Safiro 's absence had left an indelible mark on the hearts of her family. Although Ashtar had shared with everyone the reason behind her departure, the knowledge of her motives did not make the weight of her absence any lighter. In the close bond that had always characterized their clan, the loss of one of its members felt like an open wound, a constant reminder of what they had lost.
Safiro's father, his son's departure was particularly devastating. The helplessness of not being able to stop him, of not having the chance to try to convince him to stay or at least to say goodbye properly, was a shadow that haunted him relentlessly. He would have given anything to let Safiro know how much he loved him, no matter what darkness he was struggling with. The absence of that goodbye resonated with him with an echo of regret and longing.
Safiro 's laboratory remained intact, like a sanctuary preserved in time. No one had dared to alter its state, leaving it exactly as he had left it. It was as if, somehow, keeping his workspace intact could preserve a bond with Safiro , a hope silent that, one day, things could go back to the way they were. The lab became a sacred space, a physical reminder of Safiro and the internal struggle that had driven him away.
The family, while understanding and respecting his decision, could not help but feel the void left by his absence. Every object Safiro had touched, every project he had worked on, became a talisman of his memory, a silent promise to keep him present in their hearts until the day when, hopefully, he decided to return.
Meanwhile, Safiro , far away on Zephyra , continued her personal battle, oblivious to the emotional impact her departure had had on her family. The physical distance between them was a chasm that, for the moment, neither knew how to cross. But on both sides of that chasm, love and hope persisted, tenuous threads that, despite everything, kept the family united in spirit, if not in presence.
Sapphire 's struggle against Belial 's influence was a daily battle, fought both on the battlefield of her mind and in the solitude of her refuge on Zephyra . Each night, Belial 's siege intensified, his malevolent voices piercing the silence with destructive commands and cruel reminders of his purpose as a weapon against those he loved most.
— Get out of my head, demon! — Safiro found himself screaming in the darkness, his voice a beacon of desperation and defiance against the dark tide that sought to sweep him away. — I will not do what you say! I will not harm my family! I will fight with all my might to defeat you! — These words, although spoken in the emptiness of his room, were the mantra that kept him anchored, the promise he made to himself night after night.
Belial 's laughter , however, was a constant reminder of the magnitude of her challenge. It echoed in her head, cruel and mocking, a dark cacophony that sought to break her will. But every laugh, every taunt, only served to strengthen Safiro 's resolve . This was not just a battle for her own soul; it was a fight for the safety and well-being of her family, for everything Belial wished to destroy.
This nightly showdown was the scene of a war of wills, where every victory Sapphire won, no matter how small, was a step toward his freedom from Belial 's grasp . Though the battles left him exhausted, weakened both physically and emotionally, Sapphire knew he could not give in. The stakes were too high.
In those moments of struggle, Safiro often found a strength she didn't know she had. She thought of her family, of the moments they shared, of the love and protection they had always given each other.
each other. It was these memories, these unbreakable bonds, that gave her the power to face another night, to get up again and again, despite the pain and the fear.
And so, between defiant cries and the steely determination of an indomitable spirit, Sapphire continued his fight. With each dawn, despite the exhaustion and invisible scars that the battle left him, he clung to the hope that one day he would succeed in defeating Belial , that he could return to his family not as a threat, but as the son, the brother, the loved one that he had always been. It was this hope, more than anything, that kept him fighting, the light that guided his way through the darkness.
As two moons had passed since Sapphire left Whittaker Castle, a crucial event unfolded without her presence: the marriage of her brother Kyran to the beloved Mina, the only serious love in his life. Although Sapphire harbored a dark part that hated Kyran , another part sincerely wished him the happiness he himself had not found.
The shadows of the night entangled the halls of the castle, and Sapphire longed for his uncle's advice and his father's embrace. However, he would not allow himself to succumb to his own desires. He knew that if he returned to the castle, Belial would use him as a weapon against his own family, and that would be the end of everything.
One early Thursday morning, Terry was caught in the grip of a nightmare. In his dream, he saw his son Sapphire lying on the ground, inert. Beside him, Belial loomed, a sinister figure, laughing malevolently. Terry took his son's body and wept bitterly. Zahori, desperate, tried to wake him up.
—¡No! ¡No! ¡No! — Terry cried, as Zahori shook him. — ¡Wake up, Terry! It's just a dream, a nightmare. Open your eyes.
