When I got to my apartment, I saw my sister lounging about in the couch with a box of pizza in front of her. Happily munching away, not even noticing that I was inside at the moment.
I closed the door softly behind me, removing my shoes and keeping it to the side. I walked past her and head to the kitchen.
I looked through the fridge and realized that she was right I actually needed to restock my fridge. Guess I am going grocery shopping soon.
As stood by the fridge, I felt or rather saw a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I let out a sigh.
"You couldn't even say hello." I could hear the pout.in my sister's voice.
"Hello, Amarie," yes my sister's name is Amarie, heck almost everyone of my siblings has an A in their as the first letter of their name.
"Hello Anna. Would.you.like pizza?" Suddenly the image of that rotten smelling pizza flashed through my mind and I was quick to turn it down.
Amarie removed her hands from my waist and head on back to the living room to continue watching whatever it was that she watches on TV.
Meanwhile I went inside my room, changed clothing into a black and white shorts along with a black tank top.
I came back to the living room, and saw my sister watching a what seems to be the red carpet of an award show. I sat next to her, I felt my stomach rumble and my eyes were set at the center table. Beckoning me to come and get a bite.
I reached out for a slice and ate out of it feeling the cheesiness explode in my mouth. "Where did you get this pizza from? It taste heavenly."
"From the pizza shack down the street." She said, her eyes never leaving the TV screen.
I kept on munching on the pizza, my eyes on the TV but not entirely on it. Lost in thoughts, about work, work, work, work.
Is life really about working, can't I at least catch a break. This is one of the many reasons why I look forward to Saturday, and currently it was Tuesday and Saturday seemed so far away.
Suddenly there was a loud cheer coming from the TV, which snapped my attention back to it and I saw a group what seemed to be seven boys, all dressed in neat tailored suits and distinguished hair colors. They looked very ethereal if I was being honest.
But the one in the middle with the purple suit, and black hair slicked back caught my attention. He was the guy that who's car accidentally bumped into mine.
"Amarie, who are they?" I asked pointing at the TV screen as the interviewer asked them question.
"They are Starry Night, the biggest K-Pop boy group currently." She munched on the last pizza.
I wanted to ask more questions about them, but I decided against it. My eyes still trained on the beautiful man with the amber colored eyes. Was his eyes real or fake, I couldn't tell, but when he looked at the camera I felt like he was looking directly at me, my breath hitched in my throat.
Afterwards they left the screen as the interviewer ushered in another celebrity. My eyes looked at the clock pasted on the wall at the far left of where the TV went.
"It's getting pretty late," I stood up and stretched my body and then let out a sigh. "Goodnight Amarie." I said waving at her, not bothering to know if she said goodnight or not.
As I lay down to sleep, my thoughts going towards that ethereal man that offered help to me, my close drifting off to a slumber. Dreaming about amber colored eyes and beautiful well sculpted facial features.
I got to work, feeling oddly refreshed. Amarie offered to go grocery shopping, which I agreed to. Was planning on doing so Saturday but she just made things easier for me.
I walked past the receptionist, greeting, and then head up the steps. Not wanting to take the elevator as I felt a sudden surge of energy from within me. Which turned out to be a bad idea as I felt myself sweating and wheezing on the verge of possibly passing out in the process.
As I got to the third floor, I lay next to a wall trying my best to keep my breathing stable. It took a couple of minutes but I managed to get myself, even though the power felt drained from within me.
As I walked to my.desk, Tina had on a look of concern etched on her face. "Oh my God Anna, are you ok?" She stood up and handed me a handkerchief.
"Thank you," I managed to say, using the coolness of the handkerchief to wipe away the sweat on my neck and my chest, avoiding my face so as to not ruin my makeup.
"What happened?" Tina repeated again.
"I didn't take the elevator." That was all I could say and she got the message.
As we faced the front of our desk, working and typing away at our computers. I wanted to ask Tina if she knew about Starry Night, I turn my head to face her. "Tina." I called out softly.
She said a small 'hmm' without looking away from what she was doing.
"Do you by any chance know of a boy group by the name of Starry Night?"
She stopped typing, turn to look at me, her eyes had this glint behind it that I could explain. Passion? Or something else.
"Are by any chance curious about one of my favorite K-Pop boy groups?" She had a huge grin etched on her face. It looked unnerving.
Before I could say anything, our Head Of Department, Mr Rick, came through the doors, holding a clipboard in his hands.
"Ok, if I call your name, follow me closely behind ok." He put on his glasses, and read out names, I watched as people stood up and stand next to him.
"Tina Mumbrone." Tina stood up immediately and went to stand besides him.
"Anna Graves." It took a few seconds to click that my name was being called, and I quickly stood up and ran next to him.
"That's all, y'all can get back to work, as for you, follow me."
We were six in total, my mind wondering through an endless maze on what they could have called is for. As the got into the elevator, walked down a hallway that I never knew existed in this company.
Mr Rick opened up the door, and a blast of cool air hit my face. We were in a room that was lit up with fluorescent lightening that brightened up everywhere, the white tiles white and super clear that I could see my reflection.
However those weren't the only things that caught my attention, cause standing in front of me were seven familiar faces. And the one in the middle being the most familiar of them all sent a smile towards my direction.