At the heart of Whittaker Castle, where history whispered from every stone and tapestry, lay the library, a majestic room bathed in golden sunlight that filtered through wide windows, drawing luminous patterns upon the floor and the countless relics of knowledge. It was in this sanctuary of knowledge and light that Kyran , Mina, a sparkling-eyed girl, and Claudius awaited, shrouded in an aura of expectation and mystery, the arrival of Terry, the family patriarch.


The door opened with a delicacy that contrasted with Terry's urgency, whose figure briefly outlined itself against the light outside before entering the library. —I'm deeply sorry for my delay,— he began, his voice a river of apologies and explanations. A whirlwind of enthusiastic fans stopped my march.


—¿Is everyone okay?— Concern colored Claudius' words, seeking confirmation from his father's face.


Terry, with the serenity of someone who has returned safely from an unexpected trip, assured, —We are fine.— The situation was calmed down with a few well-chosen words.


I see you've finally found Mina — His comment was followed by Terry's gesture, who, following the protocol of a courtesy from another time, kissed Mina's hand, an act of respect and recognition.


—And ¿who is this little girl with us?— Terry asked, his interest captured by the young book explorer accompanying them.


Kyran , eager to share the implausibility of his tale, interrupted any distraction. —Father, we have before us a story that defies reason. I ask you to sit down, for what we have experienced seems taken from the pages of the books that surround us.


him between its cushions, like a throne arranged for the occasion; Kyran and Claudius , in chairs that seemed to await his confidences; Mina, on a futon that enveloped her gently, and the girl, whose curiosity led her from book to book, as if each cover were a promise of endless adventures.


With daylight as a witness, Claudius unraveled the thread of his narrative. —Father, last night, under the starry blanket that barely hinted at the mysteries to be revealed, Kyran and I found ourselves on an unexpected threshold. A discotheque, a stage for trivialities, became the prelude to a journey into the unknown.

The vision of Mina escaping from that place led us to a portal, a vortex towards an alien world. There, in a parallel reality to the stories that inhabit this library, we find Mina and the girl, prisoners of Belial .


As the words flowed out, revealing the maze of his odyssey, Terry watched, his expression a lake of serenity that belied the underlying currents of surprise and worry. His arms, folded across his lap, were the only sign of the inner storm that was roiling him, as his loved ones revealed to him a chapter of a story yet to be concluded, under the luminous veil of the sun streaming through the windows, silent witness to the unimaginable.


Kyran spoke again, his voice weaving the continuity of his incredible narrative. —We managed to rescue them and now they are here, safe with us,— he announced, as his arm went around Mina, drawing her to him in a protective and loving gesture. With a smile that reflected both love and relief, he urged her, —Now, my love, it would be good if you shared with my father what you have told Claudius and me.


Mina, her gaze brimming with affection for Kyran, turned to Terry. The serenity and affection in her eyes gave way to determination as she began her story. —The last time we met, Kyran , I was in a very complicated situation. I was practically a slave of Sox Ruleci, fulfilling missions at his command.

 However, as the months went by, something in me began to change...— explained Mina, going into the details of her story, sharing with Terry the same confidences that she had previously revealed to Kyran and Claudius .


A question popped into Terry's mind, and he quickly asked, —So, ¿the girl is Kyran 's daughter ?— His voice revealed both surprise and eager curiosity.


Mina nodded, her statement carrying immense emotional weight. —Yes, but there are aspects of her I cannot understand, things that Kyran believes you might be able to help unravel.


Kyran then intervened, the certainty in his tone unwavering. —She has inherited the family powers,— he stated, as if this fact explained so much and at the same time opened up a range of mysteries to be solved.


Terry, whose experience with the unexpected seemed vast, could not hide his astonishment, though there was also a spark of understanding in his expression. —¡Ah! That makes sense. After all, you received your powers that way too, he said, addressing Kyran . His gaze fell on the girl, a gleam of anticipation in his eyes—Which leads us to wonder what abilities he has inherited exactly.


The dialogue, full of revelations and expectations, wove a web of family stories, ancestral powers and the promise of future discoveries. The daylight filtering through the library's wide windows seemed to give each word its own weight and luminosity, framing the moment with the magic of the surroundings and the depth of the bonds that were intertwined there.


—He moves things,— Mina began, her voice tinged with wonder and pride. —He can also create fire and project images so real that one can touch them, among other abilities that he has not yet shown, but I suspect are there, latent. So far, that is all he has manifested, despite his young age.


Terry took in the information with a serenity that bordered on the supernatural, having barely processed these words when Ætheris made her appearance, as if summoned by the magnitude of the moment.


