Frozen in fear, Julian could only lament his luck. He should of realized the reason there were so few of these truffles recently was because something had been eating them. A very large something in fact, as the previously identified brown boulder was, in truth, a giant mountain boar.
At full height it stood 6-foot tall, bringing its wart covered face directly in line with Julian's head. Most people would think it would look like just a big boar, if not for the mace-like tail. After seeing that tail ominously swinging behind it, Julian truly despaired. He knew he was face to face with an Iron-Tailed Mountain Boar.
This particular demonic beast was famous for killing numerous cultivators who traveled between Amber City and the Cloud-Dwelling Sect. It wouldn't be odd to see some arrogant youth loudly proclaim he'd be the one to finally hunt the beast only to never return. The last one who disappeared was at the 4th stage of Qi Condensation.
The beast stalked forward, it was now so close he could see the fine hairs around its tusk. It let out deep grunts blowing hot air in Julians direction giving him a whiff of its awful smell. Julian was shaking in fear as a voice cried out, "Move your ass!"
Snapping him out of his fear he looked around seeing no one else but him and the boar. The voice sounded out again in an urgent tone, "You're wasting time!"
He knew that the voice was right, sitting here would be nothing but death, He could contemplate his sanity if he lived! Julian took off in the opposite direction of the boar, pumping his legs furiously. He could hear a loud squeal that hurt his eardrums ring out behind him. He tore through the foliage making a path for himself as footsteps that shook the ground thundered behind him and it wouldn't take more than a few seconds for it to catch up.
"To the right!" The voice urged, and now Julian knew he wasn't crazy. His eyes shot to the right and spotted a steep hill leading downwards. Not questioning where he was being led, he jumped over the ledge and proceeded to tumble down the hill, gravel tearing at his skin as he rolled.
He gradually slowed until he was staring face up at the sky, heaving loud breaths he tried to sit up and almost lost the little food he had managed to scarf down for lunch.
Julian grimaced at the friction burns on his arms and legs. With the way he lived, he'd be lucky if they didn't become infected.
Another loud squeal pierced though his inner thoughts, and with fear Julian spots the boar, which seemed to have decided to risk injury in order to kill him as it was now rolling down the hill as well.
Julian tried to pick himself up, but everything wouldn't stop spinning making his balance give out. Panic set in as he heard the boar behind him finally hit the bottom, and Julian started crawling in desperation.
The same voice mocked in his head, "Not that I'm not enjoying such a pathetic sight, but there's no need to make a fool of yourself any further."
Just as the voice finished speaking, a booming roar shook his whole body. Julian turned around and an instinctual fear gripped him to his core. Finally taken notice of his surroundings for the first time, it seemed he and the boar rolled right in front of a cave.
A figure much larger than the boar slowly emerged from the depths of the cave. Although Julian didn't know exactly what type of creature this was, he knew it resembled a large bear with rocks covering it like armor.
The bear's cold eyes glanced over him before locking onto the Iron-Tailed Mountain Boar. With a resounding roar, the armored bear charged straight for the boar. It seems Julian had been deemed a non-threat.
The boar obviously wasn't idle and when he saw the bear charge in it quickly spun around striking it in the face with its mace like tail. The bear's head shot to the left but shook off the blow as his sharp claws swung down digging into the boars backside. With a squeal the boar tried to jerk away from the bear, but the bear obviously wouldn't let his pray escape.
Julian watched in fascination as the bear easily handled the large boar before a disdainful voice spoke in Julians ear, "Unless you wish to be next, I'd suggest you leave while its busy."
Julian once again looked around and couldn't find who was speaking to him. Deciding it was good advice, he took off and tried and put as much distance between himself and the monsters as possible.
After more than 15 minutes of constant running, Julian decided that was good enough as he collapses onto the ground. Small bouts of laughter escaped from him through his gasping breaths. Having lived through such a perilous situation, he felt elated!
Catching his breath, he finally decided it was time to address the elephant in the room,"Hello..?"
He didn't get any response as he looked around still hoping to catch a glance of someone following him.
Not seeing anything, he sighed before loudly saying, " Whoever you are, thanks for the help."
