His Blood Boiling

“Are you going to the cafeteria?”

Chloe heard someone ask behind her as she walked toward the cafeteria. She had just gone to drop her bag in her locker and was on her way to get food when she heard the question.

At first, she thought that whoever it was, was probably asking someone else, but when she looked over her shoulder, she realized he was talking to her.

The boy was tall, almost as tall as Zach was… wait, what? Why the heck was she comparing someone else to Zach Elliot-Day for crying out loud? If she didn't know any better, she would have sworn that she was starting to get obsessed with him.

Slowly, she nodded her head. "Yes, I am.” She answered.

He was tall as she had just noticed, and he had golden brown hair, and blue eyes that looked like the ocean. Well, really, they weren’t interesting eyes but they were blue nonetheless. She wondered who he was and why he was talking to her. She wondered what she wanted and whether or not his intentions were good.