A few hours later Haji's nose twitched he could smell the scent of steak being cooked, Haji opened his eyes and rolled out of bed and almost ran to get some steak, but quickly remembered that he is currently a 5 year old baby so he crawled on the floor and started blabbering nonsensically while drooling and crawling on his hands and knees towards the delicious scent.
Haji's avatar said in Haji's mind "I found 2 valuable pieces of information 1 is a rumour of a bunch of wild animals turning demonic after being posessed by low level demons near the forest of this clan and the 2nd piece of valuable information is that there is a group of teenagers who managed to steal a treasure that aids in cultivation from a powerful rank 2 cultivator while he was sleeping and are currently being hunted by him."
"I suggest you find a way to steal it from them while their guard is down I've already created a technique that uses the aura from the otherworld we came from while you was asleep I created this technique while comprehending the vast energy here and the absolute 0 energy from Earth."
Haji's avatar paused briefly and tapped the table with the fingers of his right hand a few times while staring at the sky.
"And as soon as I tried to recreate that it destroyed the ball of energy I created so I only started using very small amounts of energy to test it on, but eventually I managed to control that formless dark aura from Earth and so far it's too destructive for me to create any offensive spells, but soon I have a feeling I can create defensive spells with it after a few months of comprehension."
Haji was excited beyond belief "WHAT!? NO WAY THAT'S TRUE ARE YOU PULLING MY LEG ARE YOU MESSING WITH ME!? No, no that can't be after all you are me and I am you..." This revelation from Haji's avatar made Haji lick his lips immediately after the shock.
Haji continued "I am indeed awesome therefore my avatar is also superb no doubt, no doubt." Haji nodded and Haji's avatar began nodding as well.
Haji was about to say something, but noticed his avatar started speaking so he waited and listened carefully.
"I wasn't focused about using it for defense or attacks yet because I know that's more long term and right now the most important and easiest way of using this is to erase the connection a cultivator has to anything ranging from their belongings and even their pets."
Haji's avatar closed his eyes while puffing up his chest proudly as he continued.
"This way after you steal that powerful cultivators treasure from the teenagers you can quickly erase the owners connection to it so he cannot track you or me down at all and there will be absolutely no trace of that treasure and as for the teenagers you can just leave them to the hands of that powerful rank 2 cultivator."
Haji's avatar's nose twitched.
Haji's avatar conjured up a perfectly cooked steak because he started to also crave steak from the scent of Haji's parents cooking steak.
Haji's avatar took a bite and chewed a bit.
"So Haji what I want you to do is make sure those teenagers don't see you when you're stealing that treasure; this way even if that rank 2 geezer has the ability to perform soul search or something similar on someone he won't be able to find us or see us."
Haji's avatar took another bite and chewed savouring the flavour.
"Hopefully if this plan goes through smoothly then there should be absolutely 0 trace; according to my calculations and even if you think you are strong enough to kill all the teenagers in that group and extract their souls or destroy their souls it wouldn't be enough because we don't know if that geezer has the ability to sense traces of spells being used during a battle and what not plus even if he doesn't have such an ability he most likely has a rank 2 peak stage friend or a rank 3 buddy or ancestor he can ask to do such a favour for him."
Haji nodded while drooling still half of his mind thinking about the steak that's currently being cooked nearby; Haji briefly forgot to say anything in his mind back to his avatar.
"It's really hard to focus while you are chewing on steak and I am not damn it." Haji said while fairly irritated because his parents still didn't finish cooking or bringing any food for him yet.
Haji continued "Notwithstanding that I understand I will follow through with your plan and tell me more about how you comprehended that dark aura from the other world from Earth, I can do it too, but it would save a lot of time if you tell me, but for now I'm going to sink my baby teeth into that juicy steak."
Haji's avatar nodded while chewing and then paused to remind Haji "Don't forget to act retarded on the way." He said with his mouth half full.
"Unfortunately I have to act retarded all the way." Haji responded.
Haji's avatar frowned remembering the amount of anger he had felt when Haji's father called Haji a brat in turn calling him a brat because Haji's avatar is Haji and Haji sends the negative emotions that might cause him to lose control to his avatar in his mind so that he doesn't say anything or act in any way that would blow his cover.
Without further ado Haji proceeded to crawl towards the delicious scent of steak on all fours while drooling and making nonsensical noises at a rapid pace; not forgetting to be extra loud so his parents get the memo that the 5 year old clearly wants some steak.
He entered the room his father and mother had begun eating steak in and he began rolling around like an absolute freak while screaming nonsensities.
