wind hitting me, fire burn me,water drown me,lightning struck me, arrow sword spear stab me, but none of that stops me from ending this world, hell heaven god realms, mortal realm, everything i destroy it, now its just me alone in this world, waste land is all i see in my path nothing more not a single life on my path.
"moon dosent shine... why?"
"ah i destroyed it too while fighting the god of sword... hes strong but cant kill me"
looking up, darkness is all i can see barely any light, was i happy about this? no was i sad about this? no, i hate and love it at the same time. why do i do this.. a curse is bonding me, to destroy everything, my hair turn white after 400 war, my skin is almost pale after defeating the demon god, the only thing left is collection of my sword 72 exactly, 23 dukes of hell 7 king of hell, 10 god , and the rest is below that, my favorite is the black tachi without guard, with black handle and scabbard, it still survive after many fight how strong how durable i think.
"the curse should be gone now"
his face turn to bland
"im alone now great"
[curse has bean gone]
a blue screen is in daroi front, he can touch it he can feel it but he cannot destroy it, strange he think he can destroy everything no matter it was alive or dead but this screen its feel like himself.
[reward : A new quest]
"what quest?"
touching it again,
[transfering user to :xxx01x24:]
"what is this"
everything hasnt change it was pure black looking around he can feel something changed he was not stepping on a ground it was like a barrier, leashing the sword he feel something coming, a ligh apear in front of him a white fire, it has eye
"welcome to the void Sword king daroi"
"who are you.."
the fire grow bigger its transforming to a humanoid form but his head still a fire
"im the creator.. the one who makes fate"
daroi try to cut him but his hand stoped not by the fire but himself, the fire looks at him with pity
"why... why must me?"
daroi laugh a little
"let me live a life wont you?"
the fire looks down, his 400 year of life daroi never stoped fighting, the curse make him do it not him, demon maybe have a curse when they live, but daroi is the worst, everything that make him destroy the world he does it, he wanted to live like a human have a house a family, he killed his own family at a young age.
"im sorry but that world is already corupted.. i need to do it"
daroi look at the fire his face began to be blank looking at the fire, he grab his sword tightly
"one, give me one change to fix this Daroi"
[10 second teleporting too px124!@]
"its my gift for your job, and 1 last task"
the fire slowly gone from the leg
Opening his eyes he can see a light blue sky with many clouds, his laying water on a beach, green lands mountain, sky island he can see it, bird flying a chiken running, therse a life infront of him a light no curse is telling him to destroy it, hes free from the curse.
"am i free now?"
"i should have been right?"
his tachi is beside him floating on the water, he stand up grabing the tachi, fresh sky full of life, sun that shine bright, he smile his red eyes glow.
"i miss this view"
[quest save the world]
"ah.. so this is the gift huh? my power is still here too"
he smile, tapping the blue screen.
[save a child nearby]
a loud scream heard by him, daroi quickly jump to the sky without destroying the beach, scanning the area with his eye, he see a kid whos kidnaped, gone from the sky he quickly start to kill 5 guy who kidnap the kid, the kid close her eye while hearing many guy scream, daroi slowly open the cage,
"are you alright?"
daroi get the kid out of the box, opening her blindfold, and a cloth covering her mouth, the kid looks at daroi red eyes.
"a-are you gonna save me?"
the bright sun is flashing her light she breathes calmer and calmer, daroi start to check the other box to see if there another kid, he find nothing at all.
"um mister"
the girl tone become shy
"can you take me home... im lost"
"uhh.. me too kid"
daroi sigh
"alright therse a way but are you scared of heights"
"not kinda since i love climbing a tree"
daroi start grabing her, the kid grab his arm, daroi jump to the sky scanning, a beutifull view is all daroi and the kid see, jungle village, mountain they can see it clearly.
the kid start to tap on his arm
"there mister thats the village!"
"alright hold tight"
Daroi feels a calm air on all of his body, an warm air a good view its peacefull, landing on the front of the village, the kid jump from his arm, running to the village, the peapole from the village start looking at the kid running to them, her mom hug her tight, all of the peapole cheer, daroi seeing this star have a warmer state, he feel proud saving peapole for the first time, the mother sound can be heard from 10 meter away
"Stella! where have you been"
"i was catching a butterfly outside the village and suddently 5 man kidnap me... but luckly white hair mister save me!"
"god.. stella you are grounded for 1 weeks!"
the mother look at daroi standing looking at them, he wave with a smile, the kid mom bow at him thanking, daroi began to shy because he never heard a word thank you to him before,
"thank you for saving my stupid daughter.. thank him too now stella!"
