I was rushed to the hospital, and the cops bundled Kyle's body out of our house. After my wounds got cleaned and taken care of, I slept for a while and within that one hour that I rested, I dreamt of the accident, it's like it replayed, but this time I was watching it happen live In the dream, I stood there and I couldn't do anything, I was crying profusely in the dream and then I woke up. My mom was right beside me, and she hugged me, seeing how petrified I woke. She thought, "my poor baby, she's probably still in shock from the incident, when in fact, I was the criminal". After I had eaten some food, the cops came into my ward and decided to question me, my mom wouldn't allow them, since I was undergoing therapy and I had been involved in way to many shocking events. But I insisted they asked me, but before they would say anything to me, I told them about the recording I have, they wanted me to hand it over immediately, which I was willing to since I set it up myself. But what I had my focus on, was the camera I'm assuming is attached to the ceiling in my mom's room, nobody ever told me, we had cctv back at home! I just wanted to leave the hospital and get to destroying the footage that had been recorded. But before then, the questioning from the cops had begun and they asked me,
Cop 1: we don't want to stress you, just confirm our questions with a yes or no and if there's a need to give further explanation, you can proceed.
Cop 2: Okay girly, go nice and slow with the answers okay? Was Kyle a suspect to your dad's death?
They all had their focus on me, with their books and pen, ready to scribble away and there I thought to myself, I have to be smart about answering these questions, so I wouldn't be caught. And I answered " No, he wasn't," "but he acted weird alot during our sessions, he was my home school tutor".
Cop 1: Good girl. Okay now, So we moved around the house and we found the door to your late dad's study room broken and we also found the deed to your family's assets, in Mr Kyle's lifeless hand, could you explain that to us?
I didn't know exactly, what they were trying to point out, but I knew I wasn't gonna be caught and so I answered, "Yes, I saw him in the study searching for something, so I locked the door in hope to tell my mom, but I forgot she had already gone outside to look for the guest who asked after her earlier and while she left for this guest, I locked the door, thinking she would talk at length with the guest, and after realizing that, I ran into my mom's room and hid there". " I locked the door, so he wouldn't escape, but he tried to stab me with a knife, I was very scared, as I tried to run, he pushed the dressing mirror and I slipped and got injured by the pieces from the broken mirror and just when he almost got me, he slipped and landed on his knife".
Cop 2: I'm so sorry you had to go through this. So in summary, he wanted to use your mum to get your father's properties? I see what's going on, but how did such a little girl like you pull this off, did you know his plans beforehand?
At this question, my mom cut in, she told them not to ask me any more questions and that the phone with the recording would be sent over to their office. As If that wasn't enough, I returned back home and couldn't find the flashing thingy. My mom was constantly watching me, so I couldn't climb up the ceiling to go check. It took a while to get healed fully, and Kyle was buried, my mom cried for days. It got to her so much, she succumbed to drinking late at night, that got me really sad. And when I was strong enough, I climbed through the vent and then found that the camera was still recording, I began to wonder where the control room would be. I checked the whole house, but couldn't find one, so I went down into the attic and there It was, with the computer covered up. I switched it on and began checking the files and then I tapped on the recent one, and there it was, both I and Kyle were clearly shown in the frame, but there was no sound from the video, so I deleted each and every one of the recordings from the camera, I also checked the back up files and cleared everything. I covered it back and went up to my room.
One faithful evening, a spiritual man came knocking, saying he was directed to our house. He asked after my mom, and then went on to tell her that staying in the house would only drain us the more, and that we would end being sad for the rest of our lives. So, he advised we moved. My mom, who couldn't bear the death of two men who she cherished, agreed to the spiritual man's advise. After he had left, she came to me and asked me "What do you think about us moving" and then I told her " Mom, leaving here would mean leaving dad and his precious memories, how then can we survive if we forget him", although she understood me, she just couldn't bear the fact that Kyle died in her room. Without my consent, she began packing, she cancelled my rehab sessions, we carried some of my dad's belongings along, to keep the memory alive. And fews days later, my mom sold our house, everything happened so fast, it felt like it wasn't real. We moved to her mother's home at Wisconsin.
As we arrived at our new home, my grandmother's house, I couldn't hold it in anymore, I began to cry. How did I lose so much in such little time?