Janika and Ancelin safely left the forest. They had no trouble getting outside those woods. They made small talk, nothing that would expose Ancelin's lie about him having amnesia.
*Some time later*
Ancelin sees a city in the distance. People and carriages were in two separate lanes that was leading into the city, waiting for their turn to go inside the said city in an orderly fashion. Two gurads were standing on each side of the gate and four more were inspecting the said carriages, people and their belongings before letting them in.
Both Janika and Ancelin stood in the line now waiting their turn to check in and go inside the city. They both still had their arms around each other's necks because of the pain that Ancelin was feeling in his body from the consequences of the temporary abilities.
Finally, it was their turn to check in.
"Lady Janika, it's you! Welcome back!"
A voice came from in front of them.
"Yes, I am back." She said in a graceful manner.
"I apologize if I step out of line but who might this young man be?"
"He's a friend of mine. And he's coming with me."
"Yes, of course! Now if you could show me your registration please, sir!"
"He's new here, so he doesn't have any. That won't be a problem, will it?"
"No! Of course not! Why would we ever question you, lady Janika! Please, you're free to go now!" Guard said nervously.
"Though I don't know your name yet but, Welcome to the Royal Capital of the Kingdom of Aetherlyn!" Janika said excitedly.
After arriving inside the city and walking on his own Ancelin gasped and widened his eyes in surprise at the beauty of the royal capital and all the new things around him that he had never seen before in his life on Earth. But what shook his soul to the core was something that he never expected but had a hunch about it after arriving in this world.
"So cute."
The words left his mouth without him realizing it but was quite enough that nobody could hear it. Standing a few yards away was a cute girl with fluffy cat ears and a tail who looked to be the age of 13 and was wearing a cute dress then suddenly ran to a woman who looked like she would be in her late 30s and was quite good looking. She looked just like the little girl.
"Must be her mother." Janika said softly.
Janika's sudden response snapped him back to reality "Ah, yes"
"Isn't she cute" Janika looked at the little girl and said.
"Yeah, she is. But anyway, let's just be on own way." Ancelin turns around while trying to hide the fact that he said she was cute a while ago.
"Yeah, let's go. Follow me."
"I know, I have a weakshot for cute things but I have to control myself when it comes to that and to be careful not to embarrass myself!"
Ancelin thought to himself as he follows Janika to where she leads him, having no clue as to what comes next.