"ehh i already did it"
the mom looks at stella with rage, stella thanks to daroi
"anyway young man whats your name? i never seen you around here before"
young man? daroi think again he been living for 400 year right now, but lets just play it
"my name is daroi.. im not from here do you know what place is on here"
"my name is mora, yeah totaly im an ex cartographer here i know all place in this continent"
Daroi ask many thing about this world, this continent name is vultas, shared to 3 empire baltigu, snorthold , akkadan right now he is on baltigu therse a small part in the south, named elpin this place surounded by mountain therse not much intersting place from here expect the broken castle a never ending dungeon, saying goodbye to the mora and stella he got a gift a small pack of money and baltigu newest map.
"alright, lets see where we going next... yeah broken castle.."
enjoying the walk he remember the time when he must walk 10.000km to hunt an elf, what a fast elf sadly he died with his 2 legs gone not because of him his own race take his leg thinking that if he died daroi will not kill all of them.
i kill all of them anyway
[finish the never ending dungeon]
"is the system not gonna give me anything at all? am i already too strong already??"
keep walking to the destroyed castle, he can see a wall already, dashing at high speed to the wall, placing his hand he knew this wall was good at his job.
"still strong even after your master leave you... great job"
going inside he can see the remaining of the castle, the tower has already falls down, the building destroyed but the main gate still open for everybody, leashing the tachi daroi goes inside his red eyes glow again, he was no longer in the human world
[finish the dungeon floor 1/???']
this place is kinda big but not so big, headles person with an armor all i can see, longsword aura user.
"lets finish this should we"
sword clash going beetwen them too, backing down both of them began to do a stance
sword king oblitiration hell slash - daroi
light calvalary sky piercer - headless knight
both of them do a same horizontal slash the difrent hell slash making a horizontal slash shooting an aura blade that cuts anything, light calvalry sky piercer shoot a beam of light that pierce anything
"fuck no.."
daroi began to dash to the headless knight reaching a zone to do a second hellish slash the headless knight block and start do left swing continue to a slash from below, daroi blocked it, still can fighting with chill he start to piss off cause of his attack that killed many pepaole didnt kill the headless knigh
"once i met someone like you always durable and block my attack.. sadly for you this feel like a warm up for me"
doing slash that creates a dimensional gate he insert his hand pulling out an long sword, leasing the tachi the sword was brigh red, with long handle daroi can use it for 2 hands.
"sword of hell the first thing i created after i recieve the sword king title"
the headles knight began to confuse even without his head, daroi began to dash and cut the longsword the headless knight have and stab its soul core, finishing up.
"farewell you the first one in this world to die with this sword"
suddently the dungeon restart itself, daroi looks confused, this isnt a magic spell nothing what makes him traped here..
7 hour already passed 24556 headless knigh has been killed, he began to bored and talk to headless knight whos state is on trauma after getting killed many times.
"and thats how i killed the god of life, she indeed a hard time to kill.. hey you listening?"
the headless knight giving him a thumb while sitting beside him, he began to wrote something
"your story is absurd are you from other world?"
"indeed i destroyed everything on my world.. and a thing teleported me here"
the headles knight wrote again something but in faster pace
"you will not destroy this world right?"
"no i will not i destroyed my world because a curse thats makes me do it"
"do you feel sad about all inocent you kill?"
looks at the word the headles knight write, looking up to the dark ceiling.
"no that place is already broken no one is inocent there, every place is a war"
the headles knight drop the stick to write and just silent beetwen them both
"no i feel pity for one person i kill,she was an saint.. she knew im a demom with a worse curse but she still company me, she hates the god that give her power, shes with me for 12 year destroying the world, peapole call her an evil saint, she likes to drunk and kill.. she almost died with me everytime, in the end she was the last person i killed. no i should say the last human i kill"
the headless knight wrote again.
"thats rough buddy"
looking at the headless knight, daroi feels like something began to crack
[dungeon cleared]
the headles knight wrote
"they call this endless dungeon because im the only one who can allow peapole leave this place"
"do i got a reward?"
the armored knight gave daroi a small pouch
"everything you need is there"
"wait you can speak??"
its now the destroted castle again, looking at the sky it was dark at night the moon shine bright, he looks at map again elpin has been cleared for the aspect off things.
"hmm nothing intersting is on elpis now... wait pultar city of guilds.. its outside from elpis but its a good thing i like night view, alriht to go pultar i need to pass the jungle of beast the main reason pulta named city of guilds.
"alright lets see type of shit getting on the forest for a chalange im using 1% of my power"
he use his skill that he create limiter, after defeating the sword god he achive too much power he limit the power to make things fun.
highest limiter he release is 10% normaly its 5%
"alright alright forest of beast here i am"