Kyran , surprised but clearly relieved by the teacher's arrival, quickly stood up. — Ætheris,— he greeted, with reverent respect. —I'm so glad you've arrived. I wanted to introduce you to…


—I am aware— Ætheris interrupted softly, her presence imposing a calm respect—This child bears the mark of the Whittaker family, the sign that she will continue your legacy— She approached the girl, whose appearance was a mirror of their combined lineages: fair skin, vibrant green eyes inherited from her mother and light brown hair that evoked the image of her father—¿What is her name?— she asked with genuine interest.


—Her name is Zara,— Mina replied, her tone mixing tenderness and slight concern. —But she speaks very little, almost not at all. She communicates mostly through telepathy.


—It's fascinating that she prefers silence,— Ætheris commented , her gaze hinting at both curiosity and understanding. —Alright, I'll talk to her.— With a gesture as old as time, she extended her palm towards Agnes. The girl intuitively placed her small hand on Ætheris's , and an invisible yet palpable current of energy began to flow between them. A smile lit up Zara's face, mirrored on Ætheris 's countenance , as they began their non-verbal conversation, an exchange filled with nuance and deep understanding.


The room was filled with a respectful silence, everyone present watching the exchange, marveling at the mystical connection that was made.

unfolded before her eyes. It was a moment of revelation, a hint that Zara would not only inherit her family's powers, but would also take their legacy to new and unknown horizons.


—So ¿your name is Zara? — Ætheris initiated the telepathic communication, to which Zara responded affirmatively with a gentle nod —And ¿what would you think if I told you that both your father and your grandfather are here, in this very library?


Surprise flashed across the girl's eyes, which opened wide upon hearing this; her finger pointed towards Terry.


—Yes, he is your grandfather— Ætheris confirmed sweetly—and the young man standing next to your mother, he is your father, his name is Kyran .


Zara turned her gaze towards Kyran , studying him carefully, then turned her eyes towards Ætheris. —There is no reason to fear, you are among your family, and now you will remain together forever.— The girl gave a smile to Ætheris , who then stood up, having been on his knees to be at Zara's height.


—Zara— has enormous potential, comparable to Kyran 's. It will be essential to guide her in the management of her abilities— declared Ætheris, resuming his position among the adults.


—¿What exactly are Zara's powers? — Terry asked, intrigued.


—Telekinesis, telepathy, disintegration, and mental and reality manipulation. In some ways, he surpasses even your father and yourself. His skills may not be as advanced in certain fields now, but we expect them to develop over time. It will be crucial to monitor his progress and gradually teach him to control his powers,— Ætheris explained with a seriousness that underlined the importance of the task.


Terry nodded, processing the information. —Even though she doesn't communicate through speech, it's essential to integrate her into an educational environment. Attending a school will allow her to acquire more skills and knowledge.—


The conversation turned into a tacit agreement of protection and teaching, a joint commitment to support Zara in her growth and in the mastery of her extraordinary abilities. The light that flooded the library seemed to take on a new meaning, symbolizing the beginning of a path full of learning, discovery and, above all, family love.


—It is a matter of adaptation— confirmed Ætheris in a voice that conveyed both understanding and hope. —His silence does not come from inability, but from fear. He chooses silence as a refuge, believing that this way he will avoid further danger. He has lived on the edge of situations that have deeply marked his way of being.


Claudius murmured , his voice tinged with empathy and determination. —Here, among us, she will find the support, love, and protection she needs. I am sure that, in time, and with our help, she will begin to speak.


—The first step is to secure the formal union of the parents. Kyran, you should legally marry Mina. Then you can officially recognize your daughter. Then, we will give Zara a sabbatical year, so she can adjust and feel secure. Next year, she will be ready to start school. This year will be crucial to build an environment of stability for her— Ætheris outlined the plan precisely.


Kyran , moved by the conversation, expressed his desire to formalize his relationship with Mina in the most romantic context possible —I want to do it right, propose to Mina like I always dreamed of.


—So , organize the proposal. And once they are ready, they will let us know to plan the wedding. I am sure your mother will be enthusiastically involved in the preparations—said Terry, anticipating the joy and excitement that such an event would unleash within the Whittaker family.


Claudius smiled, imagining the scene: —The women of the family will be immersed in the preparations, and Grandma will, of course, be running the show.—


Terry, aware of the Whittaker women's energetic nature, shared a knowing smile with Claudius , visualising the family bustle to come.


Returning to the topic at hand, Terry asked Ætheris about the start of Zara's training. —¿When will you begin teaching her?


—We can start tomorrow, if you want,— Ætheris suggested , always willing.


Kyran agreed , thinking of Zara's well-being and development. —This way she will learn to control her powers more effectively.


— Then, tomorrow will be the day — concluded Ætheris , looking at Zara, who, with a simple smile, confirmed her willingness to learn and grow under the tutelage of her new teacher.


This exchange not only marked the beginning of a new chapter in Zara's life, but also the strengthening of family ties, united by love, protection and the commitment to support each other in the discovery and mastery of their destinies.