The smell of gunpowder and the electric hum of machinery mingled in the air of the laboratory. It was into this chaotic sanctuary of science that Sapphire made her entrance, sheets of notes in hand, in search of that elusive component that would complete her latest experiment. She raised her gaze, which until then had been dancing between calculations and diagrams, to discover the presence of Kyran and Claudius , and not far from them, two figures interacting with the CRRAs, high-tech devices that were rarely seen in use.
Intrigued, Sapphire couldn't contain herself: —What's going on here?— Her tone, tinged with genuine curiosity, broke the usual silence of the laboratory.
Kyran , with a stern expression, snapped at her bluntly: —It's nothing that concerns you.— There was a hint of irritation in his voice, as if Sapphire 's mere presence at that moment was an intrusion.
Outraged, Sapphire exclaimed, —You brought two strangers into the castle!— Her surprise quickly turned to reproach, —¿and you think I don't care?—
It was Claudius who intervened, his voice calm and measured, like the eye of the storm: —Actually, they are not strangers. This is Mina, and the girl... we don't know yet.
We rescued them; apparently Belial was holding them both prisoner.
With a wry glint in her eyes, Safiro didn't miss the opportunity to jab: —Ok. So, ¿is she the one who kicked your ass and your heart 28 years ago?— A mocking smile graced her face.
Kyran burst out. — ¡Sapphire !— His shout echoed between the walls of the laboratory. —When you want to be hateful, you are, unbearable.— Anger was drawn in each word, while Claudius , in an act of peace, stood between them, preventing the argument from escalating further.
—Stop fighting already. Sapphire , ¿couldn't you say something better? Claudius pleaded , trying to calm things down.
Agreeing, but still with a hint of defiance, Safiro approached the CRRA module where the girl was and, in a tone that bordered on provocation, asked, —¿Are you sure she's not your daughter?
Kyran replied , visibly annoyed, avoiding Safiro 's inquisitive gaze .
— Don't underestimate your words, Kyran . You may have to eat them— Safiro warned , observing the girl closely. —I see the Whittaker blood signature here, and I assume you are a Whittaker, ¿am I not mistaken?
The tension was palpable, but between challenges and half-truths, something bigger was brewing in the air, a story that was just beginning to unfold.
Claudius , eyes wide with shock, couldn't hide his disbelief. —What are you saying?— he asked, turning to Kyran in search of an explanation, a denial, anything to disprove Sapphire 's words .
Kyran , with the composure of someone defending himself from an unexpected accusation, said: —I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have children with anyone.— His voice tried to be firm, but the doubt sown by Safiro had already begun to germinate.
Safiro , not missing the opportunity to delve deeper into the question, asked with a mixture of scientific curiosity and provocation: —¿How long were you with her that day, and how many times... during the day?
Kyran delved into his memories, reconstructing that day 28 years ago. While passion had consumed them on several occasions, the idea that Mina could have become pregnant seemed remote, especially considering the time that had passed. The girl was at least ten years old; the math just didn't add up.
—That's what I thought— said Safiro , anticipating Kyran 's conclusions —You're a scientist, but you forgot the most essential thing. This woman could have gotten pregnant, even if it was just for a day, but that doesn't mean that, with the technology we have today and the one we had 28 years ago, the fetus couldn't have been extracted to freeze it and, after a few years, started to grow it again. That was extremely easy at that time, and even more so now.
Sapphire continued, her piercing gaze fixed on Kyran . —Plus, there's the fact that she was, if I recall correctly, a slave. So it makes more sense that they did it that way. Her master didn't want any complications; he needed her intact for his missions. He must have removed the fetus and frozen it, thinking that if the mother ever died, he'd have someone just like her to follow in his footsteps.
Kyran was petrified, not so much by the theoretical possibility of the science behind Safiro 's claim , but by the cruel reality that Mina's master could have resorted to such extremes. He knew that cryogenics and embryonic development techniques were possible and practiced, but he had never considered that they would be applied in this context, with people he knew, and for such dark reasons.
