Chapter 3 - Birthday Boy & Shoot Out

Chapter 3 - Birthday Boy & Shoot Out

- Merek Skywalker -

[Skywalker Residence]

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Have Birthday dear Anakin, Happy Birthday to you" Mom and I sing to youngest member of out family.

Who is sitting in his bed being at us both, "Here sweetheart, you favourites" Mom says giving him a tray filled with food.

"Thanks mom" he replys with his mouth already half stuffed.

"So Kitster, Wald and Amee will be over for your party" I tell him, Kitster, Wald and Amee are Anakin's only friends whom we bought and freed including their family's.

"That's also when you'll get for gifts not a moment before" Mom tells the both of us sternly.

Which seems a bit unfair it's not as if the two of us snuck down during the middle of the night to surgically unwrapp my gifts to see what they were before rewrapping them without anyone noticing. Oh wait... We did but I blame Anakin, mom wouldn't have caught us he was quieter.

I still sometimes get phantom ear pains.

Mom then claps to get our attention, "Now I'm going to finish making the last of the food, Merry your going to finish tidying up and hiding all your 'projects' you don't want to accidentally incinerate someone" she says giving me a look.

"No?" I respond hesitantly, unsure of the answer she really wants.

She nods satisfied, "Anakin, when your done get in the Refresher and then put on some nice clothes"

Anakin nods his mouth to full to reply. Mom leaves heading to finish cooking and I feel a tug on my clothes. "Yes Anakin?" I ask without turning around.

"Did I get one?" He asks.

"Get what?" I reply playing dumb

"Come on you know" he leans closer before whispering "A race pod"

"A Race Pod" I say a little loudly.

"Shhh" Anakin immediately shushes me, kids these days no respect.

"Hmm I don't know" I shrug my shoulders as if I have no idea at all. "Anyway go get ready your friends will be hear soon"

With that I hop off his bed, steal a piece of meat and leave his room.


Anakin's party lasts until is almost dusk, with everyone heading home and leaving just the three of us it's finally time for Anakin to open his presents.

It was decided to leave Mom and mine to last, so Anakin flew through the presents gifted to him from his friends. Whom aren't as fortunate as us so he mostly got clothes which he was happy about, being a Slave means your thankful for everything you get and have.

"Whose first?" I ask both.

"Mine" Mom says before fetching her gift. It's a large box that she has to drag in before I help pick it up. "Go ahead now"

Anakin tears the bow off the metal box before opening it, "Woah" he whispers in awe. Within the box are what could be considered state of the art tools, there's all the tools Anakin with need to build a Spaceship with the right resources.

He quickly starts inspecting various tools within. "How did you get this?" Anakin asks looking over to mom.

Mom shrugs, "A womans got to have her secrets" she tells him. Of course what she actually did was pay a smugglar to fetch them.

"Alright my turn" I say, standing I gesture for both of them to follow me. I lead them outside to where there's a large object covered in a tarp, it looks like a race pod.

"A racer" Anakin says jumping to a logical conclusion.

"Nope" I immediately shut him down, before pulling off the tarp. "Just everything you'll need to make one"

Anakin goes from happy to sad to overjoyed in the span of ten seconds. Before diving right into all the resources and equipment Infront of him.

Of course I couldve just gotten him a Race Pod, but I know he could make one that's better then those that are sold from cooperations. Plus I'd help out if needed.


[Few days later - Skywalker Workshop]

While the Pod Racer will give Anakin a project to focus on for the foreseeable future I believe it's also a good time to start some of my own. I've got two in mind that are possible and that will be useful.

The first will be a set of twin blasters that will be custom made with various features. My favourite that I added into it's design is that I will be able to connect both pistols to form a rifle for long range and additional power.

The second project is one I started a couple of weeks ago called D.A.S.H, it's a the name of my Droid that shall be joining me throughout life I hope. It should have numerous capabilities and features, it's name D.A.S.H is also an Acronym meaning Defensive, Assault, Support, Head.

(A/N: That took me way too long to come up with)

I've already got a lot of the programming done, but I've had to leave 'gaps' within the code so I can come back later to add additional code as there will be features that I won't be able to add for years probably.

But on the plus side of I've already designed the actual Droid and it looks pretty good, it will definitely install the appropriate amount of Fear and Awe.


The noise pulls me from my work, "The Fu-"


Using the Force I reach out to the main room of the Workshop, I quickly feel the signature of my mother but I get the sense she's afraid. Then I notice several presences within the main room too. They feel different, angry and satisfied? I think.

I can tell they they aren't here for a friendly chat, I pull two spare Blaster pistols into my hands. With surprisingly light steps I rush from my workshop and to the main room but remain hidden behind the wall.

I take a quick glance from behind the wall, there's four beings other then my mom in the room. Two humans, a Trandoshin and a Rodian. "Wonderful a Trandoshin and a Rodian" I mutter.

"Come now woman there's really no need to hostile. Tonor Dara is a...kind man" the human says, "All you have to do is serve him and pay tribute"

"Tribute? You've demanded all our monthly profit" Mom says looking suitably unimpressed. "Don't touch that" she adds looking at the Trandoshin.

He pauses looking at the metal ball on a shelf he was about to destroy. "Do you think you can command me human" he grows starting to march towards her.

"No I was simply saving your life" mom tells him making direct eye contact.

Predicting that the following interactions will lead to violence I open myself to the Force and enhance my physical body. I'm going need all I can get to beat a Trandoshin.

The Trandoshin growls in angry and raises a hand to attack my mother.


The room freezes as the Trandoshin looks at the hole in his hand before he let's out a growls in pain. Before spotting me having left my hiding spot for a clear shot, immediately the Trandoshin charges at me with reckless abandon.

I lightly toss one of my blasters into the air, freeing one of my hands and unleash a force Push onto the Trandoshin. Who goes flying backwards and smashes into the wall.

Catching my blaster I leap to cover to avoid a shit from the Rodian before raising my hand above the count and firing, allowing the Force to build my shot.

A screech of pain lets me know I've hit something, I roll out from my cover and shot from both blasters. Once at the downed Rodian killing it an another at the other human killing them too.

Before turning to meet a now standing Trandoshin, I flick a switch on my blaster and shoot at the Trandoshin who surprisingly digdes the first blaster blot but is hit square in the chest by the other. It rippes right through his chest and hits the wall behind him.

I spot the human who was doing the speaking trying to run, I reach out with the Force and simply pull. The human comes flying backwards and slides along the ground, he stops right next to me with my blaster pointed to his forehead.

"Who is this Tonor Dara?" I ask, before looking to my mother she nods signalling she's alright and a wave of relief flows through me.

"He's a crime lord" the human whimpers out.

"Did something happen to Shunn-Vos?" I ask, the is the only explanation no fool with attach a property/ business under his protection.

"He's dead, Tonor killed him"

A brief wave of sadness enters my heart, Shunn-Vos had always been good to my family. He was even at Anakin's birthday a few days ago.

"So now this Tonor sees himself the Crimeboss of Mos Espa" I conclude, showing none of my inner emotions.


Crouching down till we're face to face I ask, "Two things, Where can I find him? and what is he?"

"He's at The Geyster and he's a Besalisks" the human says feeling a tad more confident. I immediately pistol whip him and knock him out.


The hells a Besalisk doing out here, he was probably a pirate or a Merc. But Besalisk aren't normally violent must be a special case, lucky me.

"Mom, you should probably go home" I tell her.


"I know, I'll be careful" I can feel her worry through the Force but I won't allow my family to be harmed or forced to serve anyone again.
