Being The New Girl in Class

Chloe looked at the question he had just written on the board before calling her and realized it was one of the questions she solved in getting ready for today’s class last night. But, the problem lies in going up there to solve it. The class was now focused on her, again. Normally, if there was no drama to it, and she was just called to come to solve it, most student who wasn’t paying attention to the teacher wouldn’t pay it to her, but now…

Looking around, she saw them staring and felt as if the ground would open right up and swallow her. Standing up, she walked slowly to the front of the class. Behind her, a girl whispered to her friend. “Look at her ass in trouble already. She better know what to write or this would go to shit and everyone would remember her for the rest of the school year.”

Zach had been the one to get her into this mess and should be the one here right now, but he was sitting down staring up at her instead, with that stupid smirk right there on his face.

She collected the marker from the teacher and started to solve the question. She took her time explaining in a slow but audible voice because that was the way her former teacher had told them to solve things on the board. She wrote out the formula and then she solved it out. When she had gotten to the final answer, she stopped and looked at the teacher to see him staring at the board with his mouth open.

“Oh, yeah, that’s right, ass. I did it the advanced way.” She thought. She handed him the marker and then she walked to her seat the same way she had come out, without waiting for him to say that. She could see everyone but Zach staring at the board. He was staring at her.

After what seemed like a long time, the teacher said. “Must be why you’re not listening in my class, smarty pants. This is so good. I will put your name down as one of the volunteers in my class that tutor other kids.” He said.

Oh, no! She thought, but she nodded her head slowly and he got back to teaching, explaining again, what she had written.

Behind her, Zach said. “Oh, I see you’re a smartass like the teacher called you.”

Chloe wanted to correct him and say that that wasn’t what he had said, but she thought it was better to just ignore him. She had gotten into so much trouble to last her a week already, and she certainly didn’t want to drama and attention that came with it anymore.

“Must be why you look the way you look, like some plain old nerd.” He completed what he started, and Chloe felt a squeeze in her chest. She heard someone murmur again but she didn’t hear what was said. She knew she was plain, but she sure didn’t need the most popular and handsome boy at school telling it to her. She swallowed hard the spit in her mouth down her throat and looked down at her book.

Ten minutes or so later, the bell for a change of period finally rang and Chloe started to pack up her thing so that she can head to her next class. As she did that, she felt someone touch her shoulder and she looked up to see the boy that was with Zach earlier. He smiled down at her and said. “I'm Liam, and I just wanted to officially welcome you to Leighton.” He grinned and looked at Zach who was now standing at her other side. “You’ve met Zach, and we have two other friends; Zoe and Dana. You’re so cool. I just wanted to tell you that too.” He said.

“Shut up, Liam. There’s nothing cool about being a smarty pants or a smart ass, but her ass sure looked fine.” He said.

Chloe looked up at him as she shoved the last book in her bag, and she asked. “Can I have my pen back?” her eyes started to water at the insult but she tried to hold it in.

Zach shook his head at her and then he said. “No, Chloe, it’s mine now. In fact, everything you own will be mine if and when I want them. Put that in mind.” He looked at Liam who was just shaking his head at him and said. “Let's go.”

After they were gone, she shook her head and stood up, then she started to head out of class. She didn’t realize until it was too late that someone had their leg out in front of them. She tripped over it and fell flat on her face, and she heard people laugh. Must be people still in the classroom and the ones out in the hall. She looked up to see the girl laugh too, but that wasn’t what gutted her. As she stood up and dust off her clothes, she saw Zach and Liam standing a few feet away from the class outside of the hall with a huge smile on Zach's face. She started to run until she got to the nearest bathroom. She rushed into one of the stalls, locked it up, and sat on the toilet cover, then she started to cry. It was such a terrible morning for her first day at school.

Here she was, happy that she was now in a new school and hoping that this would be different. She had even kidded herself to believe that she might have friends and all. It wasn’t as if she was thinking she would become popular or something, that was farfetched and too dreamy, even for her.

Soon, she heard the bathroom door open and she used her hand to cover her mouth. She could tell that it wants just one person coming in by the sound of heels she heard.

“That new girl must think she’s the next best thing since Nutella. Can you see her flirting with Zach Elliot-Day?” One of the girls asked.

Chloe wanted to scream at them and tell them that she wasn’t flirting with him, but she couldn’t let them know she was there.

“I know right? She’s so not pretty, and she’s thinking what? That she’s special because he spoke to her?” The second girl asked, then she grunted. “That’s not happening. I hope she knows what a major player he is before she falls into his trap.”

“Oh please, I don’t even think that he will. Haven’t you seen her? The only thing going for her is the nice shape she has.” The first girl said.

“Oh yes, that’s true. She really has nice curves. That must be why she thinks she’s something. If Zoe catches her, I’m sure she’ll kill her.” The second girl said.

Chloe wondered who that was, then she remembered Liam talking about their other two friends. Well, she didn’t know that he meant they were their girlfriends.

So Zach had a girlfriend. Well, she sure shouldn’t think that a boy like that wouldn’t have one, because that would have been strange. She was the strange one for thinking that. She was the stupid one for thinking that he would see her as a boy should a girl.

Looking around, she grabbed the toilet paper and rolled some up, then she quietly unzipped her bag to put it there. She would be needing it to clean her shoes later when she get outside the door of their house. She knew how much her mother hated muddy floors because she was always too lazy to clean.

The girls continued their conversation. “I think she should know her place because she is a nerd and she is smart, so she should know that no one would look at her ugly face let alone be with her. It’s better for everyone that way.”

Chloe tried her best to hold in the sob in her throat because that would mean telling them she was here. Besides, she wasn’t going to give them that power or that win. She wasn’t going to let them hear how much their words and lies about her hurt her or get to her.

The two girls soon finished up whatever it was they were doing because she heard them leave the bathroom, heard the door slam as they left, and she stood up from the toilet to grab her bag. She unlocked the stall door and walked to the mirror. Quickly, she washed her face and used the sleeve of her hoodie to clean off the water, and then she started to walk to her next class.