Sapphire 's revelation not only raised questions about the ethical boundaries of science and technology, but also about Kyran and Mina's past, and the uncertain future of a child who unwittingly found herself at the center of a complex web of decisions made long before her birth.
Kyran , with a mix of resignation and hope, admitted, —You may be right.— His words carried the weight of a possible uncomfortable truth, a secret that could change everything. — Still , I don't want anyone to know yet, and if you could keep the secret, I would appreciate it.
Safiro frowned, her mind roiled by internal conflicts beyond the scientific dilemma. —It's going to be a bit difficult to keep it,— she replied, her voice tinged with frustration. —It's not just me who comes in here. Remember, there's more than one scientist in the family. I won't say it, but I don't know.
He couldn't tell us anything about the other members of the family, let alone our father . His annoyance was palpable, not at what Kyran had done, but at the complexity of his own emotions. The possibility that his father might further favor Kyran over him fanned old flames of rivalry and resentment.
Kyran understood Sapphire 's dilemma ; it was a reminder of the complicated family dynamics that were often overshadowed by their adventures and scientific discoveries.
—Well, we'll have to wait and see what happens— Claudius interceded , always the mediator. —If someone comes and sees them, it will still be known, but we must be prepared to see what we tell the family— His calm voice tried to build a bridge over the turbulent waters of uncertainty and family secrets.
—If you are right,— Kyran conceded, knowing that ultimately the truth would have its own way, regardless of his desires or fears.
Thus, amidst the tangle of secrets, science, and family ties, the conversation closed with a tacit agreement. Each knew that the days ahead would be full of challenges, not only on the scientific operating table, but in the delicate balances of a family united by more than just blood. The shadow of a secret might be heavy, but the light of truth sometimes reveals unexpected paths to reconciliation and understanding.
Safiro, sample firmly in hand, left the lab in silence, deep in thought. The revelation about Kyran promised to upset not only the balance of his scientific environment, but also the very fabric of his family relationships. In his mind, this turn of events placed Kyran at the epicenter of attention that, he feared, would further detract from his already dwindling closeness to his father. He imagined his father, now more than ever, pouring his time and effort into helping Kyran in whatever way was necessary, leaving him, once again, in the shadows.
Arriving at his own lab, he placed the sample on the table and sat down, lost in a sea of conjecture about the future. Loneliness enveloped him, thick and heavy, fueling his desperation to regain his father's attention. He longed for those simpler days, when he was younger, days filled with fluid conversations and without Kyran's ever-present shadow. Back then, he felt more connected, more visible in his father's eyes.
Sitting there in the stillness of his personal sanctuary of science and thought, emotion overcame him. Tears began to flow, marking the path of a deep sadness he had tried to keep at bay.
He wept bitterly, not out of envy towards Kyran's achievements or position, but for the loss of a relationship that, in his heart, he deeply longed to restore. His grief was that of a son who, despite his own successes and discoveries, felt overshadowed, longing to return to those days where his brother's presence was not a wall between him and his father.
This moment of vulnerability, while lonely and painful, was also a turning point. It was a recognition of her own desires, fears, and hopes. From this recognition, perhaps, she could begin to seek new ways of connecting, not only with her father but with Kyran , recognizing that love and care are not limited resources, but can grow and evolve, just like her scientific experiments and theories. Deep down, beyond the pain and uncertainty, Safiro knew that the real experiment was finding a way to reweave the bonds of family, transforming them into something stronger and more resilient than ever.
—Well, we'll have to leave them here to restore,— Claudius said in a serious tone. —It will take a few hours for that to happen.
— You better go, Claudius . I'll stay here until everything is ready and they can leave the CRRA. You need to rest so you can go to training tomorrow— Kyran suggested , showing his concern for his brother's well-being.
Claudius replied , reminding Kyran of his own responsibilities.
Kyran admitted , with a mix of resignation and commitment. —And I'll be there on time, don't worry.
Claudius offered , before leaving.
