I slowly opened my eyes and found myself staring up at the bulb in the ceiling. The room felt familiar, familiar in a way that I did not like. I kept staring straight up, praying to a God I don't believe in that I may be wrong. A deep feeling deep in my belly told me I was right. I was back in the lions den. I was afraid that if I turn my head I would confirm the truth. So I closed my eyes.
Ivan played back the video recording again for what must have been the hundredth time now. He still could not fathom how this rather timid 21 year old boy had taken charge of a machine gun and singlehandedly taken out up 24 ex-mercenaries. It's the sort of thing he had to see to believe. "What is he?" He muttered to himself with his hand on his chin.
The look on the boys face as he handled the gun was beseek. "He must have the blood of vikings " he thought as he restarted the video again.
"This boy is not a human being, he is the devil himself. And I'm going to harness that power." He thought out loud.
"Diablo Gato" he said as he scribbled the initials "DG" on a sticky note on his desk.
Ivan was correct to get shook. All his best men were either dead or receiving treatment, most of them in critical state. Victor, his head of security had taken a bullet to chest and lost a lot of blood, but he was going to pull through.
Was it sheer luck that all the bullets missed the boy? Or was it some Blackmagic that deflected the bullets? The answers were in the video clip he himself had recorded while parked in hidden away a safe distance from the battle zone.
It was pure skill. Seeing is believing, yet he somehow could not believe what he was seeing. This boy was a maniac.
And now he knew what brings the devil out, what lures the cat out. The button that switched Aoki the boy to Diablo Gato the war machine. It was the girl, Emi. His ultimate strength. His ultimate weakness. But first, he had to train this monster to be a good loyal pet. To be a bulldog he can unleash on command.
Unlike other pets that he disposed off after use, this one was special.
This one was to be nutured, softened like ripening banana.
He felt his pants tighten as his cock pushed against his zipper at the thought of a banana and Aoki's beautiful body features in the same sentence. He still thirsted for Aoki for the original reason he had bought him. The thought of bending him over and ramming against his cheeks gave him a throbbing erection, only so much more now.
The second squad of cars drove back into the compound and pulled into the garaging all coming to a screeching halt with the application of emergency breaks.
Men immediately jumped out carrying wounded men into the villa, headed straight for the medical wing. Of the first squad of cars non made it back. They had all been disabled. Half of his men dead. The other half with critical injuries. He planned to put them off their mystery after interrogation.
The injured men all told the same tale. The tale of a possessed mad man spraying bullets without missing a mark. Like he was one with the gun. The tale of a one man army, the devil incarnated. The tale of Diablo Gato.
At that moment Satoshi knew he had created a monster. A monster that would soon be baying for his blood. The omerta could not save him now. He would have to put down the monster before the monster put him down. He would have to hunt down his prey, before his prey could prey on him.
That night he slept with a gun under his pillow.