Hiding in Amber City

"D-d-don't blame me kid i-its just business," an overweight middle-aged man huffed as he tried to catch his breath, "If I see your face around here again, I'll call Arthur! A-A-And we both know how that'll go..."

A young teen with messy black hair lay in a heap of garbage and mud caused by the pouring rain. His raspy breaths and heaving chest are the only signs of life. Despite his situation, he still shuddered at what the man said. Indeed, if Arthur was called he would no doubt be lucky to leave with all his body parts still attached.

The man nervously glanced down the alley to make sure no one had seen him before high tailing it out of there. As long as he wasn't seen he could deny knowing the street rat had been there.

Julian dragged his tired body up against the wall as he gave deep heaving breaths. His piercing grey eyes followed the man until he dissappeared from sight. This was hardly the first time he'd been beaten when caught foraging in restaurant garbage cans.

Living on the streets for the past 2 years truly had strengthened his mental fortitude. Before he would of been crying about the pain, but now all he cared about is how his injuries would affect him getting dinner tonight.

He checked his body and gave a sigh of relief that nothing had been broken. He couldn't help but curse himself for getting caught. It had been months since the last time someone was fast enough to catch him, if they seen him at all. He was just too hungry and focused on finding anything to eat. His neck was snatched in a vice-like grip before he knew what happened.

Julian truly did understand the man's position. He knew that Arthur had most commoners under his thumb. He also knew that since he'd been dodging Arthur, it was already extremely kind of the man not to inform the sadistic debt collector where he was.

'Still doesn't make the pain go away,' he thought bitterly as his ribs ached from their abuse.

He managed to get himself on his feet and limped back to his hideout he'd found, which was really just a tucked away corner in the sewer where the grate had come loose from years of rust.

He opened the hanging curtain that gives him a semblance of walls and let his body collapse on his makeshift bed as he passed out.

As a storm raged over the city, no one noticed a small spirit sneak its way through the city and make it's way to the sewers.

'Damn Heavenly Thunder Pavillion, if I wasn't in the most crucial step of refining a pill, how could you have caught me off guard?' The spirit furiously thought, 'You better pray I don't come back, or I'll eradicate your shitty sect to the roots!'

As the spirit grumbled to itself, a groan of pain made it freeze in place noticing a small heap under a sheet, it let out a sigh of relief. It berated itself for being careless, and cursed Heavenly Thunder Pavillion once more as it made to move further into the sewers away from anyone.

Just as it was turning the corner, a loud boom sounded in the sky and a powerful wave was went over the area that only the spirit noticed.

'They followed all the way here!?' It thought in fear. The spirit made to dash away again but stopped as the lump under the sheet caight his eye. After contemplating, it dove straight into the teens body. The thunder continued all through the night as the city slept peacefully.

Julian woke early in the morning feeling a desperate hunger. He knew if he didn't eat something soon, it wouldn't be good. He finally decided to visit his last resort. Still recovering from yesterday, Julian threw on a black cloak and gingerly made his way to a massive building in the middle of the city. People could be seen coming and going in droves as everyone went about there business.

This property belonged to the Craftsmen's Guild and was a hub for many businesses. They offered countless services such as a request board, an open market, or even just a place to get a drink. Though it's true purpose, was a sanctuary for all Craftsman, whether they be Alchemist, Talisman Masters, Blacksmiths, or even the rare profession of Inscriptionist.

Weaving through alleys, Julian made sure to be extra vigilant to not be seen by anyone. He couldn't afford to be seen doing what he was about to do.

He finally reached the alley behind the Craftsmen's Guild, and frantically searched around muttering, "Please be here, please be here..."


A smile bloomed on Julians face when he heard that. He turns around and sees a large cat lying on a windowsill lazily flicking it's tail back and forth. It's intelligent eyes watch him in amusement as he almost skips in it's direction.

"Hello beautiful," Julian said as he brushed a hand over her luscious orange fur, "how's my favorite girl?"

His answer was a purr of contentment as the cat leaned her head into his touch.

"Do you think you can give this to the idiot, Ambrosia?" Julian asked holding a dirty small embroidered hankerchief. Ambrosia lowered her head and Julian tied the cloth to her collar. He gave her one more scratch and let her go as she took off through a small opening in the wall.

Julian hid behind a pile of trash as he waited. He hated coming here. Not only is it incredibly risky because of how public the area is, it's also dangerous for the man he's meeting.

Julian was broken out of his thoughts as a door slammed open and a cheery voice loudly exclaimed, "Julian! It's been far too long!"

An exceedingly handsome man strutted out with a wide grin on his face. He looked almost twice Julians age and had brillant blonde hair with deep, wide blue eyes. Ambrosia was curled around his neck like a scarf and without a care in the world, the man walked straight to where Julian was hidden and patted him on the shoulder.

His lack of tact made Julian want to scream, but he kept himself composed and gritted out, "I told you to keep quiet when we meet. Do you want to let everyone know I'm here?"

The man laughed and said, "Don't worry so much, Arthur knows better than to show up around here."

Julian conceded that, but retorted, "You are well aware I'm more concerned for you, what if he hears we've met?"

The man shrugged his shoulders and said, "Arthur may be able to bully people with no cultivation, but I'm also at the 2nd stage of Qi Condensation and even if I wasn't, does he dare cause problems for me when I work for the Craftsmen's Guild."