Kyran assured , dismissing his brother with a glance as he stared at the CRRA. He bit his thumb, deep in thought on how he would explain this whole situation to his father and family. What worried him most was the child; Sapphire had mentioned the Whittaker signature on her. If she was his daughter, why had Mina not contacted him? This urgent question consumed him, fervently wishing Mina would wake up to clear his doubts. He decided to sit and wait for the CRRA to finish restoring Mina's body and the child, knowing there was nothing else he could do at the moment.
Four hours later, the two CRRAs stopped and the steel-reinforced glass doors opened to allow their occupants to exit. Kyran , who had fallen asleep, woke up to the buzzing sound that signaled the end of the recovery session. Mina and the girl also woke up and sat up.
— ¿Where am I? — Mina asked, confused. When she turned around, she saw Kyran .
Kyran replied , trying to offer some reassurance. —Whittaker Castle.— Mina left the CRRA and went to find her daughter, carrying her out of there in her arms. The girl didn't say anything, she just watched everything with curiosity.
—I appreciate that,— Mina said, bowing her head.
Kyran was surprised by Mina's reaction. Did she not remember him after all these years?
—I'm sorry,— he began, searching for the right words to continue. —Mina, it's me, Kyran . ¿Don't you remember me?— His voice was a mix of hope and apprehension, as he tried to reconnect with someone who had been a part of his past.
— I don't know who you are, but I don't think you're the real Kyran , Mina said, her voice heavy with distrust as she scanned the room for an escape route.
Kyran interjected , approaching cautiously. Mina instinctively tried to put distance between them, protecting the girl clinging to her waist. —Don't come any closer,— Mina warned firmly. —I may not have a weapon, but I can kill you with my bare hands, or at least hurt you.
Kyran said , trying to remain calm. —You think you're still in Belial 's dungeon , but I'm not him. I'm Kyran ,— he tried to reason, searching for a glint of recognition in Mina's eyes.
—I don't believe you,— Mina replied, moving towards the door in an attempt to escape. Just then, the door opened, and Claudius entered, discovering the scene.
— Claudius , I'm glad you've arrived— Kyran said , relieved by his presence.
Claudius replied , observing the tense situation. —I see our guests have already recovered.
— Claudius , explain to her. She thinks she's still in Belial 's dungeon — Kyran requested.
— Okay — Claudius nodded , approaching carefully — Mina, try to calm down. We, Kyran and I, are not your enemies. We found you on a desert planet, chained in a cave.
Mina, still on guard, extended her arms in a defensive gesture. —Stand back,— she demanded.
—I'm sorry, Mina,— Claudius said , an apology in his voice. He placed his hands on Mina's head, using his power to clear her mind, undoing the false images implanted by Belial . Once Claudius finished, he stepped away. —Now you'll be able to understand everything without any problems.—
Kyran asked , concerned about the intervention.
—I just removed the illusion Belial had placed in his mind. He saw demons instead of us— Claudius explained.
Once Mina recovered from the process, her vision cleared, allowing her to see Kyran and Claudius as they were. Claudius repeated the process with the girl, ensuring that she could also see reality without distortion. This act of care and clarity marked the beginning of a new understanding, as the light of truth dispelled the shadows of deception and fear, offering a ray of hope in the darkness of the past.
Kyran , surprised and touched by Mina's hug, answered her question. —Yes, I'm alive, but ¿what exactly do you mean?
Mina, with a mixture of relief and sadness, revealed, —I was told you were dead. That horrible man, Belial , had us imprisoned.
Kyran , feeling a surge of anger, said, — Belial … if he said that to you, it was to hurt you and break your spirit. That's what he likes, and it works for him to feed off of negative emotions.
—The important thing is that you're okay,— Mina said, trying to overcome the painful memories.
Kyran , eager to understand everything that had happened, requested, —I want you to tell us, above all. ¿How did you get there? ¿Wasn't your master General Sox Ruleci ? And most importantly, I want you to tell me about that girl. ¿How does she have my signature?
