CHAPTER 12: The tunnel with 2 lights

My consciousness swam through the darkness. I was dead. Ethan, my own brother, had killed me or at least I think he did for someone who was dead. I felt pretty alive but maybe that was because I was heading towards a bright white light, wait a goddamn moment, was I being.

"Look at him Quinn, he's beautiful"

"He has your eyes Mary"

Oh no, have I been reincarnated. I mean I wasn't hit by a truck but I guess there's probably no rules to who and why people get reincarnated but I would be lying if I said this wasn't a shock. What would happen to James Noah Liam or the other heros we just met or what about Ryan who I hadn't even seen since he left would they ever know what happened to me would they ever even find my body. The man Quinn, a tall muscular dark haired man who must have been my father, lifted me up from the tall blond haired woman Mary or my mother and twirled me around and then he tossed me into the air and caught me. Jeez I was just born like 2 minutes ago. Did he have to be so rough and I was already beginning to feel nauseous? I wanted to tell him to stop but all that came out was a loud cry.

"Quinn be gentle he's not even 10 minutes old for god's sake"

"I know, I know but just look at him he's going to be a strong mage I can just tell"

Oh great magic and mages so original but at least there will be something for me to do in this world other than farm or some crap like that. But just then as I was beginning to comes to terms with coming to this new world I felt a strong pull and I was once again in the void I could see the light that I was pulled towards but now I was being pulled somewhere else turning my head or at least what felt like my head I saw another bright light. Okay what on earth is happening why were there 2 lights and which one led where. Looking back to the light I first came to, I had an idea. "if that leads to wherever the hell I was then shouldn't the other light"

Before I could think anymore on my theory I was pulled by a massive force and straight into the second light. Opening my eyes I looked around. I tried to move but couldn't, looking down. I could just barely make out my legs. They were wrapped completely in bandages but they were long.

"well at least I'm not a baby"

When I tried to move I felt a sharp pain in my back. Wait, my back , the pain was right where the mountain tip pierced me. Holy shit I was back, this was my body, I was alive, but how. looking at my surroundings it looks like I was in a cabin. was I still on the mountain. Who brought me here and most importantly, how I was alive.

"I wouldn't move too much if i was you, your injuries are still healing".

Lifting my head slightly I could see an old woman standing near a fire. I watched as she picked up a log and placed it in the fire.

"Who are you? How am I alive"

The old woman let out a chuckle.

"Well you weren't alive a few minutes ago. You're luckily you landed near my cabin while I was out"

The old woman turned and walked over to me.

"My names Eleanor"


Eleanor picked up my hand and rewrapped them in bandages.

"How did I survive… and how… is my body"

"Better well I must admit I've never seen someone in such a rough state before but luckily my healing was able to restore most of your injuries now bones are much harder to heal than flesh so it's still going to be a couple days before you can properly move again"

"you healed me?"

"oh I did indeed I come from a very long line of people who possess the power of healing"

I let out a small laugh which ended in a fit of coughs.

"it seems I'm running into more and more supers now since I got my powers"

Eleanor raised her eye at me but when she saw my confused expression she spoke again.

"That's because people with energy pools are naturally attracted to each other. It's like another worldly force is pulling us together so it's not surprising that I found you or that you've been running into more energists".


"God lord you have no clue the world you've gotten yourself into do you son".

Eleanor finished wrapping my hand and stood up.

"Well we've got at least 2 weeks before I can let you leave so I'm going to have to teach you a few things"

"No, no, no, no, no you don't understand I need to leave now I need to find my brother you can't keep me here"

Eleanor let out a laugh.

"I'm not keeping you anywhere if you can stand up and walk out of here you can leave"

Well shit she's right I can't leave not with the state my body's in this was going to be a long 2 weeks.

James winters

"Nate… NATE. Where on earth has he gone"

Nate said he forgot his phone but now he's nowhere to be found. Did he run off?. No that's crazy Nate wouldn't do that… i think. I looked to Noah who shrugged then I looked to Liam. Wait, where's Liam?.

"You guys come here look at this"

Turing I saw Liam not too far away looking at something on the ground. Walking up to him I followed his eyes to the ground and saw a splash of red on the green grass.

"Is that blood"

Liam bent down and dipped

his finger in it.

"Yep definitely blood… I think"

"You think it's Nates"

"most likely, it looks fairly fresh"

"So he came back here and disappeared. It makes no sense"

Liam stared at the blood lost in thought then he stood up and looked around. Then his eyes widened

"Oh shit"


"What if when Nate came back and he ran into Ethan and they fought and with Ethans portal powers they could be anywhere by now"

It sounded plausible, as much as I wanted to deny it but I think Liam was right Nate wouldn't just leave us without telling us. But where could they have gone? Then there was a buzzing sound coming from my ear. Lifting my hand I pressed the button on my ear piece.

"It's Adrian, James do you copy"

"James here sir"

"What happened to Nate I called his earpiece but he isn't picking up"

"He's gone missing, we think he found Ethan and they're somewhere fighting".

Adrian didn't answer for a moment but I could faintly hear the sound of a big crash.

"SHIT. Right i'll search for his energy signals and i'll get back to you"

Before I could respond he hung up. there must be a faster way to find him, think, James think… wait, that's it.

"Liam do you have the number for that other group"


"The other supers"

Liam patted his pockets and took a piece of paper out.

"Yeah right here why"

"It's something that girl said what's her name… Emma that's it she said something about sensing that boy in the blue cloaks energy pool something about him using to much but but"

"But what? James slow down"

I took a deep breath.

"If Emma can sense energy pools of people far away then maybe"

"She can find Nate"

Liam paced around thinking.

"It's a long shot but it's the best idea we got. I'll make the call"

Emma sliver

I held an ice pack up to Nick's face

"I told you to tie him up but did you listen"

"How was I supposed to know he'd wake up so soon"

"Jeez sometimes I wonder how were related"

It had only been about an hour since we left the bank and Nick had forgotten to tie one of the robbers even after I told him multiple times and he got his ass punched. Asher and Rowan had taken the robbers away to the police which was surprisingly difficult when you don't work for the police. Just then my phone rang.

"Hello this is Emma"

"Emma it's Liam we met at the bank"

"Oh hello didn't expect a call so soon and I thought it would be that Nate guy who would've called".

"That's why i'm calling we think Nate been taken and you said you could sense energy pools"

"I can but not more than like 10 feet, maybe 20 on a good day".

"Alright well thanks anyways well be in touch one we-"

"hold on, I didn't say I couldn't help".


"Yeah my grandmother lives in a cabin on the mountains. She can sense energy from miles away. I can take you there".

"where exactly does your grandmother live on the mountain"

"she's near the peak".

"THE PEAK!. That'll take us at least 4 or 5 days of hiking"

"You're the one who wants to find Nate not me"

"... okay fine. Meet us at the foot of the mountain tomorrow morning and bring supplies for yourselves".

"see you then"

I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket.

"Well, things just got a little more interesting.