Chapter 4: 49 Failures

Reeon's eyes were closed, arms crossed behind his head. His posture was all but relaxed.

After taking several calming breaths he opened his eyes. There was a cold logic in them now. The final sensations of pain fading from his body. 

The endless void of the Nirvana 2's game over screen was quite familiar to him now. In the endless expanse he could occasionally catch glimpses of streaks of green light dancing far in the distance. Buzzing around in bizarre patterns before diving into the abyss far below his feet.

"That little shit... This makes 48, or was it 49?"

Reeon had spent the past few hours attempting various assaults on what he had then come to call the Snow Devil, affectionately nicknaming it "Snowy".

"I'm sure that last time he round house kicked my head off. Is it going for style points?" Reeon groaned and pressed the menu option, he was all but intimate with it.

Even the righteous booming voice and jet black coffin were a familiar sight, almost cozy. 

If it wasn't for what Reeon noticed during his 8th attempt he probably would have gone back to his original plan. It was his second successful strike on the Snow devil. A pitiful swipe that barely connected in the first place but revealed something valuable. "346/350" Any damage previously inflicted seemed to persist after death!

The only thing driving him to not quit like he usually did with things that didn't go his way was the one sided rivalry he cultivated with this Snow devil. Reeon's burning rage could probably heat the entire mountain. 

The Devil's propensity to "ogle" his scarlet remains gave Reeon essentially a sneaking advantage, as with every new attempt the beast began the fight distracted.

It didn't matter much though. If Reeon got to close or made to much noise the Devil's higher perception would instantly pick up on it. Only really useful for plotting his attack and bracing for the pain of an eventual, sometimes quick death. But he was learning...

He had begun to even memorize some of its attack patterns. Or maybe better said, hunting patterns?

His overall game knowledge and skill was steadily increasing as well. Snowy was fast, blindly so. But it was possible to thread the needle perfectly and avoid its deadly malleable kicks. Easier said than done but possible. The countless battles etching valuable muscle memory into Reeon's very core.

The battles progressed into something of a choregraphed dance.

Reeon would hold his breath and take a large leap into the clearing at the Devil. Without the sound of snow crunching to betray his attack the beast's advanced perception was mostly negated. He would have to get extremely close for the devil to look away from its crimson day dream.

A wide swing with the axe blade of his Midnight would be to slow, so every fight began now with a mighty thrust from the air. This silent attack would usually result in a free hit for Reeon. And until about their 19th struggle, this was usually as far as Reeon was able to get. The Devil had a special advantage of its own after all.

Its body was made entirely of a fluid ice. Able to freely shape, contort and manipulate its form at will and with incredible speed. The only thing that couldn't change was the Snow devil's burning red eyes. They would flow through and around its slush like body, never breaking their piercing gaze. 

After Reeon's first covert strike, the Snow devil would usually snap itself into position for either a deadly lunge or a whip like hindleg kick.

Reeon learned that if it was the lunge, it was more efficient to simply dodge. It was much more akin to a battering ram than a head butt. The kick however proved faster and more unpredictable. The Devil's small amorphous shape could produce a powerful strike that even stretched quite a distance. This is why it was better to attempt some kind of block in that event.

The fight would become mostly unpredictable after that. Sometimes Reeon could land an additional attack or two and others he would be instantly eviscerated. The fight was grueling.

His lack of a penalty on item durability was a secret weapon of sorts. In EC after a player reaches level 10 and reawakens their Wings, items gain a durability value depending on its rarity. An item with decreased durability would eventually reach the "broken" state where its effectiveness would become questionable. A player death would also incur a penalty on all items currently equipped.

Until he reaches that milestone though his weapons and items could suffer all the abuse he subjected them to. Including Snowy's kicks, which could have easily shattered Reeon's Midnight.

The grey sun was now setting below the horizon. Its golden light fleeting. When Reeon exited his grave it was already well past dusk. The 2 had fought the day away. But it was definitely worth it in the end. The white terror only had 20HP left, a slow death by a thousand cuts.

As he descended the exactly 84 steps. Yes he counted. Reeon couldn't help but think that this time was different.

Walking into the clearing once again. Reeon locked eyes on his target. Still Mesmerized on his blood, back turned.

Reeon licked his lips.

Reeon leapt at the Snow devil with an intensity. Pulling his Midnight back and thrusting down at the Snow devil with both arms. Like always the black tip of his halberd connects with the back of the Devils nape just as its ears perked up. "18/350" 

The Midnight glances off the beast's alabaster fur and deep into the snow.

Reeon's level was far to inadequate to actually do any damage to the thing. Any attack from his Midnight would be deflected by the Devils naturally high defense stats. However his attacks still produced a damage value, every strike counted.

Snowy's tiny body contoured to face Reeon almost instantly. The noise of cracking and snapping ice reminded him of bones breaking. Something Reeon didn't like to remember...

By turning around Reeon knew the Snow devil was attempting a lunge. Its head already tucked into its chest and ears bent back. This was the best start he could ask for.

Using the midnight still dug in the snow as a vaulting stick Reeon throws himself over the fatal headbutt. Both bitter rivals sliding a distance away from each other. Reeon whips around to catch a glimpse of his albino adversary.

The snow devil was faster... Already lunging at Reeon again. Its tiny frame kicking up a mound of snow and ice.

'Back to back headbutts? You must not think highly of me.'

Reeon side steps the lethal lunge. Feeling the cold air rush past along with the beast. 

Thrusting with his ebony halberd yet again as the Devil zoomed past rewarded him another hit!


He could do it! He could win.

Reeon's legs began to ache again.