Trying to keep his hands to himself without touching her was hard, but he made sure to keep them in his pocket.
He hated the way she was looking up at him with questions in her eyes, questions he wasn't even ready to answer. He had sent Dilan away, but he was still going to have to warn him off her. The fact that he was still getting a tight feeling in his chest even after he was gone and not in the vicinity she was in anymore didn’t even help.
Chloe stood there looking up at him and waiting for him to say something, and then he remembered she had asked him a question, one he no longer remember. Instead of trying to remember though, or asking her what she had asked him, he said. "We should go. The school is almost empty except for the student in detention.”
Chloe shook her head. "You didn't just say we now, did you?” she asked him, even though she clearly heard him. He watched as she walked to where her bag was and then she started to walk out of the class without him.