Darkness enveloped Terry in his nightmare, and amidst the blackness, he heard Zahori 's voice . It was a whisper, an echo seeping in from some unreachable corner. But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't wake up. The darkness seemed to have him trapped in its grip, as if Belial himself had woven him into a twisted dream.
In his mind, Zahori was screaming, —Wake up, Terry! It's just a dream, a nightmare. Open your eyes.— But the words weren't reaching his body. He felt like he was trapped in an endless abyss, where reality and nightmare intertwined.
Then, she remembered. Ætheris , her mentor, had taught her a technique to confront dreams manipulated by Belial . With determination, she channeled her inner power. The room lit up, and finally, she managed to open her eyes. Her heart still beat with fear, but the light had overcome the shadows.
Zahori stood by her side, worried. —¿What were you dreaming about?— she asked, stroking her head tenderly.
—I was dreaming that Belial killed Sapphire and I couldn't help him,— Terry replied, his heart heavy. —I think it's time to go find him. He's never left our side, and it's eating him up inside. Even if he fights Belial , the darkness that surrounds him won't give in easily. I feel like he calls me every day, that he needs me, but he doesn't want to come back so he doesn't hurt us all. I know that,— he added, sitting on the bed. Zahori hugged him from behind, offering him the support he needed to calm his heart.
—I understand you, my love— Zahori said. —You must leave to find our son and help him. Only you can do it— He turned his face to give her a kiss on the lips. —Even so, I will not let you leave alone. We will both go to find our son.
Terry frowned, worried. —It's dangerous, my love. I can't allow you to come with me. Belial is not a man to be taken lightly.
Zahori held his gaze with determination. —I know he is not a reasonable man and that he is a danger. But I will not allow anything to happen to you or our son. I will not let that evil man harm you.
Terry smiled. —Honey, it's okay. We'll leave early tomorrow to go find him.
Zahori frowned, worried. —And ¿how will we know where he is?— she asked.
Terry nodded determinedly. — Sapphire still has his chip inside him. If I can't find him, I'll ask my brother Rodrick ; he knows well how to track him or determine his current location. But if all else fails, I'll scan his energy signature personally to find him,— he said.
Zahori looked at him fondly. —That sounds good to me,— she said. —Let's sleep so we'll be fresh tomorrow and be able to do the job well. Together we'll find our son.
The room fell into a silence filled with hope and worry. Terry and Zahori huddled together, sharing the weight of the search that awaited them at dawn.
In the beating heart of Caeloria, a city hidden in the twilight shadows of the distant planet Zephyra, Sapphire found a sanctuary, a refuge from the lurking clutches of her past. The city, a mosaic of light and shadow, became her home, a place where she could hide from Belial , the threat that he swore would never allow him to escape Zephyra . Though Sapphire managed to put distance between himself and his family, to protect them from any harm Belial could inflict, each night, like a dark omen, Belial would come to torment him in the privacy of his room, a reminder
that though far away, he would never be free.
As dawn broke, in a home filled with worry and determination, Terry and his wife Zahori embarked on a mission fraught with hope and fear. Together, with the diligence of those facing the unknown, they packed their backpacks, filling them not only with essential provisions but also with the resolve to find their son. As Zahori went to prepare the craft, it was at that moment that Marcus burst onto the scene, his curiosity piqued by the unusual activity.
—¿Where are you going? —Marcus asked, his voice tinged with intrigue and concern.
At the question, Terry paused, hands still on the open backpack, and turned to face Marcus. His gaze, a reflection of the storm of emotions raging through him, softened as he spoke. —I have to go find my son.— His voice, though firm, carried the vulnerability of a father driven by unwavering love for his son.
The answer rang through the air, laden with immense weight, a testament to the odyssey they were about to embark on. In those morning preparations and in the interactions between them, not only was the concern and affection that wove the fabric of their family revealed, but also the courage and determination to face any adversity in their quest for reunification.
The tension in the room rose as Marcus, with a mix of surprise and concern, questioned Terry about the urgency of his departure. —And oes it have to be today?— he asked, alarmed, reminding Terry of his impending commitment to his congregation, where he would be expected to lead with his presence and words.
—I know I have that speech,— Terry replied calmly, his voice firm but filled with unwavering resolve. —But this is more important to me.— His statement left no room for doubt: the search for his son transcended any other duty. With a calm gesture, he handed Marcus a recording, a creative solution to fulfill his responsibilities while following the call of his heart.
Marcus, confused by the object, asked, —¿And this?
—That's my speech for today,— Terry explained, as he meticulously checked his backpack, making sure he didn't forget anything essential. —It's recorded. In the video I explain why I won't be with them for a few days, so they can stay calm and not cause trouble.
