Curves In The Right Places

“That was mean and unlike you, Zach,” Liam said to him and he shook his head at him. “What did I do?” He asked, but he knew what he did. He knew what he was talking about.

He wasn’t a bully if he was being sincere, but it was her fault he was like this. To be honest, all of these were just to get close to her. It was the only way that he knew. He hated the way she was making him feel so out of control. This foreign feeling was what he didn’t understand and why he was acting this way. He needed to keep her close so that he would be able to get rid of the feeling. It wasn’t that simple, but it was the only way he knew.

Liam didn’t know this, and he wasn’t sure that he would read any more meaning into this than just being mean to her. Maybe none of his friends would notice at all, but who was he kidding? They would be interested soon enough to get to the bottom of this. His life was something similar to things placed under the microscope.

“You really should stop being an ass to her, you know that we hate bullies, so I don’t know why you’re being one,” Liam said beside him as they walked out of the class after Geometry.

He grunted and they started to walk to their next class. They had only gotten to a few feet away from the class when he heard a commotion behind him. Turning, he looked at what the cause was and saw that it was Amber sticking out her leg and Chloe not seeing it on time and falling flat on her face.

Everyone started to laugh and he looked around at them. Why were they laughing at that? She had obviously done that on purpose and they thought it was all right to laugh? Perhaps, laughing about it was nice somehow, so he tried to laugh as well and see how they were feeling about it, but It seemed so weird. Chloe looked up and then her eyes met his.

He saw the hurt expression on her face and for a minute, he thought she was hurt somewhere from the fall, but when he saw her shake her head and started to run away, he realized that it was because of the laughter, and the stupid smile on his face wiped off.

He walked to Amber with Liam closely behind him. When he got to her, the girl's face lit up even more than it already had from the satisfaction she felt from what she did to Chloe and what she said. “Hey, Zach. See, I taught her a lesson for taking your seat and trying to talk to you and almost getting you in trouble.”

In what world did she think that doing that for him would be acceptable? He wondered. What the heck was she thinking with her dense-up brain? He blew out an exasperated breath and then he said. “That’s sick, Amber. I never asked you to do that,” he said, making sure he was audible enough for everyone to hear. “And for the record, I spoke to her, not the other way around.” He said, then he started to walk away.

Behind him, Liam said. “That’s messed up bro. You really need to leave Chloe the hell alone. This happened because of you.”

It was true though, it sure happened because of him, even though it wasn’t his voice. Liam was like his voice of reasoning and he really loved the fact that he always call him to order whenever he was going something silly. He nodded and said. “I’ll try, but I don’t think it’s on purpose. Let’s just say she brought out that side of me.” He adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder.

“What?” Liam asked, raising his voice. “She brings out the asshole side of you? How so?”

He shrugged and stopped walking to turn to face him and then he sighed. “Well, the thing is if I tell you, then I have to kill you.” He said, and then he threw his head back and laughed at the expression that was on his face. Liam had actually thought that he had been about to tell him what had going on. Well, it wasn’t as if he couldn’t tell him, but he wasn’t ready to get it out of him yet. For God’s sake, he still haven’t really recognized what it was, and why he was feeling like this for a girl he had just met, and until then, he wasn’t going to talk about it. Admitting that Chloe was very beautiful and attractive, he didn’t think that that was what all of these were about. That couldn’t be why he was feeling like this about her because he had surely seen plenty of attractive and beautiful girls before. They flocked around him and throw themselves at him. He knew that she was shy, but he still expected her to have the same reaction as other girls like they normally have. He knew some shy girls that were always flirting with him too, so maybe this was because she wasn’t like that, or maybe not. He would get to the bottom of this, and the only way was to be close to her, anyhow.

Liam was still open-mouthed, but then he closed it and said. “You're such an ass.” He turned and walked towards their next class and he did too. As he walked to the class, he saw Liam already sitting next to Zoe, and he looked around for an empty seat. There were two empty seats one in front and the other behind it, so he went to sit at the one behind it. He turned his body to talk to Zoe who was sitting the next seat beside him and asked her. “Hey, are you in a better mood now?”

She rolled her eyes at him but nodded. “Yeah, of course. What, you want me to stay in a soiled mood?” she asked him and he shook his head.

The teacher came in and he groaned. He hated Calculus as well as he hated Monday, but then again, he hated a lot of things. The door of the classroom opened one more time and Chloe entered. He was so taken aback for a moment that his mouth dropped open. She just about knocked him out of his breath, literally, every time he saw her. He closed his mouth, and happiness replaced his shock, but he caught himself before he could smile. He started at her, admiring her.

She had curves in the right place, her hips wide moderately, but he couldn’t really tell about her breasts because her hoodie was damn big. She had the hood covering her hair again, and her face was puffy. He could tell that she had been crying, and he felt a pang of hurt in his chest because of that.

He watched as she looked around to see if there was a spare seat and she saw the only one in front of him. She can’t see him yet, but as she walked to the seat, she brought her eyes up and they met his. She froze in mid step and blinked rapidly as if willing herself to stop seeing him.

“We’re waiting patiently for you to take your seat miss. Take your time. You're the reason we’re all here.” The calculus teacher said and everyone laughed.

Shit! He thought.