Chapter 5

Chapter 5

He held up his hand and said, "The bunch is two and they will have their wives with them, believe me you will fit right in. It will be a lot of laughs, you will think that you are back at Sing Sing."

I rolled my eyes, "Zack, that's not much of an incentive, now is it?"

He gave a little laugh, "I guess not, but it won't be that bad...well maybe it won't."

We found a couple of chairs and sat talking while we waited for the Army to arrive. I told him about my travels since leaving St. Stephen's and how I ended up in Santa Fe.

He told me that after he got out of the Army he got a job working at a ship building company that was owned by a friend's uncle, in fact one of the guys that he was meeting tonight and how he and another young engineer had designed a keel for racing boats. That was why he was here; he was going to talk about the keel.

As we sat there, two rather large young men walked up and stood next to where we were sitting. They seemed to be arguing about something.

One was blonde and the other had black hair. The guy with the black hair was saying, "I'm telling you, Terry, that's not him. That's not Papa."

The blonde argued, "Bobby that's him. That's Papa Swiss."

Bobby wasn't convinced, "No way, this guy is fat, out of shape and ugly...I mean really ugly. There was no way that Papa was this ugly."

Terry continued to argue, " Look Bobby, let me explain, and I know this stuff because I took a whole semester of psychology in college. Ya see, when you experience unbelievable ugliness and then it is taken away, like sent to the States and then thrown out of the Army, your mind being so delicate, can't continue to remember that ugliness. What it does is pretty it up. So what your mind had done is pretty up your memory of Papa."

Bobby shook his head and said, "There is no way that I could ever be friends with something that fat and ugly."

I noticed that there were two very attractive women standing to the side. They were quietly laughing and shaking their heads.

Then Terry said, "Well, I guess that I will just have to prove it to you."

He grabbed Zack's arm and said, "Get up, I gotta prove something."

He stood Zack between him and Bobby and blew at Zack's chest. Bobby mimed like he was being hit by a gale force wind. When Terry stopped, Bobby grabbed Zack and gave him a huge bear hug, lifting him off the ground.

He practically screamed, "Holy shit, it is you PAPA."

He dropped Zack and Terry grabbed him and hugged Zack. They stood there pounding each other on the back.

At this point the two beautiful women come over and pushed the guys away and wrapped their arms around Zack.

One of them, who I later learned was Miriam, said, "Leave Zack alone, he is ours now." The two women then started to kiss Zack all over.

Terry turned to Bobby and said, "Uh, Bobby, do you think we should be worried?"

Bobby laughed, "Terry, that's Papa. What's to worry about?"

Then Bobby turned to me and in a voice so oily that could end our energy problems said, "And just who are you, my beauty?"

At that point, Terry seemed to have discovered me. "Wow, Papa, just where did you find this lovely creature." He then took my hand and kissed it and in a disgustingly greasy voice continued, "For such a beauty, you sure don't have any taste in men. I should warn you that Papa is just an old broken down soldier."

Bobby chimed in with, "You should know that he a Army reject. Such a beautiful woman as you deserves a real man, a lot more than that patched up old gimp. You gotta realize that he is being held together with bailing wire and duct tape."

I gave them my sweetest smile and said, "Gentlemen, I think that you should return to your wives." Glancing over at them, I added, "That is...if they still want you."

Bobby roared, "Holy Christ, I haven't been put down that badly since I asked Miriam out the first time."

The two women laughed and Miriam said, "Carol, I'm Miriam and this is Rachel. We are married to these two Neanderthals."

Rachel then added, "You have to realize, we didn't meet Zack until after we married these two bozos."

Terry grabbed his chest and moaned, "Stabbed through my heart, by my one and only."

Zack pushed him into a chair and said, "What are you talking about, you don't have a heart."

Terry just sat there and laughed.

Bobby stood there, looked at me and said, "If you think I worry about what they say, you have another thing coming. He is all yours...that is if your taste doesn't improve."


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