Lucien stood in the empty training grounds, the afternoon sun bearing down on him — though it was nothing compared to the heat radiating from Aldric's murderous glare.
Ignis floated lazily beside him, flickering like a candle in the wind. "Why does this man look like he wants to set you on fire? I thought I was the only one allowed to do that."
[Because fate hates us, that's why.]
Aldric cracked his knuckles. "Listen well, von Zephyr. You may have summoned a spirit, but that doesn't make you special. It makes you a danger. And as your fortunate new instructor, I have the honor of ensuring you don't burn the academy to the ground."
Lucien forced a weak smile. "That's… reassuring."
"Let's start with a simple test." Aldric snapped his fingers, and a series of training dummies rose from the ground. "Ignis is a fire spirit. So show me how well you control it."
Lucien turned to Ignis. "Alright, buddy. Let's do something impressive."
Ignis flared excitedly. "Finally! Unleash me, mortal!"
"Attack the dummy!" Lucien pointed dramatically.
Ignis… hovered.
Nothing happened.
[Incredible. The sheer power of your bond is overwhelming.]
Lucien's eye twitched. "Ignis?"
"I am waiting for proper respect!" the spirit huffed.
"Proper—are you serious right now?!"
Aldric's scowl deepened. "This is what I'm working with? Unbelievable."
Lucien sighed and tried again. "Oh great and noble Ignis, please incinerate the dummy."
"As you wish!"
With a triumphant burst of flame, Ignis shot forward — and promptly missed the dummy entirely, setting a nearby bush on fire.
Lucien's heart stopped. "Oh no—"
"Extinguish it!" Aldric barked.
Lucien flailed. "Ignis, put it out!"
"But fire is beautiful!"
"Put it out!"
[We're going to die.]
Eventually, Aldric stepped in, dousing the flames with a wave of his hand. His glare could've melted steel.
"Again," he growled.
For the next hour, it was a parade of failure. Ignis set everything on fire except the targets. Lucien's attempts at spells either fizzled or exploded in his face. By the end, he was covered in soot, his hair singed, and his pride in tatters.
Aldric pinched the bridge of his nose. "We'll resume tomorrow. Maybe by then, you'll have learned how not to be a walking disaster."
As the professor stormed off, Ignis floated cheerfully. "That was fun! Let's do it again!"
Lucien groaned. "This is my life now."