"The only family he had left was his sister and she died of cancer". My mom ended her narration with a sigh. Although I didn't tell her about the Polaroid I found in my dad's study, she would freak out, as to why I had touched his thing, seeing how he left it in order before he passed on. A week later, nothing's changed, I still home school and Kyle and my mom's relationship got tighter. I would cry in my bedroom because of how much I missed my dad, and how we'd go to his office, he'd take me to the park, watch my favourite cartoons with me, and we'd have dinner while hearing his cop stories. Little did I know, it wouldn't last longer, this also made me wonder what happened to Siju, Jason, Daniel, and Shelly, and of course all the other girls. I broke his nose and it bled profusely, I regret my actions. It wasn't worth it! My mom still doesn't listen to me, because of the things my therapist tells her, she thinks I'm at a higher stage of grief. But none of it matters since my dad isn't here with us. And Kyle, since our last conversation hasn't said anything to me except teachings for the subjects I study. I'm convinced he's the little dude in the Polaroid after hearing his whispers, but how do I get more proof to convince my mom about this, I guess she's only accepting him since my dad's ... Well, it's been how many months now? Six, it's been six months since he deserted us.
It was the holidays and it had been confirmed that my mom and Kyle were official and they had marriage in mind. It broke my heart, because there was nothing I could do. Kyle moved into our house with a couple of his stuff, although he had been doing that for a while and pretending to forget them here, but now there's more than enough of his junk, waiting to take over my dad's spot. His frame was removed this afternoon, while watching, a tear ran down my cheek. But just when you think all hope is gone, God just finds a way to get you out of the ditch. That sunny afternoon, I sat by the window in my room and watched the couple play lovey dovey in our garden, suddenly my mom stood up to get something inside, and then Kyle brought out his phone to receive a call, my window was very close to the garden which made it possible for me to hear every single word of his conversation with the person at the end who was trying to confirm if their "PLAN" was in check. I wondered what plan they had come up with that brought so much joy to Kyle. This isn't some stage play where they would soliloquize and blurt out all their plans, so I was dying of suspense, but I had just one thing in mind, my mom was in danger! I ran downstairs and my mom was making some meal in the kitchen, I went in to ask and she told me, she and Kyle wanted to celebrate a little. Celebrate? Why? What for? And she said, "oh nothing, just for the joy we've had since you know..." I could tell by her expression that she missed my dad, but I couldn't help but wonder what the vodka bottle, filled to the brim, was doing on the kitchen island. My mom caught on and tried to cover up, " Kyle just wanted a little spice, now darling this isn't for kids". "Of course it isn't", my response was muffled.
Kyle returned back into the house and asked that I got them some things from the grocery store down the street, so he and my mom could have some alone time together. This was his diversionary tactic, and it was working on my mom, she agreed for me to leave, they gave me some money and a list, I got really scared as I received it, because it might be the last time I see my mom, and as I walked through the door, I made up my mind that whatever would happen moments from now, I wouldn't lose my mom. I waited behind the bushes in garden, so they'd think I had left for the store. The very big cashew tree was just what I needed to get me back into my room, I climbed on it and thank God I left my window open. I entered the room, I could hear Kyle's voice, telling my mom he'd be up in a sec, so I followed him quietly. He got to the kitchen, opened the bottle of vodka, and he poured into two glasses, but in one, he added some powdery stuff and stirred it while smirking maliciously, this confirmed all the thoughts I had about him. And as he walked back up, I hid myself, but what could I do to stop him? I pondered for a few minutes and then I remembered I could call the cops, but that would give him enough time to execute his plan, and so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Just then, he returned back with the glasses still in his hands. He dropped them and headed for my dad's study instead, i followed him and while watching by the corner of the door, where I was hiding, he opened a box and there some neatly paper, was in it. And on the top of this paper, there were words,boldly written FAMILY TRUST DEED. And then I caught on to his plan, which was to drug my mom and then make her sign the deed, quickly I slammed the door and locked it from the front. Knowing how strong he was, I was quick to get my mom out the room, telling her some officer's looking for her, I told her to call the police station, just in case he left before seeing her. She went outside to do so, and then I locked the door. I could hear her banging and banging on it. Just as I thought, Kyle broke the study door and ran out, looking for me, but I already prepared just in case he had in mind to hurt me. He ran into my mom's room looking for her, little did he know I was behind the door, so I locked it. And it was just both of us in the room, staring intently into each other's soul, I didn't wanna be the first to say anything, but he started clapping and laughing, and he said
"What a brilliant little girl, I wouldn't diagnose you of grief, you are just fine", " so you caught up with me, didn't you?" I continued staring at him. "Well, you see the thing is I always get my way and this time wouldn't be any different, especially when it's family". And then I said, " I knew it! You two faced bastard". "Joshua Darrell, isnt that a wonderful name. Uncle hides identity to steal his brother's life! The people would stomach this gossip, I can already feel it". I am not a thief, he responded, but I said "oh but you are! You're trying to kill my mom and take over this place, isn't that what thieves do? Steal, kill and destroy? He then backfired,
"My brother would be happy if I did this, so be a good little girly and open the door". No! I SCREAMED!
He then, ran across to room to catch me, but I dodged and just when he thought he got me, I sank the knife I was hiding, into his belly and he fell, and I fell too, breathing heavily. I had never killed someone before, and this time, I was actually going to jail. But I did this out of self defense, I thought, shouldn't that count for something! So I went close to my mom's dressing mirror, pushed it down and took some peices from the broken mirror and cut my self, deep in my arm and my knee. Just as I finished, the police had already broken through the first door and being directed by my mom, they came to her room and tried opening it, I did my best to be quiet while I prepped my eyes for some tears. It was good, Kyle had the deed in his hands and my phone was still recording.
And bam! They broke the door and my mom rushed to hug me, I cried out loud like I had been shot,the bleeding made the story more believable. Kyle was dead. And I, was taken to the hospital. But wait, as I cried my eyes out, I noticed a tiny red light, flashing faintly from the ceiling, Oh shoot! Something was recording it all!!!!!