Trial by Fire

Lucien stood in the headmaster's office — again. He was starting to feel like he should just get his own chair here.

Across the room, Headmaster Greaves stared at him with the kind of tired frustration only Lucien seemed capable of inspiring. Professor Aldric stood beside him, arms crossed, his glare practically burning a hole through Lucien's skull.

Ignis, the tiny fire spirit, floated behind Lucien's shoulder. "This room lacks proper heat. I dislike it."

[Fantastic. Let's add "interior design critic" to his resume.]

(Will you stop?)

"Lucien," the headmaster began slowly, rubbing his temples. "Would you care to explain why there is a summoned spirit in my school?"

Lucien took a deep breath. "Well, you see, there was this book—"

"A forbidden book," Aldric interrupted.

"A misunderstood book," Lucien corrected with a weak smile. "And it just… happened!"

Ignis flared slightly. "He summoned me. I am his flame. We are bound."

The room fell into stunned silence.

Greaves's eyes widened. "You… completed a spirit contract?"

Lucien blinked. "Wait… that's what happened?"

[Oh, good. You accidentally performed one of the rarest, most difficult magical feats ever. Bravo.]

"Lucien von Zephyr," Greaves said slowly, "do you have any idea what you've done?"

"...Not really?"

Aldric threw his hands up. "Of course he doesn't!"

The headmaster's expression darkened. "Spirit contracts are incredibly dangerous. Spirits cannot be controlled without proper training, and an unstable contract could destroy not just you but the entire academy."

Ignis floated forward indignantly. "I am not unstable! I am a proud and noble flame!"

Greaves folded his hands. "Lucien, you've put yourself — and this academy — in a precarious position. But…" His eyes flicked to Ignis. "The fact that you managed this at all is… unprecedented."

Lucien straightened. "So… I'm not expelled?"

"Not yet," Greaves said with a warning glare. "But you'll need training. Proper training. And until you gain control over this spirit, you are forbidden from using fire magic outside of supervised lessons."

Lucien winced. "That's… going to be difficult."

"Then you'd better learn quickly," Greaves said. "You'll report to Professor Aldric for private tutoring. Every day."

Aldric's face lit up with the joy of someone who had just been told they could legally torture their least favorite student.

[You really outdid yourself this time.]

As Lucien left the office with his new "teacher" glaring daggers at his back and Ignis cheerfully floating along, one thought kept running through his mind.

(What could possibly go wrong?)