Kyle Minte: What a Surprise

After mom had witnessed what happened with the cat, I couldn't tell if she was scared of me or for me. So she hurriedly buried the cat's body, so I wouldn't be taken by animal protection, she cleaned the house, and also washed all the blood stains off my dress. She dressed me in new costume as I like to call it, and she booked an appointment with a therapist. We got there and after spending time with the lady, I got diagnosed with CCG, Childhood Complicated Grief. And my mom was told to take really good care of me and my emotions. My therapist, miss Kate, insisted my healing would take longer, so I'd have to keep showing up at the center for three months, until my healing is confirmed. I was seated on the couch and it didn't feel like anyone was talking to me, i could only think of how a life without a dad would look like, apparently, it isn't much fun. Just when I thought things would get better since I was returning back to school, I got there and it happened to be that all the kids at my school, had heard the news from camp and so they withdrew themselves from me. I was given a special seat in class and it made me feel awful. All my friends deserted me and I was failing in everything, I couldn't focus, I couldn't cry, I was always weak to speak, but I'd just stare and stare at the sky, as if that would make my life better. This continued for a year and my mom took matters in her own hands and she got me a tutor. She convinced me that home school would be better and honestly, I didn't care. I just wanted to be free from every single guilt.

After the weekend, she introduced the home school tutor, she believes would change my life and make me feel more like myself. His name? Kyle Minte, Mr Kyle Minte. He walked into our living room and gave me a eerie kind of smile and i laughed so hard because he looked constipated. And then my mom said " see, it's more like the Sonia I know". We started and he was surprisingly good at everything he taught me, we had break hours and we used it to know each other better.

He said " You should smile more, you look beautiful when you do that" and my honest response was, "Okay!" I ran up to my room to use my bathroom and on my way back, I caught kyle guzzling down a big bottle filled with alcohol. He immediately sprayed some thing into his mouth, I guess to make his breath smell fresh and then I said to my self, "that's the exact twist I'm looking for". Never In the whole world would my mom had thought she would hire an addict. He continued tutoring me for years and years until I turned seventeen and on my seventeenth birthday, he stood in as a dad for me and I hated it with all my life. His only job was to teach me, academic related things, not steal my mom and become my dad! I decided to talk to my mom about my observation and she was like " oh hun, you're thinking too much, it's good that therapy has helped you loosen up, but that doesn't mean you can just say anything" "Mr Kyle isn't trying to be your dad, he just really cares about you and you should be grateful for that" and my honest response to her was,

"That's not true, you're in love with him!" "How did he go from being my tutor, to your go to, call person" "Mom, he teaches me, and how come nowadays, he's always with you, IN YOUR FREAKING ROOM" and then she slapped me. We paused and stared at each other for a while, and then she left the room crying. And that's when I knew, he wasn't just here for me, there's gotta be something else!

The days went by, and I studied Kyle the tutor and there was nothing except that alcohol addiction that he had. I never for once told my mom about it. And then one day, he said something to me. We were studying and then he started talking about families and in his own words, " At least you have a member left, he said to me. All of mine ditched me a long time ago" "would a brother cop love a brother thief? Such rhetoric, he said. He stopped and said "sorry, I digressed, I lost track of time. You can stop writing now". And there I was staring at him like he didn't say a word. I left for my room, I didn't pay much attention to his words until when I caught him sneaking up some of my father's pictures, he whispered, " oh Israel, if only you loved me " . I was shocked, how did he know my father's actual name was and why did he say those things, did he know my dad? Were they friends? He couldn't have killed him, he died in an accident. After he left for his house that day, my mom hadn't returned from the office she worked at, so I was the only one at home, I felt like kevin. Then I went up to my dad's study, looking for whatever would help my curiosity, I checked the books, the boxes, everything! But wait, there's was this old dusty book at the top shelf, I climbed on a chair and got the book, opened it and couldn't find anything in it. But just when I thought I was going crazy, a tiny photo like a polaroid dropped and it was my dad in the photo but with someone else, another little boy he held tightly. And at the back it was written, although almost faded, "Joshua and Israel, together the darells". The little guy looked similar to someone I had seen before, but It wasn't proper to just put a pin on it, so I decided to ask my mom.