Flashing symbols began to appear more often along the walls, and the air seemed to be filled with electricity. Atlas understood that they were getting closer to something very important.
– Something tells me that we are on the right track. Atlas murmured, and Sin moved towards him a little more, as if comforting him with her presence.
Each of their movements brought them closer to the solution, but at the same time to new dangers. Atlas wondered if it was time to go back and get ready. But no, he couldn't afford to back down. His level was growing, and he felt that in order to fully understand what was happening, he had to go through this cave to the end.
And suddenly — a new threat.
From the depths of the cave, from the hidden side, several more guards flew out, but now they were not just mechanical creatures, but mutated creatures. They were animals that were consumed by this power, having lost their shape.
Their bodies were covered with a dark coating, which was quickly erased with each blow. There was no intelligence in their eyes, just madness and aggression.
"It's not just a guard anymore..." Atlas thought, feeling the energy inside the cave change.
The Montaine Beast – his aerial shark, Sin, quickly assumed a fighting stance. She floated into the air and burst into the fight with surprising ease.
Atlas raised his weapon and, assuming a fighting position, began firing. But it wasn't just his accuracy that was important here in battle. It wasn't easy to damage these creatures. The area of their shells was solid and invulnerable to normal attacks.
But the shark, sensing the force of the attack, used its ability.
She flashed, her fins began to flicker with a bright light, and suddenly her body exploded forward. It was a blow with the force of the wind that broke through the protection of one of the guards, and his body disintegrated into fragments.
Atlas watched in amazement as his mount beast fought with such ferocity. It was like a real fusion of power – attack and defense, where the shark could feel their every move, and Atlas could cover her from a safe distance.
He noticed that at that moment, Sin was not only striking, but also learning. With each strike, her movements became more precise, her attacks became stronger, and she began to realize how to use her energy in battle.She didn't just respond to threats–she became smarter, she adapted.
–You're... getting faster. – Atlas whispered, realizing that this was an important moment. He could feel the connection with her energy strengthening, and that their combined strength was growing.
When the last guardian was defeated, Atlas felt relieved. A feeling of fatigue, but also a feeling of victory. He went up to the shark and sat down next to it.
– We did it.– he said, as the shark smoothly descended to the ground next to him.
Atlas now realized that they were getting stronger with every fight. He and his mount beast weren't just fighting. They learned from each other, and every step they took opened up new possibilities.
The shark seems to have realized that she can now not only fight, but also grow her powers, adapting them to the demands of the situation.
[The skills of the mountain beast have been improved]
[Mountain Beast Level: 2 ]
[Ability opened: "Wind Vortex" (Current level: 1) ]
Atlas felt his beast, now a little stronger, ready to move on. And they both knew that this was just the beginning of their journey.
There were many hidden threats in this cave, but also many opportunities for growth. But most importantly, their paths were interconnected, and every step they took was a step towards something more.
Atlas carefully got up from his knees, wiping the sweat from his forehead. His weapon still sparkled in the dim light of the cave, and his breathing was heavy. The Montaine beast, the shark, swam nearby, still excited from the battle.
She circled him repeatedly, as if checking to see if he was injured, and then approached him carefully, touching his chest with her soft but strong fin.
– We did it.– Atlas said, looking at her body, which was still flickering slightly from the energy gained after the battle.
He looked around, noticing how the mutated guards were disappearing, leaving behind only debris that was melting into thin air. But behind this uneasy calm, there was a new challenge. The guardians were strong, but not like what they might encounter next.
Atlas knew that every battle brought him and his beast closer to something big that lay deep in the cave.
He walked over to Sin and, smiling slightly, stroked her fin.
– We have time to prepare. – He said, feeling his heart slow down from the last battle. There was more ahead, and he knew that the next time they would encounter something that would require even more strength.
As if in response, the shark made several short swirling movements, and Atlas felt its energy increase. She began to develop her abilities. Her every movement became more precise, and her body vibrated with renewed vigor.
[ Mountain Beast Level: 3]
[Ability opened: "Energy Surge" (Current level: 1) ]
Atlas looked at her again, realizing that her strength had now increased significantly. But something else caught his attention — his own experiences and feelings from the fight, his strategies, his decisions, his mistakes and conclusions. All this has affected his condition.
[Atlas Level: 5]
[Attack Speed: 2 (Improved)]
[Protection: 1 (Basic level)]
[Reaction: 2 (Improved)]
[Combat Strategies: 1 (In progress)]
Atlas wasn't a master yet, but he could feel his abilities developing with every step. He became more and more aware that his own powers, like those of his mountain beast, were growing, not slowly. Every fight, every battle—even if they seem small—brought him closer to a new level.
–Are you ready? –Atlas asked the shark, but she didn't answer, instead just smoothly sank into the water nearby, showing her readiness. She was ready to continue their journey.
At that moment, Atlas noticed something else. At the very end of the cave, a faint light penetrated through the cracks in the walls. It was unusual—the light was not from their weapons, but from something natural. Atlas knew that they were nearing the end. But this time, the path was unclear.
He looked back at his shark again and felt her energy and his strength begin to work together. The unknown awaited them. He didn't know who or what they were going to face, but they were ready. And that was the most important thing.
[New quest opened: "Path To the Center"]
Deep inside the cave, a new chapter was beginning. And he knew that every decision he made would determine their success or failure. But he was ready. His journey was just beginning, and with each step they grew stronger—together.
// To be continued, please like and save