
As I was munching on my sandwich in the break room - it was really good! - and was engrossed in thinking about how to bypass Woobin's block, someone tapped on my shoulder, making me jolt.

"Haven't had breakfast yet, Mr. Lee?"

I knew this voice. 

I knew this voice well. 

The voice that made me instantly nervous and sweat on my palm.

I was truly screwed. 

"Good morning, Sir! I'm so sorry-"

As I shot up from my seat to turn and greet Mr. Jin, our CEO, I made the fatal mistake of forgetting that I was holding a cup of ice-Americano in my hand. Although it did have a plastic lid, there was about a thumb-sized hole on top with a straw in it - why couldn't they make the hole just big enough to fit the straw? The ice-cold coffee swished and shot out of the cup and splashed onto Mr. Jin's pristine white shirt which probably cost more than my monthly salary. 

Mr. Jin said nothing. He just looked at the stain on his shirt, looked at me, looked at the stain again, and looked at me again.

Now I'm doomed. 

I was already thinking about how to tell my parents that I got fired from my job for spilling coffee on my boss, the boss that everyone feared for his ruthlessness and quiet short temper that was scarier than any outburst.

"I… I'm so sorry…"

I was so scared I didn't even dare to look into his eyes as I apologized, which he probably thought was rude and added to his disdain for me. I felt so stupid and useless.

First Woobin blocked me on the messenger as a bad prank, I arrived late to work and was probably being put through some setup for bigger and harsher scolding to come later, and now I messed up Mr. Jin the first thing in the morning.

Wait… was this… an elaborate plan from my seniors Mr. Moon and Ms. Choi in the first place? To lure me into this break room knowing that Mr. Jin will come in and find me not working when I should be?

I was angry at myself for having been so naive, which wasn't the first time in my life.

"Hahaha… Haha... Ha…"

To my great surprise, Mr. Jin started laughing. 

I lifted my head to look at him, and he was really laughing, not faking it. 

I was tempted to laugh together to smooth things out, but I knew better than that. He would suddenly stop laughing any time, put on his cold expression that somehow looked like a grimace even without frowning, and quietly tell me to go pack my stuff and leave - or just leave without packing my stuff. 

"What are you so afraid of, Mr. Lee?"

The unexpectedly gentle voice of Mr. Jin completely threw me off. 

He leaned slightly forward and slouched a little - OK, I AM kind of short - to match my eye level and beamed me a smile. 

"Don't worry about it. It's just a shirt. I have plenty more in my office so it's not a big deal. I was just concerned that my favorite new worker hasn't been eating well."




"Er… Sir?"


"I'm really sorry, but are you feeling alright?"

That was probably a stupid question but I wasn't thinking straight at this point. 

"I feel great! Seriously, don't worry about it, Mr. Lee. I will get someone to fetch you another cup of coffee."

"But-, but…"

Mr. Jin then stepped out of the break room and shouted at no one in particular. 

"Could someone please bring two cups of ice-Americano here?!"

"Yes, Sir!"


I heard someone cheerfully answer and Mr. Jin didn't waste a moment before pulling out a chair next to mine and sitting down.

"Please take a seat." He gestured to me. 

OK, now comes the scolding…

As I sat, Mr. Jin said nothing but looked into my eyes with a smile that I could only find suspicious. I was telling myself not to get tricked by the seeming kindness that oozed out of his eyes. 

"Mr. Lee."


"How old are you?"

"I'm 26."

"How's your family? Are your parents well? Any siblings?"

"My parents are both doing alright. Thank you. I have three elder sisters."

"I see."

What could he possibly want?

Two cups of ice-Americano then promptly came, brought over by Mr. Ryu the Assistant Manager. 

"Please relax. I just wanted to have a little chat."

This man… trying to make me down my guard before striking… how cruel…

"Thank you."

After taking a sip from his coffee, Mr. Jin continued to speak.

"I grew up without my father."

That was unexpected. But hang on -

"Sir, I thought your father passed away a few years ago…?"

"That is right. And that's how I ended up inheriting the company. Much too young. I wasn't ready for it."

"You are being modest. The company is doing fantastically. Everybody looks up to you."

Because they are scared of you.

"Not at all. This company would collapse in no time if I didn't have such dedicated workers as I do now. I'm blessed."

Then why do you look like you are silently cursing everyone every day?!

"Well, my father, of course, was alive as I was growing up. That's not what I meant. But he's always been away from home, busy working. That's what built this company."

"I see."

"I thought he never cared for me as I was growing up. I was resentful, I'm embarrassed to say."

I just couldn't understand what he was playing at this point anymore.

"But in the last months of his life, I got to spend more time with him. And I…"

Then Mr. Jin went silent for a few seconds, and his lips quivered a little.



It looks like he's almost ready to shed a drop of tear!

He then recomposed himself to continue.

"Sorry, I just got a little… emotional. My point is… some parents are more expressive of their love than others. Some parents are not. But I believe, in most cases, parents treasure their children more than anything else."

"Ri… right."

"Do you feel loved by your parents?"

"My Mom, yes… My Dad is a little more strict and stoic, but I know that's just how he is."

"Right. And your sisters?"

"My first and second sisters have always been very nice to me. The third sister… not so much."

"But still, you are family, right?"


"Now, listen. You are a worker here, an employee of my company. That is clear on paper. But I always tell myself that I should remember, remember that everyone here is a loved son or daughter, or a brother or a sister of someone back home."

"You are right."

"Now, sometimes I have to make a difficult decision and let an employee go if that is in the best interest of the company."

OK. Here it comes now. 'So go and pack your stuff and leave now.'

"But, I would never - never, ever be angry and let it out on someone's beloved member of the family just because they made a small mistake that doesn't even harm the business."



"So please don't be so nervous around me. I can see it in your eyes that you have a good heart. We need more than a good heart at work, of course. But it is my view that all the good things start from a good heart."

"Yes, Sir…"

"Take care of yourself. Eat well, rest well, and work hard. And don't let irrelevant mistakes like spilling coffee ruin your day. If anything, I thought it was funny and you might have just made my day, haha."

I was gobsmacked and completely lost. I could find no sarcasm in his voice and it felt like he meant every word sincerely. 

"Now, I have some work to do." Mr. Jin slowly stood up as if to be cautious about making me any more nervous than I already must have looked.

"And I need to get changed too."

He then gave me a wink and walked out of the room.

I'm like…

So confused now.