Also because he didn't want anyone profiting off of him such as a small to huge percentages shared from companies and or third parties, it was too much of a hassle and it was not worth the money anyways, Haji wanted to do things his way and he wouldn't ever go against his core beliefs and principles.
However that's not to say that Haji wasted his intellect. Haji used it very well he went around the neighbourhood offering to babysit pets, mow neighbours lawns and even help children his age group with their studies because Haji was consistently an A+ student.
He used some of this money to help with his mothers bills and what was left he used to buy cheap pc parts (new parts not used, but not the latest models that's why they were cheap) and he made his own pc from scratch, he also saved money by not buying ridiculous stuff like RGB that stuff is just for decoration it doesnt matter at all if your keyboard has RGB light coming from it or inside your pc case so he didn't waste money and solely focused on spending for best budget performance that he could afford and even if he had more money he would never waste it for needless crap.
He couldn't afford a monitor so he just used his old samsung tv and wired it up to the PC, connected his keyboard to the pc and of course his mouse.
Then he began playing the most profitable games and learning how to become better by watching guides on youtube, watching his own gameplay analysing, reflecting, comprehending and also inventing some new moves and strategies he can implement into his gameplay.
No less than 6 months he became one of the top 100 players on his server, but he would certainly be ranked 1st on the server if he had time to play more games after all how is one supposed to win 350 or 400 games if he only played a total of 60 to a maximum of 115 games for the season?
He then went on websites to play on customers accounts and boost them to higher ranks; the higher the rank the more he would get paid. He kept doing this and saving as much of the money as possible while researching about investing in real estate and stocks.
Once he knew he had enough knowledge in these areas he began investing and consistently made a profit every month and kept doing this and after 3 years he was rich, after 5 years he was incredibly rich and wealthy.
He kept doing this his entire life, but started to set aside money to non-profits like charities for animals especially pet animals. He always wanted to help animals and he finally could so he did.
First he started small by helping those charities sending 20,000 to 42,000$ per month and this was split evenly to different charities and organizations that helped animals most notably pet animals.
Eventually he made his own non-profit business and it was like a hotel for pet animals people could pay to leave their pets there while they went to work or vacation and they would be treated like Kings so the pet owners were always very happy and relaxed knowing that their pets were in very good hands and were being taken care of with a lot of care and only the best quality foods.
When some poorer customers would come with their pets they would never be shunned away they would only be asked to wait to confirm if they were truly poor or if they were lying by them showing proof such as documents or bank statements and once everything has been verified their pets would get the exact top quality treatment for free. They were only told to give their documents to verify this in order to make sure that rich people don't lie and try get the same free treatment because that's unfair and unnecessary.
Although it doesn't stop there not only is it essentially a pet hotel with trusted staff that are paid to take great care of the pets like human butlers and maids, but also serves as an adoption center Haji and his other staff that are specialized in finding stray pets and stray animals that don't belong outside would carefully catch them and send them to the hotel and feed them great food and stroke them letting them know everything will be alright now.
This is where the other type of customers come in the type who want to adopt, but the adoption is free. However, that's only if the person is a trustworthy person there will first be a rigorous background check done with the help of the government and once they've been verified as a trustworthy person they can have the pet for free, but if they're an untrustworthy person then no matter how much they pay they won't get the pet and won't even be able to stay in the building for more than 40 seconds before security takes them outside so they have to leave themselves or be dragged away by security before the time is up the choice is theirs.
"Good now I'd like to see them try find me and my new treasure, just keep guessing and running around like headless chickens." Haji said in his mind while smiling coldly.
"Actually just to be safe I'm going to always leave a small portion of my Heaven Sundering aura in and around my soul and mind so no matter what methods they use they won't be able to track me down by divinating, deducing my location or reading my mind."
Haji wrapped his mind and soul in a layer of Heaven Sundering aura and sprinted towards home without a sound while wiping away any footprints, scent and even his breath by creating a thin 130 meter radius dome around him that followed him while he was constantly in the center of it.
The 130 meter radius dome was entirely made out of Heaven Sundering aura.
Haji's small fingers tightened around the leather bag as he ran restlessly.
< 27 minutes later >
Haji arrived home and covered the treasure in Heaven Sundering aura and hid it under one of the floorboards under his bed just to be safe, he then crawled into his bed.
"Avatar leave the sensory skill running and awaken me if there's any trouble." He said as his eyes shut and he fell asleep.
His avatar didn't respond because he knew that Haji was so exhausted that after saying that he instantly fell asleep and wouldn't hear him plus he didn't want to wake him up.
With that Haji's avatar activated the sensory skill and left it on, scanning the surroundings and picking up any nearby sound.
Now was a new day and Haji opened his eyes upon awakening and looked at his tiny 5 year old hands.
His eyes narrowed, he had felt a little too fresh this morning; it was a strange feeling he's never experienced before. Hence he began to raise and lower his fingers and then clenching and unclenching his fists.
"Hey avatar what's the cause of this strange feeling I'm getting it's as though I've been healed, I feel very fresh." Haji asked his avatar in his mind and rolled out of bed.
"It's the treasure, remember I told you it's a treasure that helps with the owners cultivation."
Haji stared at the direction of the treasure that he hid under the floorboard that's below his bed. "How is this possible? I didn't even use it yet and I have already gotten such an effect; maybe this treasure is the sole reason that fellow managed to reach rank 2."