CHAPTER 13: New heights

Nate anderson

"I'm in hell"

"Oh quit your whining it's barely been 3 hours"

Only 3 hours, my ass. By the start of the new day Eleanor said my legs were healed enough to start my training since she didn't want me to go soft while healing so she made me stand in the freezing cold while holding logs of wood and after energy hour she would add a new log so I'm currently standing on top of a freezing cold mountain in my underwear while holding 3 logs of wood above my head. I had to use every single bit of my energy to keep my legs and arms from buckling under the weight.

"okay, I think i'm okay-"

Just as my body began to get used to the weight I felt a massive jolt of pain in my side causing me to fall to the ground and the logs to crash into my back. Lifting my head up I saw Eleanor holding her walking stick shaking her head at me.

"Why did you hit me"

"If you can't take a strike or two then you're not strong enough"

"Strong enough for what exactly you haven't told me what I'm training for because I know this is more than you just not wanting me to go soft".

Eleanor turned away looking out towards the horizon even when her back was to me I could see the sadness on her face.

"you're going to face many enemies on your journey with powers beyond your imagination and you not only need to protect yourself, you have friends and family who need you".

Eleanor stopped for a moment and cleared her throat.

"I know more than most how it feels to be powerless to protect the ones you love… the guilt that chips away at you year after year… you need to be stronger so you can protect them and save yourself the guilt"

She was right. I hadn't even been a hero for 2 months yet the feeling of helplessness I felt when fighting Hunter or when I was lying helpless on the mountain. I didn't… No, I couldn't feel that way again. Eleanor was a veteran hero or energist as she called it, I needed to learn as much as I could from her in the two weeks I had.

"So I'm going to ask you this once do you wish to learn if you don't you're free to stay and rest until you're healed if you do I will teach you all I can"

"I'm ready to learn"

"Good we will begin training now"

This was it, this was my opportunity to climb to new heights and I wasn't going to waste it

James winters

After a trip back to the mansion we went out and gathered supplies. While I really didn't want to climb a mountain for nearly a week straight, but, we needed to find Nate before he got himself killed. On the way to the mountain I checked the map. Realistically the hike should only take us the better part of a day but the way the mountain was shaped, if we wanted to reach the peak we'd have to loop around the entire mountain at least twice since most of it was too steep to walk. After no more than an hour we arrived at the mountains and we saw Emma Nick and the 2 twins. We walked up and greeted them and prepared for our hike. That's when a buzzing sound coming from Liam's ear was heard. Liam pressed the button and began to speak.

"Liam here copy"

"what!… where… w-"

Liam's eyes darted towards us.

"Well be t-there soon"

Liam hung up and turned to me and Noah.

"Adrian said he's located Ethan in an abandoned metal factory but he didn't mention Nate at all so it seems he's not with Ethan".

Emma glanced towards me.

"It's a long story"

I turned back to Liam.

"What should we do, I mean we need to find Nate but we also need to deal with Ethan"

There was silence as me and Liam thought but it was quickly broken by Nick.

"how strong is this Ethan guy"

I turned to Liam and realised we didn't actually know how strong Ethan was but we knew if he could beat Nate he would at least be stronger than Hunter.

"he's more stronger than any of us"

Nick thought for a moment.

"well then it's settled half us will deal with Ethan while the rest go find grandma"

Nick had the best idea we needed at least 4 of us if we wanted to safely take Ethan down but we still needed to climb the mountain. Liam walked up and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'll go find Ethan along with you Nick and the 2 twins. James you and Noah go with Emma up the mountain". And with that Liam and the others left to go fight Ethan while Emma Noah and we began to climb the mountain.

"I'm in hell"

"Oh come down we've been climbing for less the 4 hours we still have days to go so zipped it"

As Emma said it hadn't even been 4 hours and yet my legs were already getting weak and we still had as Emma said "days to god" I thought briefly that maybe just maybe I was in hell surfing but no this was real and was going to be a pain. It also didn't help that Emma said we need to save our energy for when we get higher so we can keep ourselves warm which meant I couldn't imbue energy into my legs to make walking easier. The walk up was quiet since we mostly walked in silence but eventually night fell and we had to see shelter. Noah was quick to spot a cave which we entered while Emma and Noah set up the fire. I explored the cave which seemed to go on and on. After about 5 minutes of walking I decided it best to turn back. Not long after I reach the others and was greeted by the warm touch of the fire

"these caves are massive I walked for like 5 minutes and couldn't see and ending"

I looked to Noah who shrugged then to Emma who said.

"I remember my grandmother telling me that these caves used to hold valuable minerals so they made a ton of mining sites. They eventually had to stop since the mountain couldn't take the stress of the mining but the tunnels probably stretch out for hours and they're pretty much a maze so it's best to avoid them".

I looked to my side and saw Noah already asleep, his bow in his arm. I laid back my head on my rucksack and let sleep take over me. I turned over opened my eyes and was face to face with Noah jumping back I startled Noah awake who pulled back his bow and shot an arrow at me which I ducked under and the arrow pierced the wall with a thud causing some of the snow on the roof of the cave to fall onto Emma who sat up and wiped the snow of her face and stared daggers at me and Noah.

"What on earth are you two DOING".

After mine and Noah mishap we quickly got ready and headed out of the cave but just as we began to walk Noah stopped and looked around.

"Nooooaaaah bud why did ya stop"

Without saying another word Noah grabbed Emma and me and practically threw us back into the cave. Noah dived into the cave as well I wanted to ask what the hell he was doing but before I could the ground began to shake and a massive avalanche of snow rumbled past the cave the avalanche lasted no more than a minute but he cave entrance had been completed sealed I walked up to the snow and made a long staff of energy and dug it into the snow even after I made the staff at least 15 feet there was no sign of the top.

"The snows too deep to dig through"

Emma's face dropped and she put her hand on her face.

"why can't it never be simple"

Emma lifted her head up and reluctantly turned to the other side of the cave and said very reluctantly.

"I guess… I guess we'll have to go through… the mines".