—I know it's been many years and you don't know everything that's happened to me,— Mina began, stepping back to look at Claudius , who was holding the little girl in his arms. —I have many things to tell you.
—Start at the beginning. It will be easier for everyone to understand— Kyran suggested , preparing to listen to her story.
— Well,— Mina said, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. —When we last met, I continued with my work. After a few months, I started to feel sick and Sox Ruleci sent me for a check-up. There they discovered that I was pregnant. When Sox found out, he had me operated on to remove her from my womb and froze her. After a few years, he decided it was time for the fetus to be born, thinking that this way I would have someone else to follow in my footsteps if something happened to me. But when the girl was already big and a week after being alive, he started teaching her the same things he taught me. Only the girl started to show special powers, especially when something didn't like or bothered her. Sox noticed this and wanted to use her. I tried to get him to leave her alone, but there wasn't much I could do. So one night I decided it was time to escape and I got her out of there. We've been on the run ever since, seven years ago, so that Sox Ruleci wouldn't catch us.
The room fell silent for a moment, processing Mina's story. Claudius , seeking to fill the gap, asked, —But how did you end up with Belial ?— The question hung in the air, one more piece of the complex puzzle they still needed to complete.
— While we were walking down a street on the planet Voranthia , I saw Sox Ruleci , and he saw me too. He had his men chase us, and when we reached a dead end, they already had us trapped, with no escape. Suddenly, a smoke appeared that formed from that man, Belial , and he killed everyone except us. He said he was looking for me, and I couldn't resist; he took us to that place. He knew about the girl and her powers, and he also knew that she was your daughter. He said he would use her, but he never explained why. He only insisted that you were dead— Mina recounted, unraveling the way they had fallen into Belial 's hands.
Claudius , reflecting on Belial 's tactics , offered his perspective: —He made you believe that so that you would give in to despair and thus weaken you. It's the way he kills people. The problem will be, now that the girl has the family's powers, she will have to be taken care of even more and educated about those powers. We will have to find out exactly what they are and talk to the family, and to our father, about it.
—Yes, we must speak to our father about this event— Kyran agreed , visibly shaken by the magnitude of what had been revealed. He now had a daughter, and most surprisingly of all, a daughter with powers. —Not only do I have my beloved Mina at my side, but also a daughter I didn't know about.
Mina added details about the girl's powers: —She can create images that even act or can be touched; I think she does it without realizing it. That's one of her powers. Sometimes she makes things fly or explode. Only once she did something more drastic, when a man tried to kill me. She saw it and it made her heart explode.
This new discovery about the girl added a layer of complexity to the already intricate situation. The existence of a daughter with extraordinary abilities, inherited from the family line, implied an immense responsibility. It was not only about protecting her from those who might want to exploit her powers, but also teaching her to understand and control those abilities, so that she could grow up in a safe and loving environment. The pending conversation with her father about these events promised to be revealing, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the family's life.
—Moreover, it is still important to teach her to use her powers properly— Claudius emphasized , aware of the importance of guiding the girl in the responsible and controlled use of her abilities. —It is better that we get out of here. We will go to the library and there we will meet with our father to inform him about Mina and her daughter, that we found them. It is the safest thing to do. Perhaps your daughter has taken us to that place specifically to get them out of there— Claudius suggested , addressing both Kyran and Mina, raising the possibility that fate played a role in their meeting.
—The important thing is that Mina is here now,— Kyran said , filled with emotion and relief. Looking at Mina, he tenderly caressed her cheek, a gesture full of affection and promise. —And now I won't let anyone take her from me.
This moment marked not only the reunion of two souls destined to be together, but also the beginning of a new stage in their lives. The presence of their daughter, a girl with extraordinary powers, brought with it challenges and responsibilities, but also the hope of a future in which they could face any adversity as a united family.
With plans to head to the library for a crucial family meeting, the trio prepared to face whatever came next together, armed with love and determination to protect and educate the next generation. The conversation with their father would be decisive, a necessary step to secure the support and guidance they would need in the days ahead.