Kim Seoyoung immediately stopped eating and looked at his son and felt relief she looked towards her husband Kim Jungho "Maybe Healer Minseok was wrong about our sons fate there's no way this- she cleared her throat ahem I mean he our son Kim Yulryong is a genius I mean just look at him."
Haji heard this and played into it even more by pausing to sniff his palm and make his eyes intentionally look different directions from one another briefly for about 10 seconds.
Kim Jungho was about to disagree with his wife before Haji added not only that 'icing on the cake', but also 'the cherry on top' he had a depressed expression with his brows slightly furrowed.
"Maybe there is always a maybe who knows maybe our son really is ordinary and that laugh he did at the start of his birth was due to his potential mental condition." He heaved a big sigh "Honey I always told you to stay away from wine while pregnant how many times did you break that promise you made me for our son to be... Like this..."
Kim Seoyoung started to feel guilt "I only broke it a little bit." She put her finger on her lips while thinking for a bit and continued "I definitely didn't break it more than 12 times while pregnant."
Her husband Kim Jungho sighed again before saying "That's still a lot damn it." He paused and looked at his son Kim Yulryong "Just look at him... I'm seriously concerned perhaps we should see Healer Minseok about this."
Kim Seoyoung was about to say something, but Haji began to scream again only this time he began to point at the steak on their plate "Ahbwa bwa bwa baaa!" "Eeeee! BRUNKLE SHMEB ZUMBA! Michael Jordan!!! Testicular Torsion!!!"
Kim Jungho didn't know whether to laugh or cry
Kim Seoyoung frowned, but quickly had a guess she wanted to share to her husband "Ooh that might be why I think our son wants some steak he's just throwing a bit of a tantrum and making those peculiar noises to try indicate that to us dear."
"Ah yes! That would certainly explain it wow that's a relief, but just to be sure let's take him to healer Minseok later."
Kim Seoyoung gave Haji some cooked steak and cut it into tiny pieces so he can be able to eat it without danger of choking or having difficulty chewing.
"I agree let's do that and hopefully our son is perfectly fine both mentally and physically."
Kim Jungho nodded "I hope so too."
Haji begin chewing the delectable beef his eyes widened "Damn what's inside this what stuff are the cows eating here it tastes absolutely divine I've never experienced such a blessing to my tastebuds I wonder what the reason could possibly be?" he thought.
He kept eating more of the beef "Maybe it's due to my cultivation enhancing my senses or tastebuds or whatever that cultivation helps with in this regard or maybe it's due to the air and even the grass and everything else in this world being better due to the presence of energy be it Qi energy Celestial energy or whatever other energies I don't know about yet, but one thing's for sure Earth was a shithole with butt-fuck nothing to cultivate with no Qi no Celestial Energy or any other essence or energy except light, electric, kinetic etc, but those can't and haven't been used for cultivation despite many previous attempts the most magical thing that was accomplished on Earth is creating the internet and phones and shit."
Haji began eating another piece of beef to wash away the bitterness of his heart, soul and mind.
"Ah son don't eat soo much you'll get fat." said Kim Seoyoung
Haji didn't react at all as though it was merely a small bead of water trickling down a ducks back.
As though he didn't hear what his mother said at all.
Haji unknowingly started sending some of these excess negative emotions to his avatar out of habit and currently his avatar was in the middle of cultivation; his eyebrows and eyelids twitched a few times and he gritted his teeth while enduring; trying to stay focused until he couldn't anymore and yelled.
"DAMN IT I THOUGHT WE AGREED THAT YOU WOULDN'T TRANSFER THE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS TO ME WHILE IM IN THE MIDDLE OF CULTIVATING! What on Earth could possibly be such a dire situation where you'd feel the need to do so!? Is this an emergency!? What's happening what the fuck is happening the hell's wrong with you!" His avatar yelled.
"Damn it my bad, my bad I forgot you was in the middle of cultivating it was just an accident I got a bit too used to sending the negative emotions your way haha forgive me forgive me hahaha."
Haji communicated to his avatar in his mind.
"Just don't send them my way when I'm cultivating unless it's an emergency; don't forget this time and don't begin laughing like a crackhead as soon as you apologized it will seem insincere." Haji's avatar conjured some pineapple juice and began drinking to calm his emotions and also because he wanted to enjoy some pineapple juice so any excuse would do.
Haji coughed a cough that wasn't a cough "Will do, will do." Haji said in his mind
Kim Jungho "We should definitely not forget to take Kim Yulryong to Healer Minseok for a check up, now he's coughing as well."