Chapter 4 - The Takeover


Chapter 4 - Take over


- Merek Skywalker -

With a wave of my hand, the metal ball on the shelf fly's into it. When mom said that it would kill the Trandoshin if he touched it she was straight up lying. It's actually just a really good smoke granade it was made for Shunn-Vos as he can see using the Force.

I head back to my workshop, grab my hip pouches and load up on some ammo. While putting on a white trench coat with a hood, it was made by mom, and putting the smoke granade in its pocket.

"Let's boogie" I mutter to myself as I leave and make my way to The Geyster. I briefly consider stealthing my way in and basically assassinating the Besalisk.

(A/N: For those who don't know a Besalisk is the race that Pong Grell & Dexter are)

But a hallway to The Geyster a somewhat crazy idea came to mind. Why don't I just take over as Crime Lord, I have the gear needed I just need the fear and thugs.

As Crime Lord of Mos Espa I'll only have to pay tribute to Jabba, who factly doesn't care about anything other then money and his own entertainment.

"Let's Red hood this shit"

I stalk through the Cantina and head right for the private room at back, I can already hear the music as I stand Infront of the door.

Instinctively I use the Force to strengthen myself as I give kick the door open, being dramatic as I can, I walk a few steps forward as everyone pauses and looks at my.

"The Kriff are who?" Some thug asks.

"I'm Merek, I'll give you all one chance" I pause for dramic effort. "Who ever leaves this room right now can live and join my gang"

The whole room burst into laughter, while the dancers and musicians leave the room silently. It's tradition for the entertainment to leave before a potential gang war.

I whip out one of blasters and headshot some thug, no one's laughing anymore.. well one is.

"Jahaha, you've got gall kid and skills. I'm Taka, why don't you join my crew" The Besalisk says smirking, I can practically feel the arrogance and overconfidence.

"Naw" I say before tossing the smoke granade. It takes all of one second before the room is filled with smoke.

"Kill the human" Taka roars.

Soon the room is filled with Blaster Fire, mostly towards where I was standing when I unleashed to smoke bomb but I'm already on the move. Using the Force I can sense where each being is but sensing Blaster Fire is tad more difficult.

I aim an fire two shots in the direction I feel someone, a yell of pain means I've hit my target. But almost immediately I get a faint sense of danger, I twist my upper body slightly as a Blaster bolt enters my vision and lightly skims my shoulder.

I can't stop the hiss of pain from escaping me. I in turn return fire in the direction I got hit from, before moving and firing again. I continue this method until the nearly everyone is either injured or dead, myself included.

The smoke is this going strong but I'm going have to get rid of it to beat The Besalisk as if I wish to take over people have to see me best him. So with small Force Push I clear some of the smoke with the rest lingering just above the ground covering our feet.

Looking at the Besalisk I can see he's uninjured probably hide behind something, but he's practically growling from anger. I don't say anything I just give him the universal singure to 'Come get some' and he charges at me.

Thankfully he's unarmed as soon as he gets into range I'm forced to dodge as he unleashes punch after punch at me. Keeping track of all four arms is very difficult, only thanks to my military training from my previous life am I still able to somewhat predict which arm is going to attack, while laying in waiting for a moment to attack.


Taka had over swung a punch while having no arms ready to defend. I duck under the upper arm and shoot directly into the armpit area, taking that arm out of action. While aiming at his foot to take that out as well.

But in his pain he steps back and I miss my second shot, I simply decide to keep firing. Once again at his foot causing him to stumble, another two into his lower arm on the opposite side.

Then I take a step back before launching forward into a double kick right to Taka's chest, causing him to fall because of his injured foot. I land and kickflip up faster then the Besalisk so I aim and just fire 5 additional shots into Besalisk who was only beginning to stand.

He slumps forward, Dead.

I look area the room, I see a thugs looking at me in fear. I do a quick count, only 5 are unharmed but there's 6 that have been injured with two having serious injuries, while there's 4 dead.

"You all work for me now" I said loud and clear, "any objections?"