A big reason as to why Arthur is able to run roughshod in the slums, is because of his strength. While 2nd stage Qi condensation isn't much in the city, out in the slums where no one has anything to eat much less ways to cultivate it's an insurmountable mountain.

Julian scathing replied, "I don't want to find out if he dares or not, Tom. It's best if our meetings never reach his ears."

Tom sighed as he looked at Julian with deep sadness. He knew the teen was traumatized by Arthur and held a deep fear for the man. Not that Tom could blame him, the man was responsible for Julian being so destitute now.

He tossed a paper bag at the teen and said, "The breads still fresh so eat it while it's hot, some idiot cooked it too long and it got a little hard, but should still taste good."

Tom doesn't mention that he was that idiot and that the cooking error may or may not have been purposefully made. He makes one everyday just in case his favorite street rat stops by. He watches as Julian nods and inhales the slightly overcooked bread.

Although he knew it was gonna come out of his salary, he couldn't help but smile as he saw how much Julian enjoyed the food.

Tom wished things were different. He was good friends with Julians parents, and he wanted nothing more than to take Julian in and get him off the streets. Of course, he'd been rebuffed at every turn by the teen. He grimaced as he remembered the one time he was at his wits end and tried to forcibly take him off the streets. Julian took off at the first opportunity and wouldn't talk to him for a year afterwords.

Julian devoured the remaining bread and sighed in contentment. Ambrosia had curled up in his lap at some point and was dosing off. Julian gave her a belly rub only to have his hand slapped at. He chuckled and grabbed his hankerchief from his collar, before setting her to the side. Tucking the hankerchief into his pocket, he bid Tom farewell and disappeared aound the corner. Although he appreciated everything he did for him, he swore he wouldn't bring anymore trouble to his doorstep. The last thing he wanted was Arthur to realize how close they were and try and force Tom to pay his debt.

'Knowing the idiot, he'd do it with a smile on his face,' Julian thought

Julian perked up as the feeling of a full stomach set in and tightened his hood before stopping at the main entrance of the massive building. He was greeted with a large sign on top the entrance that read, Amber City's Craftsmen's Guild.

While he was worried he'd be noticed as he made his way to building, now that he was here he wasnt too concerned. Too many people come and go wearing stranger things than a cloak covering there face for anyone to pay him any attention. Plus, like Tom said Arthur truly didn't dare come here. Of course, that doesn't keep people from reporting back to him.

Through the excessively large swing doors, Julian takes in the always impressive sight of the Craftsmen's Guild. The whole building seems to be divided into three, on the left is the largest market in Amber City. Many people say if you can't find it here, it can't be found in all of Vestand. Straight ahead is the main guild area. This area is blocked off and can only be entered by members registered as craftsmen. To the right is Julians destination, a large bar and lounge area with a wall sized task board that has countless sheets of paper on it.

Making his way to the request board, he spot Tom pouring a middle-aged woman a glass of wine. There eyes meet and Tom shoots him a wink before he drifted about flirting with any women he saw, trying to earn a more generous tip.

Julian shook his head at the idiots behavior and studied the board for something that he might be able to accomplish. Most requests were completely out of his league considering these were mainly posted for traveling cultivators. They ranged from extermination jobs for invasive species, gathering rare herbs, to even bounty hunting jobs. Julians eyes scanned over them until they stopped over one that seemed easy enough, a restaurant wanted some truffles that can only be found on the border of the forest that sits outside the city gates. The catch being that demonic beasts could regularly be found in the forest and only cultivators could come and go there as they please.

Although wary with how close this mission would bring him to the forest, Julian couldn't refuse such a quick and easy request seeing as how it would net him a quick 5 silver. That'd be enough for him to eat for multple days.

Julian sighed as he thought of how much easier his life would be if he could find a way to cultivate. Then he wouldn't have to risk his life just to feed himself. Unfortunately the only people with cultivation technique would rather die than hand them outfor anything less than an exorbitant amount of gold. The only sect that would let you learn one upon entry is the Cloud-Dwelling Sect, and they are located on the other side of the forest.

He pulled the request off the board so no one else would steal it while he was gone, and left the Craftsmen's Guild.

He took his time heading to his destination so his body could digest his earlier meal. Feeling more and more of his strength returning to him, Julian hurried to a secluded area along the city's wall.

'Life as an undesirable does have its perks I suppose, ' Julian thought with glee as he slipped through a hidden crack in the wall, 'The thing about living among criminals and refugees is that you know all the good hiding spots and secret passages.'

Stepping out of the crack, Julian was greeted with a lush forest that spanned as far as he could see. It was beautiful as the sun shined through the leaves and little critters scattered across the floor. It would be quite peaceful, if not for the occasional roar from deep within the forest that shook the trees.

Julian became hyper focused as he searched for the truffles he'd need to complete the mission. He walked all along the wall for over an hour without finding more than a couple. The request called for 10 truffles in order to be complete. Cursing himself for thinking he'd found an easy meal, Julian's eyes drifted outward. He couldn't help but wonder if he would have more luck deeeper in the forest.

Plucking up his courage, he cautiously proceeded until he could no longer see the city wall behind him. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he couldn't help feeling like he was being watched. He soon discovered his prize lying beside a brown boulder and bent down to pick it up.

"Look out you foolish boy!" A voice resounded in his head. His head instantly snapped up and was greeted by two eyes filled with bloodlust staring directly at him.