Chapter 6

Chapter 6

At this point, Miriam and Rachel come over and took my arms and dragged me away saying, "You are now ours."

Miriam giggled and said, "Zack, you are in big trouble, we are going to tell this poor waif everything we know about you."

Zack was laughing and yelled, "Carol, don't believe a word they say."

We went to a restaurant that Terry and Rachel knew. It was within walking distance of the hotel. As we had a few drinks, I told them that I had been Zack's teacher in his senior year.

Miriam said, "You were just out of college, weren't you."

"Yes, it was my first job."

"And he fell in love with you. And he is still in love with you. Now having met you, a lot of things are clear."

"Zack has never gotten serious with anyone...and now we know why."

I was shocked, could these women think that Zack was in love with me. I couldn't believe it. Sure he had a schoolboy crush on me but LOVE. Never.

I laughed at them and said, "Look Zack may have had a crush on me but ladies you don't know what you are talking about."

They both laughed and Miriam went, "When we came in to the hotel lobby and saw the way that you were sitting and talking, we naturally assumed that you two were more than just friends or acquaintances."

I was shocked and said, "Really?" she asked.

Rachel smiled, "Let me tell you something, girl, the way that Zack was looking at you, and I have to say the way you were looking back..."

"We all thought that you were lovers," Miriam interrupted.

I gave them a small smile and said, "No that's one thing we are not."

"Well then you should be," Rachel laughed. "You two make a beautiful couple."

"It's a bit complicated..." I said.

"You're not married are you?" Miriam asked.

"No, I'm not...I'm a nun."

They both looked at me like I had two heads. Rachel said, " don't look like a Nun."

I laughed and said, "We don't wear the habits much any more. But let me assure I am really a Nun."

Miriam laughed and said, "Well then you shouldn't be. Now don't take this wrong or as a criticism of you or your vocation, but I can't understand what the Catholic's obsession with chastity is. I'm Jewish and all of our Rabbis are married. I don't see how the love for someone will effect your love for God." She laughed and threw her hands up, saying, "I have said my piece and that all I will say."

Rachel smiled and said, "I would have never taken you for a Nun. But then I have never known any Nuns before, I always thought you guys were like the Nun in The Blues Brothers. You know wearing the long black habit and gliding over the floor."

Rachel gave me sort of sad smile and in a voice just loud enough for Miriam and I to hear, said, "I will say this and then stop; I think that Zack is in love with you, and I think that the feeling is mutual..."

I went to open my mouth, but she held up her hand stopping me from saying anything.

"Maybe you will never admit it, but I think that you have some very strong feelings for Zack. I can't imagine what it's like...loving someone who is unobtainable. I feel for the both of you."

Rachel looked like she was going to cry and I realized that she was very serious and that both she and Miriam had very strong feelings for Zack.

Miriam was getting rather emotional, and she said, "Carol, all this aside, we love Zack more than you know..."

Rachel broke in and said, "If it wasn't for Zack...we would both be widows. Zack brought both Terry and Bobby back after they had been hurt. Zack saved them."

I could see the tears in Miriam's eyes. She said, "Bobby still gets upset about Zack loosing his knee because..."

I asked, "His knee..."

Rachel laughed and said, "You two have a lot to talk about."

At this point the "boys" came back and the silliness started again. Dinner was just wonderful. All I could think about was what the women said. Did Zack love me?

All I could do was watch him. He was wonderful, he laughed and made the others laugh.

They all loved him. Not because of what he had done for them but for who he was. He loved them and I slowly came to realize that he loved me.

I sat back and watched him. He was really enjoying himself. Laughing and teasing, and they just loved it. The girls as well as the men. And I must say that I loved it also, but just how much and in what way?


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