Terry's calm was almost disconcerting, but it crumbled as soon as Rodrick entered the room, accompanied by four guards. His very presence seemed to fill the space with a new wave of tension, as if the air had grown thicker.
Rodrick asked , his voice tinged with nervousness as he watched his brother clearly preparing to leave. His eyes scanned the scene, trying to quickly piece things together.
It was Marcus who broke the silence, explaining in a concise but direct manner. —Terry plans to go in search of Sapphire,— he said, which provoked an immediate reaction from Rodrick. Annoyance immediately appeared on his face.
—My nephew left to spare this family,— Rodrick snapped, his voice heavy with reproach. Terry's decision clearly irritated him deeply. —You can't go after him. He did all this to protect us.
Terry, who had remained calm until now, clenched his fists in frustration, tension building in his body. He turned to Rodrick , his eyes burning with a mixture of pain and determination.
—You won't understand that,— Terry replied in a firm tone, full of suppressed emotion. —You have no children, and I will not allow my son to continue to be tortured by Belial , or worse.
The silence that followed was heavy, Terry's every word echoing around the room. The decision was made, and Rodrick , for the first time in a long time, found himself speechless in the face of his brother's unwavering resolve.
Rodrick , though he had never had children of his own, deeply understood the concern for family and the struggle for survival. He recognized, with some bitterness, the reason behind Sapphire's departure, though the thought did not cease to unsettle him. His hands trembled slightly as he watched Terry, who continued to pack urgently. In an attempt to stop him, Rodrick extended a hand, as if to appeal to reason.
—Terry, you can't go through with this —he said in a deep voice, trying to sound convincing— I understand your fear, but this is crazy.
Terry paused, his hands still clenching the fabric of a half-packed garment. He turned slowly to his brother, his gaze firm and determined, something Rodrick had rarely seen in him.
—I understand your concern for me, Rodrick , I do. But as I told you —Terry paused, his voice vibrating with an intensity that reflected the weight of his decision— I will not let my son die in that process.
Rodrick swallowed, unable to find an immediate retort. Terry's statement was as forceful as it was unwavering. The determination of a father willing to do whatever was necessary. And at that moment, even though they shared the same blood, Rodrick understood that the decision was no longer in his hands.
In that exchange filled with tension, love, and determination, the depths of their family ties and the priorities each held were revealed. Terry, wrapped in the mantle of fatherhood, was willing to cross the confines of the universe for his son, while Rodrick and Marcus, from their own perspectives, struggled to understand and support, each in their own way, amid the gathering storm.
Rodrick , with a firmness that brooked no argument, made his position clear. His protection was not limited to blood ties; he was determined to accompany Terry on this dangerous quest, no matter the risk. His voice resonated with the determination of someone who had made an unshakeable decision. At this declaration, Terry felt a mix of emotions, finding himself at a crossroads. He knew his brother well. Rodrick was, in many ways, like a force of nature: unstoppable, determined and unafraid of danger. Resistance would be futile.
After a moment of reflection and silence, which seemed eternal, Terry finally nodded, accepting the inevitable.
—Okay,— he said with a sigh, —come with us.—
Rodrick , ever the pragmatist, got straight to the point. —¿Who else is going?— he asked, curiosity piqued, knowing it wouldn't just be the two of them.
Terry smiled slightly, knowing that the answer wouldn't surprise his brother. — Zahori said she was going with me,— he replied, a slight note of pride in his voice. —And you know she's just as stubborn as you when she gets something into her head.
Rodrick 's revelation changed the course of events with a single sentence. Terry, who until then had been assuming the worst, looked at him in disbelief, a mix of surprise and relief crossing his face.
—¿Do you know where he is?— Terry asked, his voice betraying the hope he was trying to keep in check.
Rodrick smiled, but there was a hint of complicity and a slight shadow of guilt in his expression. —I always knew,— he confessed. —Another thing is that I didn't report it. I learned that from you, dear brother.
Terry narrowed his eyes, recognizing the subtle jab. Discretion, keeping secrets to protect the family, was a tactic he himself had used on more than one occasion. And now, Rodrick was returning it with an irony that only brothers could share.
—Ok, I accept that slap on the wrist from you —Terry replied with a tired but sincere smile.
Rodrick nodded, satisfied with the answer, and without further ado, he took the next step. —I'll have the car ready,— he announced, bringing Terry out of his thoughts.
