I have tried. I keep on trying, but no matter how hard I try life never gets better for me. I am stuck in a dumb job that I am only doing because I need money.

My life feels like it's slowly slipping away from fingers each passing day. I remember when I was a kid I used to have dreams of growing up and being true to myself.

Now I just sleep, wake up, and get ready for work. Someone close to me said that the spark in my eyes is gone. Used to be a gifted kid, but not anymore anyways.

Thoughts of suicide had occured, numerous amount of times in my head. But I never go through it, cause despite the fact that I want to unalive myself I still want to stay alive. The irony.

And so I remain a random person amongst a large sea of people walking around the Earth, wasting years upon years... Hoping that one day, my life would change.


"Anna, are you free this Saturday?" A coworker of mine, Tina asked.

Without looking up from the paper I was going through, I shook my head.

"Bummer, I thought that me and you could head on to the theater. The Rwoders are going to be on stage for the next three days from Saturday."

The Rwoders, a group of talented actors and actresses that go around, city to city, showcasing their amazing acting skills. I have never seen them, but Tina has seen a large number of times. She is always talking about them nonstop.

"Sorry," I muttered underneath my breath. It's not like I wasn't free this Saturday, I just don't want to go outside, I want to fold myself into my huge pile of blankets and eat as much food as I want, and watch as much soap operas that I can.

Saturday is the only day I look forward to, Sunday is well just Sunday, but Saturday that sweet 24 hours of me not bothering myself on work, keeps beckoning me to come towards it.

"Hey did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Alice is currently pregnant."

I look up from the pile of work in front of me. "Yeah, so?"

Tina chuckled, "However, Fredrick isn't the father of the baby."

"How'd you know that Fredrick isn't the father of the baby?"

"Patricia told me, that months ago she caught Alice and the boss kissing each other."

The grip I had on my pen became tighter, Fredrick is a real close senior coworker of mine. A complete sweetheart if I may add, if it's true that Alice cheated on him with the boss, and that baby isn't his baby. I would feel bad for him.

I hope that it's just a silly rumor. But it's Patricia that we are talking about here, a girl that's know for always spilling truth as she sees it. And if there's one thing I know about Tina is that she doesn't engage in mindless lies, only truths.

I generally don't like partaking in office gossip, cause I like to keep a low profile. But this one stings really bad.

But it's none of my business, so I don't say anything else.

My phone rang and I checked the caller ID, it was my sister, a sigh omitted from my lips.

I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Anna!!" She said my name so sweetly through the phone. "Guess what?"

What's up with everyone and trying to get me to guess? 

"What?" I said monotonous.

"Your little sister is coming to live with you. Well for a month till when school decides to resume."

I swear to God I felt my eye twitch, my pursed my lips, and tried my best not to scream out in frustration.

"When are you coming over?"

"Coming over? I am already at your house, also I checked your fridge and I didn't a lick of food anywhere. Do you even go grocery shopping?"

I had the sudden urge to yank my hair out of my head in frustration. "Let's talk when I come back form work ok."

"Okie dokie." She said, cutting the call. I lean back on my seat, trying to take the weight of everything.

My sister is in my house, going through my fridge and is talking to me about groceries. I let out a short laughter that seemed to get Tina's attention.

"Is something wrong?" She asked with a worried facial expression. I didn't say anything, I just shook my head.


Work closed, and stretched out my limbs, tired from sitting all day behind a desk. I stifled a yawn as I made my way to my car.

Opening it, I was hit with a disgusting smell that made me cover up my nose. I looked around the car for the source of where smell could be coming from.

Turns out it was from a small compartment that was close to the gear stick, I opened it and was hit with the slice of pizza that I forgot to eat. It looked molten, with black spots around it. It oozed so badly that I had to take a step back for some reach air.

Reaching inside the breast pocket of blazer, I brought out a tissue paper and picked it up, looking for the nearest trashcan I toss it inside.

Cleaning up the residuals of what was left of the pizza, spraying air freshener around, to get the smell out.

I managed to climb into the my car, driving out of the parking space that I kept specifically for myself. Onto the road that had cars upon cars also driving through.

I stopped at traffic light, using my fingers to strum a beat on the steering wheel. I checked to see that the traffic light had turn yellow.

As I waited patiently for it to turn green, that was when I felt something colliding with my car, propelling me forward, making smack my forehead against my steering wheel.

I let out a groan, as unbuckled my seatbelt. Rubbing my forehead, knowing that a bruise was bound to form. However that is far from the point, somebody just bashed my car.

I stepped out of my car, with a clear intention to fight. I took angry steps and knocked on the window of the driver seat.

The window rolled down and I saw a man, quite older than me, looked to be about the age that my father was.

He has an apologetic look, he opened the door and I stepped aside.

"I am so sorry." He said apologetically. "I didn't know what happened. Please forgive me."

The man sounded remorseful so my anger managed to calm down a bit. The door to the backseat open and out came one of the most gorgeous men I have ever seen.

He wore a fancy purple suit, his long black hair was slick all the way to the back and he had big amber colored eyes that glinted underneath the setting sun. And he took long strides towards me.

"Miss are you ok?" He asked concern laced in his voice.

It seemed like I was bit slow in registering his words on my head, blinking twice I realized that he asked me a question. "Yes I ok."

He then went to inspect the damages of the car and muttered something underneath his breath that I couldn't seem to hear.

"How much would it cost for damages? I would pay for it, i can take you to a body shop of you want."

I shook my head, the anger within me had long gone the moment that man apologize. "It's fine, I would fix myself."

"Are you sure, cause I know a really good car repair man..."

I raised my hand to cut off his talking. "It's fine." I repeated once again.

The man was hesitant at first, but then later left me be.

I entered my car and drove off, a smile on my face. And the pretty face of that man stuck in my head.