Chapter 3: 1 Angel 1 Rabbit

"Wake up my child. Regain your lost light and return to our fight against the profane." The righteous voice echoed again.

The hulking coffin lid was dragged off once more.

Reeon burst out of his coffin with a vengeance. Shoving the heavy monolithic doors of his tomb wide open. Composing himself just as he reached the base of the stone steps. To try an assault on the rabbit again would only be suicide...

He would have to use his wits and attempt a stealth mission. Reeon lowered his body and crept through the snow. He could really feel it crunch beneath his black leather boots. The Nirvana 2 was pulling its weight.

The path stretched forward quite a bit before revealing a frosty clearing, this is where he encountered the demon rabbit before. Reeon performed his best interpretation of "sneaking" as he entered the wide open space. Unfortunately, it was still there.

Its back was turned to him however. Seemingly staring at a patch of red colored snow. In Empyrean's Call when players die their avatar's body will disintegrate into sparks of golden lights. Leaving behind only a splotch of red blood on the scene they died. The demon rabbit appeared transfixed by it and thus was not paying Reeon any mind. 

He stealthily made his way past the preoccupied beast and towards a row of ruined columns. Just further beyond was another set of descending stairs, if he could simply get there he would be out of sight of the little white demon. The only issue... The damn thing was facing in that exact direction. Out running it was probably out of the question as well due to the difference in level.

Reeon bid his time for quite a while before coming to the conclusion that the demon rabbit was not going to make a move. The ruby stained snow had a grip on it. This however gave Reeon an idea. One he himself didn't really like...

Revealing himself from behind the remains of a half broken ivory pillar. Standing tall. The beast however did not react, still to focused on the blood.

In a burst of speed Reeon dashed at the demon rabbit yet again from behind. Halberd already drawn. Its tall albino ears twitched as its head snapped around at an unnatural angle and speed, producing a sickening crack. The display frankly, unnerved Reeon for a moment. Making him hesitate in his assault. Attacking the thing head on after all, was suicide. 

Regaining his composure just in time, Reeon dives to the side of the beast. Not quick enough. The little white demon was already mid leap. Somehow free flowing as a white slush, allowing it to rotate and reorient its entire body in mid air. Planting a powerful hindleg kick into Reeon's chest. If he wasn't a new player and actually subject to item durability his thin iron breast plate would have definitely been destroyed. 

The kick while fluid and graceful was also quite devastating, sending Reeon flying about 12 meters. His body crumpled into a ball as he landed and tumbled before coming to a rest in the snow. His strength was leaking out with his blood, all limbs but the arm that held Midnight were mangled and twisted. He coughed a copper tasting mass, and let out a shallow cold breath. The beast slowly hopping towards his broken frame. 

Slowly... Approaching...

The virtual pain had mostly subsided in Reeon now. It seems that the pain of damage in EC isn't very long lasting. But what was truly agonizing was the wait. Its like the creature was mocking him. Almost flexing its superiority. Reeon cursed under his breath.

'The damn thing sure is taking its sweet time to finish me off'

Just as the beast reached Reeon's head, he mustered all his strength and thrust his ebony weapon at the thing. The tip of the spear point colliding with the monsters small skull and deflecting off into the snow. A hit! To be more accurate a scratch but he was pleased all the same with his small act of defiance. Reeon caught a glimpse of a tiny life bar shed 2 points... out of 350... 

What came next was to swift for Reeon to catch. The only thing he saw was the and menu appear before him again.

"A pitiful amount." Reeon thought aloud. Already floating in the infinite void for the 2 second time today.

"Oh well, my plan should have worked." He said confidently.

Quickly mashing the menu.

"Wake up my child. Regain your lost light and..." The Voice said before being interrupted

"Yeah, yeah fight blah blah profaned war." Reeon Mocked.

Dashing out of his tomb once again and down the steps almost gliding into the clearing and behind a pillar once again. The beast was obviously still there but now facing away from his original stain and now at the new one. Sniffing and inspecting its edges.

He was right! Monsters seem to be attracted to his blood stains. The stairs down were free to be descended. Just as he reached the landing of the stairs he turned back to look at the beast.

It was a real bastard. Reeon could almost feel that the thing was truly looking down on him. Either way he was free of it now. As he took his first step down, he froze. Turning his head to looked at the beast again. It never even turned to look at him. Almost like he wasn't worth remembering. Only his blood, the symbol of his death or maybe better said the rabbit's triumph was important to the little demon. Or at least that's how Reeon took it.

For some reason this act of disregard lit a flame in Reeon. He had been a petty little person for as long as he can remember. His legs ached, as he turned around to face the beast. He would kill this disrespectful little bastard no matter how long it took. He would be abandoning his successful plan.

He drew the Midnight from his back yet again and charged at the beast for the third time.