Chloe and Mom

“Mom, I don't know what you want me to say to you!” Chloe said as she looked from her father to her mother. After like a couple of weeks after their argument, her mother finally had the time to talk with her.

She had been coming home only when they were away at school and leaving right before they returned, as her work permitted, she told them. If she didn't know any better, she would have sworn her mother was having an affair in her place of work and it was why it took most of her time, eating away at what should be a family bonding times.

“I know I haven't been around for you guys, you especially, and I'm sorry about the way I spoke to you when I knew it was just you trying to bond with me.” Her mother apologized, and her father nodded his head in agreement with what she said.

“Yes, little bird. I'm sure you know she didn't mean it that way, and she sure wants to spend more time with you, but she just can't shuffle work and home in a perfect transition, that's all.” He said.