With that done he stood up, bowed in a random direction and almost slipped as a voice scathingly replied, "I didn't 'help you' foolish boy, I was helping myself."
Julian eyes shot around the clearing and saw nothing except a couple of trees. A thought occurred and he asked, "Are you... in my head?"
The voice answered in an amused tone, "Oh, and what makes you think I'm not just invisible?"
Julian shook his head and retorted, "If you were invisible, the voice would still be coming from a certain direction. When I hear you, it's like the words are always directly in my ear."
"Oh maybe there's a brain in here after all," the coice chuckled before mockingly saying, "Though that's only true for weaklings like yourself, don't think that you could even begin to fathom the countless techniques someone like me could know with your limited knowledge child."
Julian had been trying to be respectful as possible to the random voice in his head to figure out what its purpose was, but being continuously mocked was beginning to wear on his patience.
"Then could your almighty self deign to bestow upon this lowly mortal the reason for being in your divine presence?" Julian spat out.
If it noticed the heavy sarcasm, the voice didn't say so as it cheerfully said, "Look at you speaking with such manners, and I thought those were lost on little street rats."
"Why are you in my head?" Julian gritted out. This voice was obviously having fun at his expense.
Chuckling amusedly the voice said, "Calm yourself child, what I'm about to offer you is something that countless beings across the universe would be on there knees begging for. In fact, if it wasn't for the dire circumstances I'm in, do you think I'd lower myself to spare you a second thought."
'Someone sure has a high opinion of themselves,' Julian thought as he listened quietly.
The voice snorted and said, "And rightfully so, the battles and horrors I've witnessed would shatter your fragile little world view so keep those nasty little thoughts to yourself!"
Julian was shocked and realized to his horror that the voice truly was in his head as not even his thoughts were safe.
Continuing on with no concern for Julian's panic, the voice said, "Count yourself fortunate little boy, I'm in need of a ride off this planet. Normally, this wouldnt be a problem for someone of my strength, but unfortunately the second I let even a hint of my power leak out, I would be descended upon by countless enemies of mine."
Now things were starting to add up, "So in short your hiding in my head to dodge people stronger than you?"
The voice snapped, "I am more powerful than any of those fools chasing me could ever hope to be, if not for catching me at a vulnerable time I could of killed all who came!"
Julian realized he'd poked a sore spot and wisely stayed silent, the voice snorted, "As a result I've been reduced to this, so in order to escape I believe the best course of action would be to have you raise your power enough so that we may leave this garbage heap of a planet. Then we can go our seperate ways."
Julian was taken aback and asked, "What kind of power? What exactly are you talking about?"
"Are you really this thick boy," Al questioned in annoyance, "I'm obviously offering to teach you cultivation."
Julian blinked and slowly inquired, "Are you... offering to be my master?"
The voice snapped at him, " NO! I am merely offering to guide you to a meager amount of power. The beings capable of calling me master are few and far between."
Julian rolled his eyes and thought for a bit, "What exactly would I be learning? And what am I supposed to call you other than 'voice in my head'?"
The voice thought for a minute before answering, "You may call me...Al."
Julian stopped and incredulously asked, "The all powerful voice in my head that's witnessed countless battles and is worshipped by countless people... is named Al?"
"Of course my name isn't Al you foolish child," Al huffed out in frustration, "If my true name ever left your lips, my enemies who are no doubt keeping an eye on my last known location would immediately detect it. They no doubt are monitoring key words on this backwater planet and it would be mere seconds before they'd appear and scorch the earth to make sure nothing survived."
A bead of cold sweat ran down Julian's back. If Al was to be believed then just a second of carelessness who knows how many people could have died for something as off hand as saying a name.
"Surely your exaggerating?" Julian asked in hopes Al was just putting on airs.
"That's just the most likely scenario, it could be that they would do something worse like enslave everyone to torture out where I am," Al said in the most serious tone he'd used so far, "But more than likely, they wouldn't risk bringing so much attention to this part of the universe and would just quietly destroy the planet for peace of mind."
'Destroying a planet... is just an afterthought? Just for their peace of mind?' Julian's thoughts couldn't help but run wild.
He obviously couldn't hide his thoughts from Al who nonchalantly said, "Don't worry so much about these things, your not in any position to change anything anway."
