I had a lot of fun celebrating my success and boasting to my friends yesterday.
After eating and celebrating a lot, I returned home tired of the days work and
I woke up refreshed and excited for the day as usual. But there was something I should try to do, after I wouldn't be ninja if I failed to do that.
The three basic body techniques I.e The Henge, The kawarimi, The Bunshin jutsu.
I already memorised the techniques and how it works, so now the only thing that remains is the practical.
To be honest all my friends did this year ago, I wonder how the konoha twelve genin could only do that when they were twelve years
old. It is simple and practical.
So I can't be loser in the techniques, I must be able to do that less than a day.
First is the Transformation technique.
This jutsu allows a ninja to change their appearance into another person or object, useful for deception and infiltration.
It is practical and easy to use so all I did was weave the seals I have memorised then I imagine I was lion and then boom, after a little bit of smoke I was there looking majestic like a lion.
Although it was not perfect, I could perfect it with few tries.
The second is Clone technique.
This jutsu creates multiple copies of the user, allowing for diversion tactics or overwhelming an opponent with numbers.
Though this technique was basic of the basics and anyone could perform it their chakra is not disturbed.
I weaved the seal of the clone jutsu and infused chakra then I imagined myself and as expected I was there but I looked malnourished.
So I had work to do to prefect it. It was not that much different from the the first technique but it was a lot more useful except when it was in combat where they were both useful.
I tried a few more times it also and perfected it and even taking a bit far by cloning how my future would look like and I had cloned more than dozens of my self then I tried doing it differently.
As I expected I clone the man himself, the legend Hitler and imitated an angry German accent and it practical became aura itself.
The third technique was Substitution technique.
This jutsu allows a ninja to quickly replace themselves with a log or other object when attacked, effectively dodging the attack.
I worked hard for this one. It required focus and speed in hand seals compared to the other two techniques.
This one I didn't get it in the first try but fourth try. It was not good though there was a lot of time wasted.
So this one required more hard work than the other two. After few tries I got the hang of it
so I did it perfectly.
What I replaced my self was not a log but shoe that was near me since I didn't have a log near me.
I also tried replacing my self with a big rock next to me but I decided against it because I don't if the there would be mistakes and I hit head with a rock almost twice my size.
I also don't know if it is also affected by mass of the stone. So I vetoed against without further studying this method.
I repeated it dozens of time to master it almost perfectly but I realised something that is this basic techniques would be elevated with precision and good chakra control.
So after few repeated actions I have decided I could focus my chakra control.
But I was tired from doing these basic techniques for the past four to five hours.
I also got hungry and decided to eat something then start the training of chakra control.
Chakra control is indispensable in doing jutsus and even more indispensable in creating seals.
So I left the place where I was training to get food. I arrived at my home and greeted the lady that used to give the food then stuffed my stomach.
After few hours of resting and thinking about the training of chakra control I could do because I had a lot in my head right. I got
out of the but it was getting late evening so I just go back home and do the usual which is creating Paper Explosion Seals to close my day.