Nate anderson
"So you're telling me there's not one but two demons… one was bad enough next thing you're going to tell me is that there's a third female demon or some shit".
"Okay look i've never heard of this Lucius but if what you're saying is true are top priority should still be finding Azure since you guys have almost a year before he comes"
I looked at Emma. she was right if there was another demon this one actually roaming the streets then we needed to find and put a stop to him but first.
"How do you even know if the demon or Azure is even in this city or country"
"Are leader said that there's something here that Azure wants it's why he's usually in this city we need to find and stop him before he finds whatever he's looking for and leaves the city or worse destroys it"
I hadn't even thought about that. Hunter said we needed to use every moment we had to train for Lucuis if we wanted even a tiny chance against him we've better hope that this Azure is weaker than Lucius if we wanted even a small chance of beating him. But then an idea came to mind.
"If we help you with Azure you gotta help us beat Lucius"
Emma turned to her group and was lost in thought for a moment. Then the boy named Asher and the other one Rowan walked up to her and said something I couldn't hear then she turned to me and said.
"Alright fine IF we catch Azure then yes well help you"
With this new group of supers on our side we might actually have a chance at beating Lucius. Just then a familiar buzzing sound came from my ear reaching up, I pressed the button.
"Nathen it's Adrian copy"
"Nathen here sir"
"we've found him"
"are you talking about"
"Ethan yes I am we've detected his energy signals at the bottom of the southern mountain"
"southern mountain got it".
I pressed the button to hang up the call and told the others what Adrian said and we began to leave with the promise of calling the other team after we've dealt with Ethan. Leaving the bank we raced towards the mountain and we made it in about 20 minutes but that was 20 minutes too late as when we arrived we saw no trace of Ethan anywhere and after 30 minutes of searching we still found nothing.
"Guys I don't think he's here".
As much as I wanted to deny it James was right Ethan was most likely already gone so we decided to call it quits and leave but as we walked off I caught a glimpse of a figure in the distance.
"hey guys you go on ahead I think I left my phone back here"
I would have to apologise to them later but I wanted… No, I needed to face Ethan alone. If what Adrian said it was Ethan who burnt our house down but I refuse to believe so until I faced him myself. Once they left I made my way down, sword in hand until I came within 50 feet of the person. walking up a small hill I crouched down and peered over the hill until I could make out the figure and there he was Ethan. He was older; he would be around 19 now but I could tell it was him. He was tall with short light brown hair and glacier blue eyes. He seemed to be in a daze. He looked frantic and he was sweating. I began to walk over but stopped and looked at my sword even if Adrian was true about Ethan could I hurt my brother. No I couldn't and I put my sword back in its sheath. I walked slowly towards Ethan, careful to not make any sound. Just then Ethan whipped his head around to me and then I fell to the ground. What the hell just happened looking up I was somewhere else but when I turned around I saw Ethan around 60 feet away. Then I remembered what Adrian said. This must have been Ethans power. I would have to be more careful. I went back over to Ethan who turned towards me but I raised my hands up to show I was unarmed.
"Ethan listen I'm not going to hurt you it me N-"
Turing I saw a purple oval shape which I assumed to be a portal shooting towards me which I jumped out of the way of. Looking around I wonder who the hell shouted at me to move but there was no one just then.
This time I immediately doved forward as another portal shot at me. Okay there was someone helping me but I couldn't see them and by the sound of their voice they were close, really close, almost as if the voice was coming from inside my head. Then Ethan looked at me surprised that I was dodging his portals
"Go…goooo…. GO AWAY"
Ethan was getting frantic. I needed to calm him down.
"Ethan please, it's me… Nate… your brother"
Ethan shoulders dropped but for only a moment
"Noooo… you're lying… he's DEAD"
Ethan swiped his hand and.
I imbued energy into my legs and jumped forward missing the portal and grabbed onto Ethan.
Ethan began to try to throw me off but I refused to let go. Then Ethan made a portal and jumped through. Looking around I saw we were in the air and we tumbled to the ground. I landed with a crack and fell off Ethan who stood up and kicked me in the stomach. He turned and swiped his hand which conjured a portal and he began to walk through. I stood and a jolt of pain shot through me. It was clear I had a broken rib or two but I couldn't let that stop me nor now. Not while I was this close to Ethan so I sprang forward and tackled him through the portal Ethan turned his face laced with shock and he began pounding on my back and it hurt like hell while I had not be able to fully grasp Ethans power yet I could tell from his punches that he was stronger than Hunter much stronger but so was I. Ethan and I crashed into the mountain side and I began punching Ethan. I needed to knock him out before he teleported us too far away. Ethan grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder but I never let go but then Ethan portaled us up and up and up until we were above the mountain to the point where I could see the snowy peak about 70 feet below me. We began to fall but Ethan wasn't making another portal and began to repeatedly punch me then I realised. He was trying to kill me. I knew with his speed he could smosh me into the mountain and portal out before he was hurt and this became obvious when I felt Ethans hand tightened around me. Screw this I needed to confront Ethan and make him understand I was his brother even if my hair and eyes were different but I couldn't do any of that if I was killed. But what could I do with Ethans strength? I couldn't blast him away but then I had an idea, a truly terrible idea. This is going to hurt I lifted both my hand and charged all the energy that I had left Ethan lifted his hand to block and for just I second his loosened his grip on my like he was trying to block with both hands but stopped just before but he still gave me plenty of time as I turned the energy towards me and realised the energy shot into my chest and blasted me of Ethan and towards the mountain my vision began to blur from something maybe it was the lack of oxygen or maybe I punctured a lung but that didn't matter now I needed to survive this fall but just then I passed out. When I opened my eyes I was just above the tip of the mountain which dug into my back before breaking and sending me tumbling down the mountain I could feel the warm blood oozing down my back again the cold snow and rocks which my body slammed against over and over as I tumbled down the mountain I felt my arms snap and my legs bend in such unnatural ways until i hit the ground head first and felt my skull crack. This was it, I was going to die, In this cold place on top of this stupid mountain all because I wasn't strong… wasn't strong enough to protect myself. What a lame excuse of a hero.
My eyes began to close for what I knew was the last time but as I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me I swore for just a moment I heard the barks of dogs heading my way.