
Was I in luck?

Could my faith have brought it here? Unbelievable!

Strength from nowhere suddenly surged into my body and I hurriedly got down the rock and walked towards it in cautious steps.

What if it was harmful? After all, it's a dragon.

The closer I got to it, the more I realized how large it was. It was bigger than me. Maybe fifteen of me put together.

"Whoa!" I breathlessly said and moved closer to touch it.

With careful steps, I approached the shimmering egg and lifted my hands as I prepared myself to feel it. My eyes twinkled in delight when I noticed some intricate scale-like design around the egg, making me realize I was on track. This was really it.

At that thought, I moved back and tried to control my joy as I paced back and forth for a moment as tears filled my eyes.

I couldn't believe I actually found it, the last dragon egg.

"This is really happening!" I squealed and ran my fingers through my hair as I tied it up in a ponytail before approaching the egg again.

The closer I got, the faster my heart raced and as I touched it, I closed my eyes when I felt a cool energy run through my hand and all the way to my bones, making me shiver in delight.

It felt so refreshing, like ice cold water.

"This is incredible," I said in wonder while taking it in with my eyes.

After a while, I quickly snapped back to reality as I got reminded of the contest and others who were after it. With that in mind, I went around the egg as I tried to figure how to move it without bringing harm to the dragon inside.

But while going round, I came to an abrupt stop when I noticed a huge opening and as I looked to see what was inside, I realized it was empty.


"No, no, no! You've got to be kidding me right? This can't be happening," I refused to believe as I cracked the egg further to create a wide opening just in case I was mistaken.

But I froze when I saw absolutely nothing inside.

Without saying a word, I lowered myself to the ground and stared into space as weariness took over my entire being.

This can't be happening.

Did someone find it before me?

"But it was just a day ago," I nearly sobbed as I thought deeply.

Could it be that other werewolves came at night while I was still asleep?

With that in mind, I quickly got up with determination and adjusted the aid bag.

But before I could leave, I observed something. On the inside, there was water and I was thirsty.

Taking the last bottle from my bag, I fetched some amount of it and drank a little. The moment it came in contact with my tongue, I felt strength surge into my bones like electricity.

"If the water can do this then what will happen when I get to have a taste of its blood?" I pondered out loud.

And before I could leave, I took a significant amount of the egg shell and stored it inside my bag before setting off on my journey to get my dragon back.

Everything about a dragon is precious and one shouldn't waste it.

As I kept going while looking around for any signs, I stumbled across something and it made me frown as I got on my right knee to examine it.

It was blood and it was bright red, meaning it was still fresh and not long that the animal or individual got injured.

As I touched it with my index finger and brought it to my nose, I sniffed at it with closed eyes.

Nevertheless, when I couldn't really pinpoint what animal it was, I had a taste of it and my eyes went wide in wonder.

It couldn't be!

The taste was beyond any blood I had ever tasted, it was superb and I felt alive.

With renewed energy, I got up and started running as I followed the blood stains on the ground. I had to even climb some rocks just as the blood kept increasing, making me realize I was close.

And the more I kept seeing the amount of blood wasted, the more my blood boiled in anger. Whoever did this would suffer in my hands before even meeting the Luna of our pack.

After almost an hour of running and searching, I finally spotted someone hiding behind a rock.

Confused, I slowly approach him or her while being cautious. The person had pale skin, almost white and his or her hair was pure white. Making me stare in fascination.

And the closer I got, the more my wolf side became restless and excited.

Well, how couldn't I be excited?

As I got close, I came to realize that it was a full grown naked man.


A man? How was the dragon a man?

Suddenly I growled and groaned as my body grew hot by just the sight of it.

What was wrong with me?

Could it be that my wolf side was affected by the dragon because of the smell of its blood?

Disregarding the fact that he was naked, I approached him and my breathing became labored as my senses heightened to an intense level I never knew possible.

When I saw how he curled himself in a fetal position with his hand holding his bloody abdomen, my blood boiled and I punched the rock he was laying close to.

"Who would dare do such a thing to him!" I angrily said aloud and that was when his eyes opened causing my breath to get caught in my throat.

He was breathtaking!

His lashes were white as his eyebrows and they shimmered while his iris were gray in color.

"Ingrid," he breathed out and my eyes widened at the fact that he knew my name.