Aoki woke up again. This time he was sure he was back at Ivans. He was not sure how he got there. He remembered running through a forest before everything went dark. He was in bed, in a clean set of nightwear. He tried to lift his head but felt too groggy so he just let it drop back down. He lay still raking his brain. Trying to decide which thought to prioritize. Then the door opened.
In walked a new face, a much younger face than the burly men he had grown accustomed to in this residence.
The young man had thick black hair that fell to partially cover his eyes. There was something gracious about the way he swung his hips and the motion of his waist as he approached Aokis bedside table with a tray of grilled stake with a side of chips and a glass of what appeared to be milk.
His hair fell forward as he leaned over to set the tray on the table, revealing a beautiful set of blue eyes on a thin face. When Aoki looked up at him he quickly looked away. Shy.
"Its okay, I don't bite" Aoki said with a slight upwards curl of his lips. "What you got for me here?"
It was only his third day here and he was already getting accustomed to this place. Well, at least he felt so.
"Grilled beef, chips and milk to temper away the effects of the drugs DG." The young man said, not daring to meet Aokis eyes as he said so.
"Huh? DG? Where did that come from?" Aoki inquired, surprised by his new title, "Deputy Governor?"
"Haha…nooo," the young man let out an involuntary chuckle, "Diablo Gato. The men have been talking about you all day"
"The name is Aoki mate. Call me that," he paused for a beat ,"Anyway, what they talking about?"
"Excuse my manners, Aoki" the young man stepped back and adjusted his posture to an aloof respectful stance. "They're saying yesterday they saw the devil himself come out, sly as a cat with the fury of a wounded lion. Diablo Gato himself."
After a brief pause to let that sink in he added, "They say you cut down Satoshis men like a hot knife through butter. If it were not for you they would all be dead."
"Mmmhhh…and what did you say is your name?" Aoki inquired.
"Dangote sir." The young man responded, turning his head away from Aoki.
"We're peers. Don't call me that, just call me Aoki." Aoki corrected him.
"Alright, Aoki. I should get going" he said glancing at the door nervously.
They then heard heavy footsteps approaching the door.
Dangote turned to take his leave in a bit of a rush, but the steps caught up with him at the doorway.
Ivans tall figure blocked the door as he towered over Dangote as he blocked the door. A few seconds passed with Ivan carefully studying Dangotes face like he had caught him in a lie, like he was waiting for his nose to grow like Pinocchio.
Ivan reached out with his right arm and ran his forefinger the length of Dangotes chin. Making him raise his face so they were facing each other. If Aiko did not know better he would have mistaken them for a gay couple in love. But he could feel the aura in the room. The fear coursing through Dangotes veins. The toxic masculinity oozing from Ivan.
Ivan then cracked a smile. An evil smile. "Know your place boy" he said as he smacked Dangote ass, squeezing it slightly as he motioned. Dangote winced uncomfortably but did not dare protest. The last boy toy he saw protest ended up with his brains blown out.
He then turned to Aoki.
"You never told me you possessed such talent," he said taking a seat next to him. "the next you keep secrets from me, well, you know what happens to my enemies." He added.
Aoki simply lay in place in silence, he had come to find silence being the best policy when in the hands of this psycho.
"Don't make me smack the words out of your mouth," Ivan said sounding pissed off, "A thank you for my mercy will be in order."
"Thank you? For drugging me?" Aiko retorted.
"The fuck did you think you were running to? Embecile treadmilling going nowhere fast. You're lucky I asked my sniper to load tranquilizer darts in place of bullets. You're lucky you put a good show. Otherwise…" by now Ivan was shouting, his body vibrating with anger.
If it were any other of his pets he would have blown its brains out by now for talking back. But this, this was pure talent. He couldn't just waste this specimen.
Aiko sat up straight, looked Ivan straight in the eye and spat out at him point blank range. Some of the spit went straight into ivans mouth. Aiko despised this man for the way he had treated Dangote. He did not know why, but he felt deep annoyance for the treatment the young man was receiving and felt the need to lash out.
Ivan shot up. His face red as a tomato with rage. Pure rage. His hand shook as he reached for his pistol and slowly pulled it from its holster. He lifted it up as bent over, leaning into Aikos face till he could taste the air from Aiokos lungs. He lifted the gun to right below Aikos chin. Undid the safety mechanism then placed his finger on the trigger. A thin sweat ran down the side of Aikos head as he waited for the shot to ring out. But his face showed no emotion, no fear, unfazed.
"I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees" Aiko said eyes still locked with Ivans, "Squeeze it."