—Car?— Terry repeated, bewildered. He had been prepared for a mission that would take them to another planet, or even another solar system, but the idea of Sapphire being on the same planet, on another continent of Zephyra , was something he had never considered.
Rodrick, enjoying his brother's astonishment, crossed his arms in triumph. —¿Did you think he'd gone to another planet?— he joked, bringing out his most mocking tone. —No, he didn't go that far. Maybe it's because Belial keeps him close on purpose. He's on the other side of the planet, on the other continent.
The relief was palpable in Terry, but so was the newfound worry. If Sapphire hadn't left Zephyra , that meant Belial was even closer than they'd imagined, and his influence might be weaving invisible threads around them. Still , the mission no longer seemed as impossible as it once had. The cosmic uncertainty had been reduced to a long, but much more attainable, journey.
—Then there's no time to waste,— Terry said, regaining his composure. —Let's get him back before Belial makes things even more complicated.
Rodrick nodded, as the logistical machinery shifted into motion. The journey would be long, but with a new sense of urgency and hope, the group prepared to face whatever was necessary.
This new information not only eased the weight of worry that had been pressing down on their shoulders, but it also reaffirmed their resolve. What had once seemed like a mission that would take them across the vastness of space had now transformed into a journey across their own world, a challenge no less formidable, but certainly more tangible. With the ship traded for a car and the destination within the confines of Zephyra , Terry, Zahori , and Rodrick prepared to face the unknown together, armed with the strength of their will and the unbreakable bond of family.
Safiro 's location unleashed a wave of understanding and relief in Terry, who, absorbed in his thoughts, finally understood why his son's presence had seemed so close to him despite the distance. —That's why I felt his presence so close,— he murmured, still processing the news.
The conversation then turned to the immediate task at hand. —So, do I show this to the parishioners?— he asked, referring to the video Terry recorded, prepared to reassure and explain his absence to his congregation.
—Yes,— Terry confirmed, aware of the importance of maintaining calm and faith among his followers. —That will calm them down until I return.—
— Ok — Marcus nodded, ready to take responsibility — I'll go with Darius to play the tape so they can hear your speech. Also, be very careful both of you — he added, his concern evident but tempered by confidence in Terry and Rodrick 's ability to face what awaited them.
—Thank you,— Terry and Rodrick replied in unison, appreciating Marcus' support and solidarity at this critical time. With renewed determination, Marcus left the room, carrying with him the video that would explain Terry's absence to the congregation, leaving the brothers in the midst of their final preparations.
Rodrick then set out to find his backpack, which he would fill not only with tracking equipment, but also with ammunition and weapons, necessary preparations for what could be a dangerous journey. The seriousness of his mission was reflected in each item he selected, each a reminder of the risks they would face in their quest to bring Safiro back.
The room filled with a tense but focused energy as Terry and Rodrick finalized preparations. They knew the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but they were also imbued with an unwavering purpose. United in their determination and supported by their loved ones, they were ready to face whatever came, hoping to reunite their family once again.
With the authority and confidence that naturally emanated from his person, Rodrick addressed his men, his voice firm and clear. —Return to the regiment,— he ordered, his resolve to face the situation alone with his brother unwavering. —We will do this alone.— The men, accustomed to following his orders without question, obeyed immediately, their loyalty unquestioned even in times of uncertainty. Without wasting a second, they transported themselves through the portal Rodrick summoned with his magic, a spectacular display of his power and skill, disappearing in the blink of an eye to their respective destinations.
Once alone, Terry and Rodrick shared a look of mutual understanding, both aware of the magnitude of the task before them and, at the same time, the strength that came from their union.
—We're ready,— Terry said, his voice carrying a hint of determination and a hint of anxiety for what was to come. He looked at Rodrick , seeking in his brother not only confirmation of his words but also the courage to face together the challenges that awaited them.
— Yes — Rodrick replied , his tone resolute, a reflection of his commitment not only to the mission but also to his family. —Let's go then, the car is already prepared.
Together, they made their way to the vehicle that would take them on this crucial journey, a trip that was fraught with danger, but also with the hope of reuniting their family. The car, meticulously prepared to meet any eventuality, waited with the silent promise of taking them across the vast and unknown terrain of Zephyra .
As they drove away, the landscape of Caeloria faded into the horizon, and the adventure that lay before them unfolded with all its uncertainties and possibilities. Terry and Rodrick , bound by blood and an unwavering desire to protect their own, faced the unknown with the determination of those willing to cross any border for love.
The journey to the other side of Zephyra , in search of Sapphire , had begun.