"Rustle" Ancelin gets shocked after hearing the rustling sound from a tree. He looks up at the tree and squints his eyes. A silhouette can be seen standing on the tree branch, it jumps out of the tree's shadow and lands in front of Ancelin.
Ancelin who was covering his eyes and face from the dust that flew up when the silhouette landed in front of him, and the silhouette who was facing the ground slowly lifted it's head and looked at Ancelin with a wary expression.
Ancelin stares at the figure which is revealed to be a young woman with silver hair, and crimson eyes, who appears to be wearing clothes suited for adventuring.
Ancelin stares at the young woman, captivated by her beauty and can't even form a word, he then slaps himself on the cheek which surprised the young woman and thought to himself internally "What the hell are you doing?! You just kept staring at her and now she's gonna think you're a creep! But I won't let that happen! So I should start the conversation before she says anything!"
"Hey there, what brings you here? Ancelin said in a nervous tone. "Are you lost just like me?"
"You've got good moves. I saw your fight from up the trees. Where did you learn to fight like that? It was impressive!" Said the young woman with respect.
"Oh, uhh… I don't know!"
"Really? You did that without knowing how you did it? If you don't wanna say it, it's okay. Anyway, what are you doing here and why are you wearing night clothes?"
"?!" Ancelin had a thought. "I don't know, when I woke up I was here. And do you know what this place is? I can't seen to remember where I am." Ancelin said to the young woman.
"You don't know? Then, how were you able to fight those bandits? The young woman said in a questioning manner.
"I don't know. They were chasing and trying to capture me. But then, you saw what happened." Said Ancelin.
"They have been kidnapping people and selling them to slave traders. I came here in order to stop their unforgettable acts and capture them, so that they won't harm any more people!" Said the young lady " but it's a good thing you took care of them!"
"Yeah, no problem." Ancelin said politely.
"Anyway, you said you don't know how you ended up here. Do you remember anything else before you were here? Questioned the young lady.
"No… I can't remember anything."
"Uh-huh, so you have amnesia. Can you at least remember your name? Said the young lady.
"My name is… I don't remember."
"You don't remember, huh? Well, can't do anything about that, now we?"
"Alright then, let me introduce myself! My name is Janika Steins and I'm an adventurer!" Janika said proudly.
"Well, you seem lost in these woods, and you don't remember anything about yourself, and I can't leave you here all by yourself , so why don't you come with me? Janika said politely.
"Um, uh, okay! I'm in your care Miss Janika!" Ancelin said nervously.
"Don't be so formal, just call me Janika!" She chuckled and said with a smile.
Janika helped him get on his feet, put his hand around her neck to help him walk, and started to lead the way out of the woods. Ancelin blushed, being so close to a beautiful girl. Janika noticed his face turning red "are you okay? do you have a fever? Your face suddenly turned red, do you need a rest? Should we stop? Janika said in a worried manner. "No, I'm fine! Let's just keep going!" Ancelin flushed and said in a quiet voice while trying to hide his flustered feelings. "Okay, if you say so." Said Janika still clueless about the situation.
Some time later. They were almost outside of the woods.
"I don't know where I am, and I don't know where I should go. In that case, my only option is to go with her. I'll learn what I can about this world through Janika, and see what this world is all about. But, the most important thing that's been on my mind since I got here is who or what caused this incident that allowed me to be transported here, or was I brought here on purpose? I have so many questions and no answers in sight." Ancelin thought internally with a serious expression.
"The only thing I can do is take things step by step and slowly figure out why I'm here." Ancelin thought to himself with eyes that are fixated on finding out the truth.