However despite him being only 23 years old he was smarter than all geniuses on Earth, he was wiser than all scholars. So much so that he noticed at a very young age on Earth 14 years before his 23rd Birthday he realised at the age of 9 that 95% of humans are worthless irredeemable scum; that 99% or 99.99% of humans are bystanders and the 1 or 0.1% of truly good honourable people who were admirable were but a small speck of light in the abyss.
This was also the reason why he vowed to himself in a very poetic fashion by writing down this vow as a poem "I am me, for I am he; he I am for I am him; him I am for I am me; me I am for I am I; I am I for I am him & him I am for I am me; me I am for there is no we." Haji then recited this every day 10 to 25 times at minimum per day usually at night when he stared at the dark black sky that was speckled with white stars and he would rarely stare at the moon because unlike most he found the stars to be far more beautiful.
His reasoning for this was because the moon you can see rather clearly as opposed to the stars they are so far away which is why they seem so small and have little to no detail unlike the moon, but naturally humans are fickle and quick to judge, but Haji was never this way he admired the stars because although they were so small with little to no detail due to how much further away they were he knew any star would be bigger, brighter and better in essentially every way than the moon.
However this wasn't the only reason the main reason he preferred the stars was because of the profundity behind it, the profoundness the stars were just like Haji at surface level he looked small no one knew how excellent, profound and unfathomable he truly was. Because like the stars Haji was incredulously distant so the detail, beauty, majesty, strength and brightness couldn't be spotted; couldn't be judged and most importantly couldn't be fathomed.
Eight billion people on Earth; yet it only takes less than 30 minutes to count how many good people there are on your fingers. After the day Haji figured this out he preferred to be alone at school he would play alone and would hate talking to others he constantly saw others lying even kids his age, constantly seeing sin in varying degrees.
Plenty of other kids tried befriending Haji, Haji ignored them all so gradually they grew very bitter and had begun hating Haji they all wished for Haji to die, to get bullied. They wished to see Haji in a pathetic state.
Haji could feel their hatred, but he could also feel their envy he could sense their insecurity. He knew out of everyone on Earth he was the most true to himself, he was the most free. Haji wasn't afraid of being hated, wasn't looking to be accepted.
Never cared for the frivolity of society and it's gatherings. He was content being with himself and this resolve only increased the day after Haji's revelation once he noticed just how filthy, feeble and pathetic almost all humans are.
Most social constructs are bound to fall, after all it's constructs made by humans, it's inherently flawed; this cannot be gainsaid.
Later on Haji started to get bullied verbally by the kids in his class and year group and this was mostly during lunch times and breaks due to the kids being careful not to get caught verbally harrassing Haji by the teachers. For a while they were joyous because they had thought their insults were working and that Haji was beginning to get depressed, but very soon they had noticed Haji couldn't care less he was unchanged, unmoved, impervious to their attempts.
So this was when they began physically bullying Haji after class, during breaks, after-school. At first it wouldn't work because one on one or two on one they wouldn't be able to do anything to Haji despite the fact that they were bigger and heavier than Haji because Haji was from a poor family an abusive father that would hit him sometimes for no reason at all and most of the time simply because he was in a bad mood or drunk and when his mother would try stop him he would then hit her too.
His father only came to visit every now and then not because he cared for his family, but usually just to hit them and verbally abuse Haji's mother because hitting her wasn't enough for him.
He never cared about his family he was usually outside cheating on his wife with cheap prostitutes and driving around in rentals trying to impress hookers.
Haji's mother who could barely speak English never cheated on her abusive husband despite all this and she had to raise Haji all alone while barely being able to speak a lick of English.
She would usually get declined from even the most simplest of jobs so she barely had any money so some days she wouldn't eat so her son Haji wouldn't be hungry.
but Haji was always a fighter and would hit back without mercy aiming for their eyes, balls, knees and chin. And so they started to physically bully him with 4 or more people instead of the usual 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 bullying.
Of course this was when Haji couldn't win, but he would never cry he would only stare at them fiercely as they kept hitting him Haji fought back with all his strength. Throughout these ordeals Haji didn't get sad he only got angry.
Angry at his own weakness, angry at his circumstances and he cursed his dogshit luck with every fibre of his being.
While enduring and resisting these days of physical and verbal bullying from those little bastards it made him think and realize just how weak he was so this was when Haji became hyper-fixated with Martial Arts, he wanted to have the perfect techniques and to know almost all the moves so that he would be able to perform as efficiently as possible in fights and make up for his lacking strength, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to improve his strength by exercise and he also planned to increase his stamina and improve all his weakpoints.
Haji spents hours upon hours of studying Martial Arts, he would read books of it from the school library and the library outside of school that he would ask his poor mum to take him to every now and then. The reason he didn't just watch videos of it was because he was so dirt poor he didn't even know what a 'internet' was. He didn't even own a toy phone let alone a real phone.
Eventually Haji could defend himself better from the shameless monkeys that surrounded him to bully him to hurt him, but Haji wasn't that bothered by the pain because it was nothing compared to when his father hit him; as a matter of fact it felt like small pillows being tossed at him.
Thankfully his mother learnt how to divorce his father and did so with the help of translators that helped her through the process and through the finalization of the divorce.
A few years went by and Haji began his first day of highschool, needless to say Haji was well-prepared this time around and he made an effort to be polite and pretend to accept people who wanted to befriend him. He'd rather pretend to be their friend without giving much effort instead of constantly being swarmed by these cretins.
However even that wasn't enough he still got bullied, but this time it was only 1 to 3 people bullying him and it was almost never at the same time so it was very easy and Haji had a much stronger body this time around from the years of training and studying. So he had made a name for himself and quickly became very popular like the tale of the Koi who swam up the waterfall and evolved into a rising dragon.
After a few altercations no one wanted to get on Haji's bad side, but Haji still acted like he cared for his so called friends because it was much easier this way all he had to do was greet them and make some small talk every now and then and that would suffice, compared to constantly being annoyed or them throwing a tantrum and contacting their elder brothers or what not to come deal with Haji and cause problems is too much of a headache and risk so Haji wasn't afraid he just didn't want to waste any more energy which is why he had learned to pretend, to put on a mask and roll with the punches except only metaphorically this time.
Haji made a ton of groundbreaking scientific inventions, but he never published them or shared them to anyone because he didn't want to better humanity; he resented them after all.