The Mystery Of The Forgotten Medallion (2)

Atlas was confident with every step, he felt in his element — there was no time for doubts. His sword was at the ready, and his mount beast, a small aerial shark, was watching his every move without losing its pace.

As Atlas approached the first ruins, he felt the air getting thicker. It was an unusual sector of the game. The nature around them seemed to absorb the light, and every step left strange footprints on the ground.

[ Location: Abandoned Ruins ]

[ Risk: Medium ]

[Hostile NPCs: Guardian Ghosts, encounters with wild animals ]

"Here he is."

–Are you sure this is the place to go? – Atlas looked at his aerial shark several times, his small fins fluttering nervously.

Atlas stopped. I looked at a few old pillars that stuck out of the ground as a reminder of the past. The shadows seemed more real than in other parts of the world, and suddenly it seemed to him that someone was watching him.

–Yes – he said to himself, nodding: –I can't turn back.

With every step he took, he got closer to the ruins, and with every step, his sense of insecurity grew.But it was in the empty corridors of abandoned buildings that Atlas noticed the first unusual elements.

The walls were covered with strange signs that were not present in the usual locations. They seemed to change when you looked at them, as if they were hiding secrets.

Then he came to a large door, which gave off a strange feeling of antiquity. In its center was carved the symbol he had seen in the medallion.

[ Symbol found ]

When the Atlas touched the ancient door, the system reacted instantly.

[The entrance to the hidden location is open! ]

[ Risk: High ]

The door buzzed open, and Atlas shrank. He didn't like something inside. But his intuition was right.

–Ready?– Atlas whispered to his mountain beast.

The shark shrugged his shoulders.

–I think you're ready, too.– Atlas smiled

The door swung open, and a dark cave opened in front of him, its insides seeming to be swallowed up by a shadow.

Strange noises could be heard in the dark corners, and the air current carried with it the smell of dampness and decay. Atlas knew that a truly dangerous path was waiting for him now.

[Attention! Entrance to a hidden location]

[ The formation of ancient civilizations ]

[Threat Level: High.]

[Prepare for fighters, traps and solving mysteries]

Atlas looked at his shark

– Well, shall we go?

The shark nodded, and Atlas boldly stepped into the darkness swallowed up by the ruins.

– You need to be called, I think I'll give you a name – Sin!


[Your Montaine Animal Is Sin]

"Great, now my baby shark has a name. It'll do!"

Atlas and his mount beast, Sin, went deeper into the dark cave. Absorbed in silence, she filled the space with only the faint rustle of their footsteps and Atlas' soft sighs. Only the light from his weapon and a couple of dim flashes from the ancient symbols on the walls illuminated their path.

Carefully, trying not to attract attention, Atlas continued to move forward. He noticed that the shark was getting more tense with every step, its fins were trembling slightly, and its eyes were following every movement in the dark.

–Is something wrong? – Atlas asked softly, tilting his head slightly.

His mountain beast abruptly turned its head, it seemed to be reacting to something in the air. Atlas listened, but the silence in the cave remained impenetrable.

Suddenly, an unusual glow appeared in front of them. A glowing symbol appeared on one of the cave walls, which went out and lit up again, as if someone was trying to activate something.

The shark jumped slightly, as if sensing danger, and its fins abruptly moved back.

Atlas caught her eye and realized that it wasn't that simple. It could have been a trap. But in any case, he couldn't back down. Behind that door, in the depths, there was surely an answer that could explain the mysteries of his locket.

Approaching the wall, Atlas noticed that it was covered with ancient cutouts and symbols, something familiar flashed through his memory.He raised his hand and touched one of the glowing drawings. As soon as his palm touched the surface, the entire cave shook.

–Get ready. – Atlas said to himself, feeling a premonition.

At that moment, as predicted, creatures ran out of the darkness — ancient guardians covered with corroded metal shells. There was nothing alive in their eyes, just a flicker.

They looked like statues come to life.

The creatures growled several times, and one of them began to move towards Atlas, its sharp metal claws flying out of its hands as if they were meant to tear the fabric of time.

Atlas instantly realized that he was going to have a difficult encounter, and immediately took up arms.

But then his mountain beast, his little shark, did not succumb to fear, rushed to attack. Her body radiated a glow, and her fins began to swirl around her, creating a powerful energy wave.

Instantly, the shark charged into the fight, and the metal guards froze, as if they hadn't expected such a level of energy resistance. The shark became the central figure of the battle, and Atlas realized that its power absorbed the energy of the enemies and returned it in the form of devastating attacks.

A couple of powerful flashes, and one of the guards went wild. His body, disassembled into pieces, fell into the dark cave, disappearing into the darkness.

Atlas fought, fending off the attacks of the second guardian. He felt his weapon vibrate with each hit, and the cave reacted to each blow as if it were a part of this world itself.

In the end, the second guardian fell. But before he disappeared into a cloud of mist, Atlas noticed that his body had left something important behind—a crystal fragment that was so bright that Atlas couldn't help but notice it.

–It's something important. –Atlas said picking up the shard.

His shark swam smoothly by his side, and a new spark lit up in her eyes. This shard was probably the key to something big.

Atlas knew that new challenges awaited him, but he was no longer alone on this journey. His mountain beast was with him, a loyal and powerful ally. Atlas had no doubts about his path now.

Atlas and his aerial shark stood among the wreckage of the ancient guardian. Its metal parts had fallen apart, and now the cave was once again filled with silence. But this silence wasn't frightening—rather, it was filled with expectation. Atlas felt his pulse slow down, and a slight fire of excitement ignited inside.

The shard left by one of the guards was still shining in his hand. Atlas studied him carefully. It wasn't like the rest of the items in the game—it was something special.

With every glance at him, Atlas felt as if an unknown force from him was pulling his attention, as if he were the key to something.

–You feel it, don't you? –He asked Sin, who was still swimming nearby, her fins swaying slightly in the air. A strange spark appeared in the beast's eyes.

Carefully putting the shard in his backpack, Atlas looked around. The cave around them was beginning to change.

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