returning his gaze to the chemist, he asked:

—Did you do what I ordered?"

Hearing William's question, the chemist grinned and picked up a suitcase from under the table.:

— Of course, I do everything in the basement.

Handing the suitcase to William, the chemist noticed that he was unhappy about something. Without asking, he just handed over the suitcase.

William, having received what he needed, examined the suitcase. He looked ordinary, but weighty. When he opened it, he saw that the inside was empty, but that was only at first glance. When he noticed that the bottom of the suitcase was higher than it should have been, he realized how everything worked.

Closing the suitcase, he nodded affirmatively to the chemist and, taking the detonation remote control from the table, stood up with the suitcase in his hand. Looking at the worried chemist, he realized that he was in danger. Realizing this, he told him:

— Leave the city, you can be free, but don't do anything criminal.

Hearing William's words, the chemist was stunned. What William had told him meant that he could be a free man instead of hiding in the shadows. Regaining his senses, he nodded at William's words.

William, on the other hand, turned around, left the basement and moved to the car. After opening the door, he looked at the chemist who was looking at him from the window of the house. Turning away, he got into the car and, starting it, drove towards the port.