"You're a damn ticking time bomb!" Julian raged, "How's am I meant to think of anything else!?"
"Are you able to force me out of your mind?" Al cheerfully asked, to which Julian could only shake this head in denial. He still didn't know exactly what Al was much less where to even begin with extracting it.
"Didn't think so," Al continued in the same cheery tone, "Answer me this, could you beat up the strongest person in your city?"
"Obviously not." Julian grumpily replied.
Al let out a chuckle and said, "Well, if you can't even beat the strongest person in your city on this backwater planet, then you have no hope against the enemies that would chase after me."
Julian nodded as he followed along.
"Then if you don't have the ability to change anything, why worry?" Al concluded and though it pained him to admit, Julian couldn't help but agree. He truly could do little but work with the circumstances he was dealt.
"Back to your first question on what I would teach you, it would seem as if the spiritual qi on this planet is laughably thin," Al commented with not a small amount of disdain, "So I'm quite limited in what I would be able to teach you that would make you strong enough for my purposes."
Julian voiced his contempt, "So your all talk after all that boasting?"
Al's voice boomed in response, "Watch how you speak boy! I could give a dog an abacus but would it know how to calculate? You only have yourself to blame for your simple mind and poor circumstances!"
Julian flinched at the loud reprimand in his mind and irritably inquired, "Then what can you teach me?"
Al humphed in anger and stated, "I will be instructing you child, in the noble art of Alchemy."
"Alchemy?" Julian questioned, "Isn't that just cooking herbs in pot? How will that make me stronger, I thought you'd teach me some kind of strong fighting techniques or something.
Al voiced out its amazement and said, "It truly baffles me how ignorant someone could be. Alchemy is an art form. It's the most sought after profession in existence, so much so that people would fight just for an inkling of favor from them. While many may call themselves Alchemist, most are only, as you say, 'cooking ingredients in a pot'."
Julian was stunned at the description, with Alchemy looking more and more appealing he commented, "But you haven't explained why you want me to learn Alchemy in particular."
"Well for starters it's my specialty, if I declared myself the second best Alchemist in the universe, very few would dare say they were the first. Also, with how thin the spiritual Qi is here, you could train for thousands of years with the best technique before we'd be off this dreary rock. Under my instruction in Alchemy however, and with the correct pills, you could rapidly rise in strength with even the poorest talent!" Al spoke with fervor. It seemed Al was truly passionate about the subject.
"Alchemy could truly do that?" Julian eagerly asked.
Al spoke in a revenant tone, "In the right circumstances, Alchemy could achieve anything!"
Julian had long been sold but that last sentence sent a wave of emotions that he couldn't quite describe. With barely restrained glee he asked, "How do we start?"
"Well, the first thing we need to do is pick out a cultivation technique for you. Without a way to gather and store spiritual Qi, anything else would merely be talk with no way of accomplishing it." Al said as it hummed in thought of what to give Julian. After a couple of minutes of contemplation, Al slowly said, "There is this one technique..."
Julian was bursting with joy at the thought of obtaining any kind of cultivation technique, it's all he'd ever dreamed of.
Al finally seemed to have decided as it said, "Alright boy, listen close. This is something given to me as payment for helping a very powerful man's daughter, though I doubt he expected I'd pass it down to anyone."
Sensing the playfulness in Al's tone Julian hesitantly asked, "Whats the catch?"
Al burst out laughing at being caught,"Hehe, only that if you choose to learn this and run into a member of that man's sect, they would stop at nothing to kill you in the most inhumane way possible to make an example out of you. Sects are very protective of their techniques after all."
"What! Don't you have a technique without so much baggage?" Julian exclaimed.
"Of course I do," Al replied easily, "But I'm giving you this one. Not only do I find it hilarious, but it also suits our current needs. This technique will grant your spiritual Qi an elemental alignment of fire."
"But..." Julian tried, but was mercilessly cutoff by Al, "Look I'm offering you a cultivation technique that anyone on this planet would do unspeakable things to obtain, do you really want to keep pushing me?"
Julian remained silent and Al continued, "Now, let's begin, the name of this technique is the Nine Brilliant Suns Technique."