The room remains silent with the exception of hiss of pain from the injured. "You" I point to one of the unharmed people, using the Force I could tell he's not as foul as some of the others.

"Your now incharge of the beings in here, so get them healed and make sure they are gathered here tomorrow, also your to go to the Skywalker Repair & Protect to dispose of the bodies" I command and toss him a bag of credits to pay for the healing services, "Try and run with that money, I dare you" I give him a faint warning.

With that I turn walk out. A few plans and ideas shifting through my mind, but the most important is that I've got to secure my influence over the town and remove all other gangs. I've also got to prepare a gift for Jabba as Tatooine is still his planet...for now.


Entering home I'm greeted by mom and Anakin sitting at the front door evidently waiting for me.

"Merry" Mom says softly her voice full of relief.

"Merek?" Anakin says by it's more of a question.

"It's okay I've taking care of everything, don't want to brag but I'm a Skywalker" I tell them like it explains everything, but to someone from earth it does.

"Taken care of things?" Mom asks seemingly worried about what concessions I made have had to make for our family's safety.

"Yep your looking at the new Boss if Mos Espa" I tell her.

"Like Shunn" Anakin says making an accurate jump in logic.

"Yes but hopefully with less crimes" I confirm.

"Oh merry" mom says exasperated, of course I'd decide to just take over.

"It's about time someone cleaned up this town" I say, as I think about my time as a cop. It's been difficult over the years to ignore the crime and cruelty of Mos Espa but now I can control and limit it.

"Just don't put to much pressure on your self Merry" Mom says patting my shoulder. "Now time for bed"

~The Next Day

I stand fully armed in The Geyster's private room, gathered in front of me are what remains of Taka's crew. There's 17 beings in total not including the few that were injured previously by me as they still need time to recover, Bacta is hard to come by in the Outer Rims.

"Wealth, Fame, Power. That is why your here on this overheated rock, and it is now what I offer you now" I begin, my eyes flicking to them those of my potential crew. "We together can and will take over Mos Espa, enrich ourselfs upon it's resources and our power will come from our strength as a unified force"

I finish my little speech and wait in silence for the inevitable objects. "Why the Kriff would I ever follow a child", I look over to the one who spoke as I hear a chorus of voices agreeing.

There's only really 5 beings object and they seem to be surrounding the one who spoke, clearly they are their own little gang. I gesture to the door, "Your free to leave, if you wish"

"Damn right I am" the man speaks and his little entourage agree they all begin to leave. I merely watch briefly, before I pull out my two blasters and fire 5 shots.

Five bodies hit the ground and the smell of burn flesh fills the room. "Anyone else?" there's a faint mubke of no's.

"Wonderful, I am Merek Skywalker. But from now on you shall refer toe in person as Sir unless told to otherwise. Is that understood?"

There's a chorus of mumbled yes'. "I said, IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?" I add a little force empowerment to my voice.

"Yes Sir!" They all yell back not in sync but I shall work with what I've got.

"Now all of you line up, you'll come introduced yourself to me, tell me what you did and your specialty. If you don't have one I'll simple train you until you do" I take out two chairs and set them across from each other before waving the first person up. Coincidentally it's the man I put in charge of everyone yesterday.

"Good morning Sir, I'm Vantoo Hanara and I was Taka's logistic advisor" Vantoo says taking his seat.

"Logistic Advisor. Give me an overview of what you did" I ask mostly to clarify.

"I was in charge of sourcing food, hiring mechanics to fix our ship and handingly day to day operations" Vantoo told me.

"Hmm I'm going to need you to provide me a list of Inventory if everyone in Taka's crew and a list of your Network of connections. Tomorrow we'll talk future business strategy" I tell him, using the Force I can feel that Vantoo is quite satisfyed. I understand why if he's an actual Logistics Advisor, he'd take pride in his work so working for someone who will use him properly is probably a dream.

I spent the another couple of minutes chatting too Vantoo before I send him off to do as he was asked. The next couple of hours are spent chating and interally evaluating each of my new members, some have more valuale then others but I can just teach them how to fight using Military training from earth.
