Chapter 32 : Chakra control

After dreamless and good sleep. I woke up early In the morning.

This morning the plan was to take m improve my chakra control.

Chakra control is one of the most important aspects in moulding your chakra to make jutsus more powerful and precise.

It is a must for every one to have great chakra control for those which want to reach kage level and beyond.

So I must train my chakra control to degree where I can use high Chakra Consuming jutsu with miniscule chakra through chakra control.

I have many ideas of how I could train my chakra control but first of all I should do it from the beginning.

I should follow Naruto's way of training chakra control. It is said that Naruto at EOS was the ninja with the highest chakra

control in the elemental nations.

I came out of the house and came to the training area. I took a dried leaf from the side ground and I sit in a cross legged position.

I put the leaf in my forehead then I concentrated my chakra and let it run throughout my body.

After few seconds I attach the leaf in my forehead without it falling on the ground.

That was the first step and completed it without a problem. Then I tested my concentration endurance by sticking it in my forehead again but this time it was few minutes.

After few tries I mastered it and concentrated it for than an hour before i deliberately let it fall.

Then I decided this step done and my next should be walking on trees upwards. This was one most important part in being a ninja because they ran on trees in missions.

I prepared to endure the pains I get while falling from the tree. I tried to get it done in the first try but as you expected I failed without even taking one step on to the


I revised what I knew from the series and in this life. It goes without saying that you must have the right amount of chakra coated around your Leg to stick to the tree but it harder than you think.

If i just had the feeling once then I could do it repeatedly but I decided against it.

I stopped doing the training and come out to eat some food. Then I went on Akane's house, which was next to mine.

I greeted the people who was there which were her mother and father which by the way is an elder. I waited for her few seconds then she came out.

I said to her " Let's go I will take you to a restaurant, and I will pay the money" she looked at with happiness and confusion.

Then she said " I know you wouldn't just come my house to take me out for food and still pay it so say what you want " I glanced sideways feeling guilty.

I replied " Okay just Let's go am starving and I will tell after the food what I want from you " she pouted and followed me.

We finished the food pretty quickly because she wasn't eating much,I was the that ate more than four plates. To be honest I could be considered average eater here and in my friend group.

After we finished the food she said " What do want from me, I wouldn't want hangout with you because I am only one calling you everyday " while trying sound angry and pouting.

I replied " ok, I was training my chakra control and wanted some help and see if you can help me after all you are the strongest" she can be considered the strongest in our group after all she mastered this training year ago.

Her face looked crimson red and there was some steam coming out from her ears. She looked embarrassed and after few seconds she raised her nose so high that you could see pride from her posture.

She said " You have good eyes , so today I should teach you a little bit of my knowledge " while thinking I can boast to this guy for once after all he was the who prides himself in knowing everything.

I replied " thanks great teacher " while she almost stumbled on the ground and could not take the compliment with red shades covering her face, I don't know if she is embarrassed or not.